PW #2 How I got a concussion

It all started on September 22nd in Kamloops bc, it was a sunny day. I woke up early that day because I had a rugby tournament. So I got ready in the hotel room I shared with some of the girls in my team. I skipped breakfast because I didn’t wake up on time. I got on the bus with my team and some of the older girls from the league. We listened to music to get ready, and we finally got there. There were so many tents, there were teams from Edmonton and Toronto, all of the rugby teams in bc were there! It was a massive event. So we got ready at like and started warmup at like, our first game was at 10.30am. It all started pretty decent, we got tries, they got tries, everything was going great. We had the ball, then someone in my team got tackled, so I got into the ruck ( if you don’t know what a ruck is, it’s when you get over the person who got tackled to protect the ball so the other team doesn’t get it ) in rugby when you go into a ruck the other team is allowed to push you off, to get the ball. So when I got into the ruck another girl tried to push me off, instead, she slammed her head against mine. After that game my head started hurting, but it was sunny out so I just thought it was because of that , so I chose to ignore it. Then we had an hour break to eat and stuff. So I lied down and chilled with my friends. Then it was time for warmup again, my head still hurt a lot. We did a drill were I had to hit bags and get through, but every time i hit a bag my headache kept getting worse. It was time for my second game. I had the ball, and I was running, until I got tackled. I remember my head hitting the ground and I also remember her stepping on my head. After that I can only remember standing up confused. Then I remember crying, and then I remembered were I was and who I was with, then everything turned back to normal. Until my eye started twitching really fast, so they took me to the medical tent and asked me some questions, they knew they had to take me to the hospital. My friend’s mom offered to drive me because my friend hurt her wrist. So I got to the hospital, the doctor asked me some question and I saw some friends that also got injured. After I got back from the hospital, I made it in time to watch the last game. And that is how I got my concussion.

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