Christmas carol

The Christmas carol by Charles Dickinson was In my opinion the Christmas carol is a good book but started off slow, hard to read and made me tired reading it but the parts it picked up and was getting interesting I did like reading it. I liked the way that Scrooge was seen as a grumpy man who couldn’t show happiness or remorse for anyone going through anything and not having a care in the world about anyone or anything ever. I espesally liked the way Charles Dickson portrays Christmas and the three ghosts as people and kids who weren’t there to hurt him but to guid him. I liked Christmas past and Christmas future and what they showed Scrooge and showing how no one cares about death in till you realize it’s right around the corner. I like the way he portrayed the ghosts and the lessons they teaching him especially at the end of the story teaching him to be grateful in the moment instead of taking advantage of the people around him and the people who where asking for his help, anyone who wanted to help, him and his neglect for the ones who love him. Me personally I like the amount of detail in the story and the little things like him responding to Jacob Marleys name even if he was dead or they way the ghosts where all like hallucinations where he would go on these long adventures through time and all these places to be left back at home in bed like nothing was or is happening to him. The Christmas carol was a slow moving book that felt like it was going no wear but had big meaning behind it that we all don’t have very much time to why waste it being rude and grumpy when you can enjoy the little things in life

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