PR to A Midsummer Night’s Dream

After watching the movie of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I would say that it is definitely my favourite text we have worked with so far in English class. I found that it was very interesting and always had something new going on. When we first started the text, I thought that I would struggle a lot because of the Shakespeare but it was actually quite easy to understand. At least it was much better than I had thought. I liked in the movie how they portrayed the strong love triangle between Hermia, Helena and Lysander. I think this was a huge part of the book and it allowed the book to have many twists and turns. For example, at the start Hermia and Helena were best friends and then in the middle of the book they were enemies because Lysander was in love with Helena and then at the end their relationship was salvaged and brought back to peace. There was also Hermia and Lysander’s story which I also quite enjoyed. I thought it was more of a classic love story that we don’t see too often anymore. Then, towards the middle of the story, I like how the fairies became a huge part of the story. If you think about the story as a whole, the fairies were really the centre of the story and the main catalyst because they were the ones who changed Lysander and Demetrius. If the fairies weren’t in the story I feel it would have been much more boring and uninteresting because they were the main reason all the drama started in the movie. Lastly, I liked how Shakespeare had many subtle laughable jokes and made some of the scenes funny how people would mix up words and say a joke but not make a bug deal about it. Overall, I really enjoyed this text and I hope we can read more similar to this. Even though it is older, it can still please a young audience which is hard to do.

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