This book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It was written by J.K Rowling. In this part of the book Harry Potter and his friends Ron, Hermione and Xenophilius are trying to find out what the Deathly Hallows is after doing research in the library they find a story on the Deathly Hallows.

“That very night, another wizard crept upon the oldest brother as
he lay, wine-sodden, upon his bed. The thief took the wand and, for good measure, slit the oldest brother’s throat. “And so Death took the first brother for his own (p.333).

I chose this quotation because I found it interesting how Rowling makes the brothers get what they have wanted even though they were not good people. And later they face their consequences. For the oldest brother he got the elder wand which was the most powerful wand and even though he was the most powerful it put a target on his back. This was the oldest brothers consequence.

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