There are a lot of places I want to go to. I really want to visit Australia because my parents lived there for two years, they said it was so much fun and they loved it. They tell us a lot of stories about it and it sounds so fun. I specifically want to visit Melbourne because that’s were my parents lived. I also want to go to Sydney and penguin island. I want to go to the beach there because it is a good place to surf. I want to visit India, I want to go to the Taj Mahal and ride camels and elephants. I really want to go to Greece it is probably my dream destination I think it is really pretty. I also want to go to Bali. I want to go backpacking through Asia like my parents did, they tell us crazy stories about that too. I want to go to Japan specially, my parents said I would like it. I would like to visit Europe again too. There are a lot more places I want to visit.