My personal response to a Midsummer Night’s Dream because Suzy wouldn’t let me make it her personal response and neither would Maya so it has to be My Personal Response, but I really feel like I would have done it better if it was my Not so personal Response, but anyways…

I have a couple of different opinions on this one. I actually really liked the play, and thought that it was hilarious, especially Pyramus. But when we watched some of the other versions, I didn’t find them as funny or entertaining. My favourite part of the play was at the end when they performed Pyramus and Thisbe. My favorite character in the play was the man in the moon, because I thought he was funny and creative when he forgot his lines and just went back up and announced that, that was all that he had to say. However, it was also funny when Pyramus said that the lion deflowered Thisbe, I didn’t understand the joke at first, and thought that it was just a mispronunciation, but after I learned the meaning of the word, when we rewatched it, the joke was much more funny. I also enjoyed the several puns about Bottom making an ass of himself, and find it funny that his name is Bottom and that he became an ass. Also I wonder what was going through the fairies heads when Titania was going on about how amazing Bottom is, like I would just leave at that point thinking that all hope for the world was lost. I also found it funny that Helena was so offended by the fact that Lysander and Demitrius liked her, I understand that she thought they were just being mean and trying to say that no one loved her, but it was still funny! Also who thinks, hey to solve all of our problems let’s go run off into the forest that is clearly not very far away if the men were hunting there or if the other two were able to follow them so easily, like why would you do that? It just makes no snese.