I have been wanting to go skiing and touch the snow for as long as i can remember, it has always been my dream to make a snowman like in the movies, throw snowballs at my friends but most importantly be an amazing skier, And everyday since the school told us they where doing a skii trip i was so exited, i talked with my friends about how seeing and being on snow was my dream since forever, we made an agreement that we where all going to stick together all day, helping us out and having an amazing day together, when we first got there i wasn’t really that cold because all of the layers of clothes i had on, we arrived and first started to get all our gear and stuff ready, after maybe an hour we got all our stuff ready, my first impression of the ski clothes was horrible, the snow boots where ugly, and really painful to wear, they got us all starting n ready, an instructor got us ready, told us the basics hoe to put on the ski, hot to move, how to stop and how to turn, we started at a little mountain that was meant for kids and people who where just learning like me, because it was a little mountain and i dominate it quickly i thought i was ready to go on a. bigger mountain, the mountains are separated by color, the green being the most easy one, the blue ones follow and then the black ones, the most difficult and steep ones. we went to a green one and thought it was going to be easy but when i started to get it down i rolled, fell and hit my head various times, since that had already happened at my first time at a real mountain i was really scared to tried it again, but we went there for skiing so i had to try to do it again, the friend i was going with got confused and accidentally sent us to a blue mountain, i fell so many times, when we finally got down my friends wanted to keep going but i already wanted to go back and have a break, so i went back by myself, i was so tired, my legs had stoped working, but when i finally got there vi was relived because i finally got to sit down, half an hour passed and lorea and the friends she was skiing with came where i was, they told me they where going skiing only to green mountains and told me i f i wanted to go with them and since they had told me they where only going to green mountains, the “easy” ones i said yes, we got to the first mountain, and not even 5 seconds had passed and i had already fall down i was so embarrased because they where there to have fun skiing not to wait for me start learning how to even just stand, we where at the lift, the view was one of the most beautiful things ever, getting down of the lift the real “problems start to happend”