A Midsummer Night’s Dream was an enjoyable play to read and watch. This play by Shakespeare was easier to follow along than some of his other plays. The language used was more complex than I am used to, but with the context of the scene I was able to understand what the characters would say. Once I recited the poem said by Helena, “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind”, and researched what some of the words meant, it helped me understand what they were saying when they would use the words I researched. I really like how in the end they all got their happy endings. I also liked the fact that it had fairies, because even though you can’t see them, they would do good things, like use love potions on Demetrius and Lysander. Although these love potions made them act in such strange ways, it truly shows what you will do for love. I did feel bad for Hermia when Demetrius was “in love” withe Helena, because the night before they were running away together, they were so happy, and then the next morning he tells Hermia he wants nothing to with her. But luckly puck gave demetrius another love potion and he fell in love with Hermia again. Also, it was very pretty how the fairy world had so much more flowers and hanging beds even though only the fairies could see it. And the Pyramus and Thisbe play was pretty funny, like when they couldn’t remember their lines, or dropped things. It was so silly. In the end, this play is so old, yet can still relate to modern times.