Welcome to the MYP4 English 9 Class Blog

We will use this blog for Independent Reading journal entries, for Personal Writing, and for occasional responses to the literature we study together and to our class discussions and activities. All of the writing you do on this blog is part of what I call “piano practice”: the ungraded work that improves your skills and produces better results on your assessments.

This is not Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. You need to edit and proofread your writing. You need to use standard English and follow the conventions of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Comments on this blog must be specific, kind, and helpful.

You will learn a tremendous amount by reading each other’s work. Sometimes you will think, “Ah, that’s really good, I could do that, too.” At other times you will think, “Ah yes, I make that same mistake, but I usually don’t notice it in my own writing.” Or you may think, “Wow, my writing is better than I thought.” Together, we can learn faster and make more progress.

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