My personal opinion on Master and Man

Master and Man was an interesting book and I enjoyed it. The book had a very interesting story line that was easy to follow. The characters were described well enough that as a reader I could understand the point they were trying to make. I liked that the author did not rush to finish the book but rather took his time and painted a word picture of what was going on in the moment. It made me feel like I was there witnessing it. I liked that the story had a good build up and explanation of why Nikita behaved a certain way and why Andreevich did the things he did. I liked the internal monologue Andreevich had that told us he was going in circles literally and emotionally. I liked the ending to the story because I did not think that is how it would have ended. I was surprised that after all the greediness and selfishness Andreevich showed, in the end he turned out to be a really great human being. He didn’t hesitate to sacrifice himself so Nikita could have a longer life, or so he had hoped. I liked that Nikita apologized to his son for his wrong doing, it showed great courage on his part. He understood that his drinking had led him down a dark path, and he loved his son more than he loved the drink.


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