I am writing this on boxing day (because i forgot to write this when it was due) and I just don’t understand adults. Like, what is up with them? My parents have been super busy lately and it’s been a challenging couple of weeks for us all with it being the final weeks for my mom to all of her orders done for her job in sales, and my dad being really stressed about the caffe not doing well and not being sure that we can keep it open (we couldn’t). Also we are supposed to be going to Hawaii on New Years Eve, and until December 24th I didn’t have a passport and we had no idea if it would come or not. So everyone has been rushing around doing last minute gift shopping and my dad and I have done 2 days of really hard work clearing out the caffe, and we had my moms sister over and a Christmas party at our neighbors (which we had to make a lot of food for). And now it is finally boxing day where we have a chance to do nothing all day and just relax and read books or watch a movie (we are going to watch a movie with the neighbors in the evening) but NO! Let’s spend the one day we can relax by not relaxing and cleaning the whole house instead. I don’t know what is wrong with them. But anyways I have to go clean out the pantry for 2 hours now, so see you in the New Year!