Watching A Midsummer Night’s Dream was fun and interesting. I think the movie made the story come alive in my mind, and it was way easier for me to understand it, especially with all the magic and mix up between Helena, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Titania.
The play had a lot of funny moments, like when the love potion messes everything up and people end up falling in love with totally different people then intended. Some parts of the movie made me laugh, especially with how confused the characters were about their love interest. Some of the scenes were really overdone, but that made them more enjoyable to watch, like when bottom ends up with a donkey’s head. It’s one of those weird things you wouldn’t expect but it adds to the story.
One thing that stood out to me in the movie was how everything seemed very fantasy like, with the fairies and the magic. It made me think about how fun it would be to live in a place like that. Although I didn’t really like was how they spoke, I understood that during that timeline that’s how they spoke, but I feel like I would have been able to understand the play more if they were talking how people talk today.
I am excited to do the play soon. I think performing it will be a bit of a challenge, but it’ll also be fun. There are so many different characters with different personalities, so I’m curious to see how we will present them. I already know that it will be funny because of how the class was casted, but I think it also be tricky to get the proper emotions.
Overall, I did really enjoy the play, and I would watch the movie again, considering it has some actors that I like. I would rate the play a solid 9.5 out of 10.