I don’t like staying home, I like having plans and going out and walking around and being out with people. I have a friend Savana she goes to royal bay and she’s my bsf and every Friday she busses over here and I meet her on the bus and go back to mine. we go everywhere its a nice way to end off the week like last week we went to mine then thrifting and to the dollar store by the hospital, we went all the way back to her house in royal bay to have a movie night. we went back to mine in the morning to meet up with my boyfriend and our bestie marshal and we just hangout at mine for a while. she’s on of those people who u kinda just click with when u meet them and a person you dont have to try to get them to be a good friend or someone who is there just to make things harder on you but wants to be there to be a biggie or wants to do side quests to the other side of town for no reason. she’s very fun to hangout with I love Savana