PW#4 What I Would do If I Was Stuck In The Desert

If I was someday stuck In the desert, I would probably try walking for as long as I possibly could before dark, and then I would dig as much of a hole as possible with my hands, given that I am mostly certain I wouldn’t be stuck in the desert with a shovel. After that, I would go in the hole that I have made, bury myself in the sand for as much warmth as sand can give you. Then I would try to sleep through the whole night without freezing to death or having some deadly snake or animal bite-me or even kill me-while I’m asleep. If morning came around and if I was still in one piece, I would try to find some dead bushes, sticks, or rocks to start a fire to single, hopefully, some plane or aircraft flying above my head to notice that I’m stranded. Hopefully, the person that notices me will be nice enough to save me and not just leave me to die. After that, I would try to find some sort of food that, hopefully once again won’t kill me. I would also try to find a big rock to use as a gravestone to put at my head in case I feel like I am starting to die, I would write my name on it with the blood of a nearby animal so that if, someone would discover my dead body, they would at least know who it was. Nevertheless, of course, this whole scenario of ever getting stuck in the dessert is hypothetical-hopefully, but again, this could happen to anyone; you never know.

PW#4 Prince Cucumber

After the tragic death of his father King Pickle, Prince Cucumber was unsure what to do. He had not yet been pickled and there was no time to waste, with the dragons being the only creatures left in the kingdom besides his loyal cucumbers, everyone was in danger. The process of being pickled happens when the cucumber next in line for the throne is pickled and becomes king. The dragons had wreaked havoc on his kingdom and were terrifying the creatures. The only thing he could think to do at this time was to call upon his neighboring, and much more technologically advanced kingdom, the kingdom of kabbage, pronounced KUH-BAH-JE. Which was ruled by his mortal enemy King Aubergine. King Aubergine was always starting conflicts which thankfully up until now Prince Cucumbers kingdom had been safe from because of the dragons that had been protecting them. Once he explained the situation to his fellow king, the kingdom of Kabbage flew in a large glass dome to protect against the flying dragons. The solution worked well enough for a while, until people started to worry about oxygen. But the kingdom didn’t even come close to running out of oxygen before they were struck by a bigger problem. The dragons were now flaming their dome, and the glass was trapping all of the heat inside and making it unbearably hot! So he called upon his friend, King Pomme De Tato, who had his army lift the dome immediately to save the creatures, and decided to do the only fair thing which was to train the dragons and use them. But that didn’t work and many creatures died so they gave up and shot them down, and ate them for dinner along with a nice salad.

PW#4 Places I have been to

I actually have not been to a lot of places but I wish I could go to more places because I would love to travel to a lot of places. Some places I have already been to are places on México because I live there so like Cancun, CDMX, Guadalajara, Chapala, Vallarta, Tapalpa, and more. I also have gone to places in Canada like, Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler but I would love to see more places in Canada. The places I have gone in USA are like, Orlando, Florida, Hollywood, Seattle and more places but I would love to go to more places like New York, Paris, Italy, Madrid, Brazil, etc. Also I would like to do travel all Europe with my family, I actually wanted to do that for my 15 birthday but I didn’t do it instead I am going to go on a cruce ship with all my family, its a surprise so I don’t know the places I am going to but I wish they are places that I have not gone to. There are so more places I would like to go because I want to travel around the world, I want to visit places that are new to me and I want to see all the different culture people have. If I have the opportunity I will do those trips because is something that not many people do so having does experiences are really amazing.

PW#2: How Horse Riding Won My Heart

Horses are wonderful animals, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot from them over the last 7 years, now I am 14 years old, and I have been riding since I was 7 years old. I love  horses, horse riding is my favorite sport, I dedicate myself in showjumping, the highest I  have jumped is 1.20 meters, I train at the army riding school at Bogota, it is a very nice school with many jumping slopes. Horse riding won my heart since the day I started riding, being around horses makes me happy, when I ride my horse I forget about everything and it is the cure of everything, I have a unique connection with my horse, her name is Brissa, she is a black beautiful mare, I love spending time with her, she loves award treats specially apples and carrot, she is a very calm mare that won my heart since the first day I met her, I have learned a lot from her, learning new thing by her side makes me really happy. Horse riding is the sport I want to dedicate myself to all my life, I think is a very beautiful sport when is done correctly since it demonstrates the great level of love and connection with such beautiful animals.

PW#4 Places I want to go to

There are a lot of places I want to go to. I really want to visit Australia because my parents lived there for two years, they said it was so much fun and they loved it. They tell us a lot of stories about it and it sounds so fun. I specifically want to visit Melbourne because that’s were my parents lived. I also want to go to Sydney and penguin island. I want to go to the beach there because it is a good place to surf. I want to visit India, I want to go to the Taj Mahal and ride camels and elephants. I really want to go to Greece it is probably my dream destination I think it is really pretty. I also want to go to Bali. I want to go backpacking through Asia like my parents did, they tell us crazy stories about that too. I want to go to Japan specially, my parents said I would like it. I would like to visit Europe again too. There are a lot more places I want to visit.

Pw#1 Places that I want to visit

Some of the places that I want to visit are Italy, France, and London. I am interested in visiting Italy because of their style of clothing and architecture. Another thing that I want to eat in Italy are the pastas and also the gelato. I would like to visit France because of some monumental places like the Eiffel Tower, the museums, and also to see some art. The other thing I would like to do is see the profiles of the fashion brands. What I want to do in France is eat the croissants and hot chocolate. I want to visit London because of the stores, some monuments, and some other things.

Pw#4 : The golf course

Last weekend I went to play golf to Olympic View with Mia Mishell, Sofi, and Eva. First we wait for Mia and Eva because they were not ready to go. We wait for them like 1 hour. Next we go to the stop, and we cannot take the bus because it has already left. The next stop is going to arrive like in an hour, so we decide to take an Uber. We wait for the Uber like have an hour, and when the Uber finally arrives, the surprise is that it was all dirty with Cheetos in the floor with a nasty smell. When we were like 100 meters away from arriving, the Uber told us that he was going to charge us more money, so we tell him to stop and leave us in an hour so we decide to take an Uber we wait the Uber like have an hour and when the Uber finely arrive the surprise was that It was all dirty with Cheetos in the floor with a nasty smell, When we were like a 100m to arriving the Uber tell us that he was going to charge us more money so we tell him to stop and leave us in. the road, then we walk like 15m to get to the golf course, so we enter the golf shop to make the reservation, and they give us the reservation for the golf course at 2:18pm, and it was 1:20, so we went to eat at the club restaurant. I ordered pasta and a crème Brulé, and when we finished, we went to play some holes. In the first one I didn’t hit the ball correctly, so I tried another time, and the second one was better; the second one I hit the ball perfectly. We played 4 holes because we needed to come back before 6 p.m. because at that hour was our curfew to stay in the street, so we waited for the Uber to come. This one took like 15 minutes to arrive at the course and get us to the school.

PW#1: Why I Want To Be a Doctor

I still remember and my parents always remember me that since I was a little kid my biggest dream when I a grew up, was to be a doctor, throughout my life I have always admired the entire area of science, specially biology. I feel that is one of my biggest qualities, one of the things I like the most and I am good at doing them. And thats why I feel I why I feel I will be a great doctor, and just not in knowledge because I admire doctors every day because they put a lot of effort and study into their career and how they put our lives before theirs. I have the intentions to help people through my knowledge and be willing to do everything in my power to help someone else life and give happiness and hope to people. I would like to specialize in cardiology or neurosurgery, I know that is a difficult career and is not for everyone, but I want to put all the possible effort to one day be the doctor I have always dreamed to be, and with all my effort and my knowledge, make a difference in the world and make a good impact


My cinnamon roll recepie – PW#4

PW#4 My cinnamon roll recipe

There’s something about the smell of cinnamon rolls that makes me feel the Christmas spirit which is why they are one of my favorite seasonal desserts. although you can make them many times in the year I believe there is nothing better than enjoying a warm cinnamon roll on a snowy day, My favourite recipe has been one that I have used since I was little and it has become a tradition of mine to make these each year.

I start by mixing 1 cup of warm milk with an instant yeast packet and 1/2 cup of sugar. As the yeast begins to bloom, I add two large eggs and then a third cup of softened butter. once together I mix them all together and slowly incorporate 4 cups of flour. once the ingredients are done mixing you should be left with a thick soft dough that will not stick to your hands, I then leave the dough to rest for a few minutes and knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic this will help with the rising process, once kneaded I place my dough into a bowl and cover it with a kitchen cloth to rise for 1 to 2 hours so it will double in size this is a crucial step in order to make the dough fluffy and ready to be placed in the oven. once I see that the dough has risen to the top of the bowl I roll it out on a floured surface until flat and this is when my favourite step comes, preparing the warm cinnamon sugar for the filling.
For my filling, I melt half a cup of butter and stir in 1 cup of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon this is one of my favourite steps as I remember myself making this recipe with my cousins when I was younger and stealing tastes of the spread when as I would mix. I always get brought back to these moments in my childhood kitchen because the smell of the brown sugar butter cinnamon mixture is so fragrant it fills the air and is the same exact smell that would fill the room as I would make this recipe years before. once done I carefully spread the filling onto the now flattened dough and roll it inwards, once done I carefully slice the dough into circles and place it on a pan layered with parchment paper. once placed in the oven I set the heat to 375°F and this is where the most difficult time begins as you have to wait for the cinnamon rolls to bake. As I look into the oven I remember me along with my cousins lined up in front of the oven door watching as the dough turns into a beautiful golden colour which is exactly when you know to take them out! once out of the oven, I bring out my cream cheese frosting which is optional as the cinnamon rolls taste good either way. as I said before I love to pair these rolls with a cup of milk and a snowy scenery but my favorite definitely has to be surrounded by my kitchen table in Mexico during Christmas time along with my family years ago.

PW #4 – King Pickle

Once upon a time, there was a pickle. The pickle was the king of all the land. He was brave, fearless, and salty. He lived in a castle that was maintained by fairies. In his realm, there were fairies, orcs, unicorns, the king pickle, and dragons. However, it was always chaotic because the unicorns and fairies were always being chased by the orcs who wanted to eat them. But the orcs were also always being chased by the dragons. one day as King Pickle looked down from his castle he came up with a great idea. He would separate all of the creatures by their species. He would have the unicorns live around the castles with his fairies taking care of them both protected by the brick walls. At the next layer there where the orc always causing mischief. In the last layer were the dragons. Nobody disagreed with the kings’ proposal because it meant that they would not have to live in the shadow of the predators. However, this meant that he could not go out himself. For if he did the unicorns would eat him in a heartbeat. But it worked and everything was at peace.

– 7 years later –

As King Pickle was on his deathbed and his son was yet to be crowned a terrible thing happened. The dragons chose to attack at his one moment of weakness. This drove the orcs crazy and they crashed the brick wall to escape. However, seeing the unicorns un able to run put them in a frenzy. They where blinded and even forgot about the dragon. The dragons set fire to the grass which caught the castle on fire in an instant. King pickle was helpless. All he could do was watch as his peaceful times went up in flames. But soon he couldn’t even do that.

PW#4 basketball game

It was a Tuesday and we were facing agents champions black the team that we played in our last tournament. The game was at SJ Willis at  8:00pm. once I got there I stretched and changed for the game. Then the game started and it was pretty close both of our teams didn’t go down by many points and the champions team had two very good players there was a kid with the number 13 and he was very good he made like have of the points for his team. There was also a short kid I forgot his number but he made a lot of threes. The game continued and when the first half ended it was tied I forgot the score but I know that it was tied. Then the second half started and It was still tied for the rest of the game and then with like 4 minutes left in the game the champions scored 4 points witch gave them a lead of 42 to 38. Then we had one of players core a very good basket and it was a 2 point game with 1 minute left. Then we had one of our players go in for a layup and he got fouled but missed the shot so he had two shots to tie the game and he made both of them. there was still one minute left so we didn’t have time to celebrate and we gave our hardest defense and we were able to stop the champions from scoring but they also did not let us score to. So the game ended with a draw with a final score of 42 to 42. That was my game agents champions last week.

PW# 4 – Why I like Friday’s

Fridays are probably one of my favorite days of the week, from it being the last day of school to the motivative feeling I get when I wake up in the morning. Its weird only on Fridays I fell super motivated to do my work. Around 99% of the time after school on Fridays I meet up with my cousin Kiyanah in the lobby, then we walk to Pilgrims Coffee. I always get a unsweetened matcha and she gets a chai latte. After that we walk to the cemetery and pass through a little short cut to the top of a hill. I enjoy talking with her, we talk about everything. We end up around the shell gas station, and keep walking up until we reach my grandmas house. When we get there my grandmas dog is aways really exited to see us. We usually try to do homework until 7:00, but almost every time get distracted by laughing or doing tik tok dances. When the rest of my family shows up for ” Family dinner” which we do every Friday! I get to see my family and eat my grandparent food!! This is why I like Friday.

PW #4

I don’t like staying home, I like having plans and going out and walking around and being out with people. I have a friend Savana she goes to royal bay and she’s my bsf and every Friday she busses over here and I meet her on the bus and go back to mine. we go everywhere its a nice way to end off the week like last week we went to mine then thrifting and to the dollar store by the hospital, we went all the way back to her house in royal bay to have a movie night. we went back to mine in the morning to meet up with my boyfriend and our bestie marshal and we just hangout at mine for a while. she’s on of those people who u kinda just click with when u meet them and a person you dont have to try to get them to be a good friend or someone who is there just to make things harder on you but wants to be there to be a biggie or wants to do side quests to the other side of town for no reason. she’s very fun to hangout with I love Savana

PW#4 = Bruno Mars; The Day I Went to his Concert, Why Is He My Favorite Artist &; His Impactful Meaning On Me

Throughout my life, I´ve been to a few concerts like Guns n´ Roses, U2, etc. But my favorite of all time was Bruno Mars. It was the best night of my life, I have lots of words to describe it like; amazing, well-organized, incredible, out of this world, extremely well-performed, etc. I went to that concert with a friend in Mexico named Sofía. I remember that say as if it was yesterday, I woke up so excited, Sofía arrived to my house and we got ready together, we had matching clothes inspired on Bruno Mars´ 24K Magic video, my dad took us to the stadium where the concert was going to take place, while being there, I could feel the adrenaline in me before the show started, when seeing everything we got crazy, we bought matching hoodies and matching sweatshirts. The concert started a little late, it was supposed to start at 20:00 but it started at 20:32, I remember that because I started to make bets with Sof to see at what time the concert would start, I said 20:27 and she said 20:32 and she was right!! She is a witch!! When it started I just shouted and sang the entire night. I LOVED IT!! I need to mention that since I was young, I have been a huge fan of Bruno Mars. All of his songs are so heart touching. I cannot decide which one is my favorite so I am going to give my top 5: Grenade, Locked Out of Heaven, When I Was Your Man, Perm and Count On Me. Each of the songs have a very special meaning to me, an example could be Count On Me; before leaving Mexico, my friends made a surprise party to me to say goodbye one last time and made a video that included millions of photos and videos of us together with that song, it made me cry but still reassured me that I can always count on them.

PW#4- The 50s-70s

I have always loved the 50s-70s, specifically the late 50s. My sister always loved them, so naturally, I started to like them, too. The music and fashion style are my absolute favourites. I love the vintage charm and classic elegance. The 50s radiate a blend of glamour and simplicity. Of course, the 50s weren’t anywhere near perfect, but I still find this decade endearing with the polka dot dresses, beautiful hairstyles, and red lipstick. One of my favourite movies is based in the late 50s-60s! “Priscilla” is about Priscilla Presley, Elvis Presley’s ex-wife. Not to mention, this movie is written by my favourite director, Sofia Coppola. I also love Elvis’s music, especially since my grandma and I would always watch “Blue Hawaii” together when I was younger, so his music gives me some nostalgia, of course, to an extent since he died long before I was born. For me, the 50s sound more magical and alive. Phones didn’t exist, which would probably solve most of my problems. Another thing is Audrey Hepburn. I love all of her work, and she inspires me so much. I loved her in “Roman Holiday” and the iconic “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”.

PW #4 – When I went to The Scarlet Tour

In November of 2023, I went to Doja Cat’s Scarlet tour.

A month before the tour started I told my parents I really wanted to go, but it wasn’t a big priority for me because I had school. One Wednesday morning my dad casually told me he bought tickets for me, him, and my mom 2 days prior to the concert and I was so happy!

We flew to Vegas on Thursday night, and got there at 11pm. The next day was the concert, we mainly spent the day shopping and walking on The Strip before it was time for the concert. We took an Uber back to our hotel, got dressed, and walked to the T-Mobile Arena which was across from our hotel. By the time we got there the merch booth had just opened so we bought merch we wanted. We lined up to get our seats, and we waited until it started.

The concert was so fun, the energy was so hype, everybody was jumping and knew the lyrics to the songs. I was screaming every song and by the time the concert was over my voice was gone. To this day I am so grateful to have gone because it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life.

“Our Town” Personal Response

In my opinion I didn’t enjoyed this play a lot because at first it was a bit weird  when they acted without things like for example when they were eating there was no plate of food it was imaginary another thing is that the narrator could talk to the actors but also narrate  the story and also be a character at the same time. Also the narrator reminded us continually that the play was not real . In a part were I got really confuse was when the dead people in the story were sitting on chair and were talking to each other at first I didn’t get it but the I understood what was happening . It is not the kind of story or play I would watched and read personally I preferred something more interesting in some parts I got really bored the part I think it was the most interesting and sad was when suddenly they told us that Emily had died when she was giving birth I think and that she wanted to go back to the past so she  went back to her 12 birthday but then she regretted it and started crying and she wanted to go back.

PW #4 – What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

When I grow up I want to be something in the legal system or the medial field. I wanted to be in the medical field but now I think that the medical field might not be good for me. I really want to have my own business, and since I want to be in the legal profession I could own my own law firm. I think I would like to do intellectual property and copyrights, with the copyrights I would like to specialize in science and medical sides of it. Because I am interested in the medical field, if I do the medical and science based copyrights this will point towards both my career interests. I would like to get my bachelors degree in biomedical sciences and/or biochemistry, and my masters degree in business and/or science field.  if I own my own firm I would like to have people who work there that specialize in the other sides of intellectual property. As well as being an IP lawyer, I would like to travel as much as I can, even traveling for work conferences to cool places.

PW #4 – How I Got Hit by a Car – Pt.3

I don’t remember anything about being in an ambulance or getting transported to the hospital, but I know I was awake, because the doctors told my mom I was awake the whole time, so I must not be able to remember because of the concussion. This is not very good because that means that someday, the memories will all come flooding back, and I will be forced to remember every thought and feeling that went through my head when I got hit, when I was laying on the ground in the forest, and when i was getting transported and put into a bed in the hospital. Anyway, the next thing I remember is waking up in a crowded hospital room, I think it was the trauma bay, with my dad’s, brother’s, and sister’s face looking at me. My brother and sister give me three words to remember, to help with memory. I can’t remember what they are its been a while, but I know one of them was dinosaur. I think I remember being talked to by one of the trauma doctors, but I don’t know what he was saying. I then got transported into a different room to wait for a different doctor. The doctor came, I can’t exactly remember what we talked about, and then I got transported into a ward.

Pw #4

This week all I did was clean I also had a soccer game where we won 2-0 I’m also writing this during a power outage. On Friday I went to the movie theater with a friend and watched Venom, it was pretty fun and we sat in the back of the theater, he got us popcorn and got us the ticket we played air hockey and he walked me to my car and I gave him a pat on the back saying he’s an excellent friend, I went back home and had 3 new messages from him saying that he had an entertaining evening and that we should do it again sometime and I agreed, before we went to the theater we bought matching pj’s and sushi, we also bought boba and had it on the way there. that was my week and we might hang out this Saturday. 

My personal response to Our Town by Thorton Wilder

I found that Our Town was an okay book/play but it wasn’t as good as the novela Master and Man but it was better than the story of Joseph. Also after watching the play I had lots of different thoughts about but I must say that I thought it was kind of weird how there were the talking ghosts at the end. I can definitely say that there was a plot twist when Emily ends up dying like that was so surprising to me. It was kind of weird that in the third act Emily evoked on a reflection in life. I enjoyed how the play our town was more of an easier read compared to Master and Man or the Joseph story. In the end when emily goes back to relive a memory it kind of made me think about life more specifically the play kind of was encouraging that we should be present and mindful of our lives because most of us just take it for granted. This book/play is definitely something that I haven’t read before but I thought that it was pretty interesting to read this play/book. Although I don’t think that i would reread this book/play its that type of thing that you read once and then forget about it.

Personal Writing #3 That time that I think my family might have been just a little crazy…

So, we were in Hawaii staying with my stepmoms parents, and we had agreed to go out to lunch together. Her parents are older so they stayed home in the morning while my Dad and my stepmom and I went out to walk around the little shopping center. I think we agreed to meet at the restaurant at around 12:00 because that seems like a normal time to have lunch, and it gave us time to walk around the center and my grandparents time to relax. So, we get there at 12:00 and we don’t see her parents anywhere, and we decide that they will be there in just a minute, but after about 20 minutes had gone by we thought that they must have thought we were meeting at 12:30. We were all getting pretty hungry by 12:30 so, we decided to order food and wait for them to arrive. The food came to the table around 1:00 and we thought it was super weird that her parents hadn’t shown up yet, but just as I turned around to see the food coming I saw that her parents were literally sitting at the table right behind us. I was like, “Look, it’s them!” My parents turned around and said hi, but we were all so confused and asked why they were so late, but they said that they had gotten there just after 12:00. And this is the part that makes me think my family is a little crazy, for whatever reason, during the hour long time period when both groups thought the other wasn’t coming, no one had thought to give the others a call or even send a text. Also we were seated outside, and her parents were clearly visible. It’s not like it was loud and we were in a crowded booth or anything, they were literally right there. We were right in front of them and they hadn’t even realized, and we also hadn’t seen or heard them right there. IDK what to do with my family at this point…

PW#2 What the heck is up with my birthday?

OK. I need to start off with saying that you should not ever hang out with me on my birthday. For YEARS my birthday has caused bad luck, and I partly blame it on my dad who started it the day I was born. According to him they were in Whole Foods when my mom went into labor and he asked her if he could grab a burrito before they left for the hospital, because of course he did. So they get to the hospital and there is unlucky event #1 LIKE LITERALLY THE DAY I WAS BORN. My dad got a parking ticket and I also ruined my cousins third birthday because they had decided to go away thinking that the chances of me being born on his birthday were very slim, so naturally I was born on his birthday and they rushed back to see me. I blame this on my dad because he would have had time to park properly if he hadn’t stopped for that burrito I don’t blame the cousin part on my dad, but my cousin 14 years later has still never let me forget that it was his birthday first. Unfortunately that was not the worst of events to occur on my birthday. On I believe my 11th birthday I was outside at my friends cabin playing with her on the lawn, we were throwing a large blue ball back and forth. I had no shoes on because we were on grass, but my friend did so she said that she would go and get the ball if it went into the forest, even if it was on my side. So when the ball rolled into the forest on my side she ran to get it and tripped over the sprinkler breaking her ankle. LITERALLY ON MY BDAY! A year or two before that we were up at the cabin and my friends brother Theo had some weird reaction to something (we still don’t know what.) and his eye was big and puffy and it just kept getting worse throughout the day. AGAIN LITERALLY ON MY BDAY. One year we were wake surfing behind my friends boat and my dad fell off his board, but his arm got caught in the rope and cause a really painful rope burn. On my 7th birthday my dad went out biking and sprained his ankle, which was like 10 days before he was supposed to get married. And literally just this last year we were out on my friends boat and out of nowhere my friends dad got stung by a wasp which caused a big reaction, and his foot was swollen to the size a a balloon. I am not kidding LITERALLY ALL OF THESE EVENTS HAPPENED ON MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY! So put it in your calendars everyone, August 8th stay away from Lyla day. You have been warned.


After the end of my regular seasons which are normally from September to June. After the regular season I play spring hockey and I tried out for a team called the Cowichan Capitals. It is a team that is connected to the BCHL. One of the coolest parts about our team was we had a team bus which I had never traveled before with my team on a bus. There were three goalies and four showcases. I only got to play two showcases because I was playing on another team. In the first showcase we got to go to Kelowna. One of the games I played I had a shutout. A shutout is when I have zero goals against. In the second showcase there were 4 games and I played two. The first game I played we lost four to three. The next game was really close but we won. The last showcase was playoffs. Although I was not playing I still went to watch because it was in Vancouver. I was on the bench opening and closing the gate for all the games. We had made it to the final and I was super exited. The team we played was undefeated the entire season. The game was really intense. It was tied three to three at the end of the game so it had to go to overtime. It was just thirty seconds in and one of the kids on my team skates the puck into the zone and he shoots it and it went right past the goalies glove and in. I was so happy because it was the first time I had come first in playoffs. We got a hat that was super cool.

PW#3: Volleyball is my favorite sport

Since I was a little girl, I´ve always hated sports. There was nothing that could change my mind. That was because I felt like I was not good at it but my grandfather, he always told me that: “Everyone is good at a certain sport, you just need to find yours.” Since then, I started to try everything, football, basketball, baseball, swimming, dancing, soccer, running, etc. On many of them I wasn´t that bad but I just didn´t feel like I could practice that sport because I found it boring or felt like it wasn´t for me. One day, I sat down with my family who were watching a volleyball match, and I swear that I have never been so intrigued and focused watching something about sports. I started to research about it, watch all the games I could, I went to practices and after a lot of effort, I was chosen for being one of Mexico´s national teams libero, that was one of the  best days of my life. After a year playing on that team, I got out, it was a very hard decision but I either stayed there and continued playing or left and came here to Canada.

P.D= This will be continued.

PW#3 – How I Got Hit by a Car – Pt.2

What happened after that is hard to remember, because of my concussion. Obviously, the next thing that happened was I went to the hospital, but, after a couple hours, when I fully regained consciousness, I remembered something. I remembered laying on the ground, eyes closed, and I was crying. I remember sirens, and so many voices talking at the same time. I couldn’t stop crying, and I remember feeling like everything was bleeding, but not feeling anything at all at the same time. Someone, I’m assuming either a cop or a paramedic, was talking to me. He asked me what my name was, I think, and I said Adrien Mills. I distinctly remember him asking what my moms phone number was, and surprisingly, I remembered and told him. I could barely speak, because my jaw was broken. I didn’t know that at the time, I thought I was dreaming or something. I heard a lot of voices in the background, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. I think someone was saying it was gonna be ok, and someone else was on the phone. The last thing I remember was laying terrified, unable to move, saying “What happened? What’s going on? What’s wrong with me?” Then I can’t remember anything after that.

PW#3 – things that are special to me.

There are not many things that are special to me, but the things that are, i could never let go. My family is the first thing that I would never give up for anything. I have 2 brothers and a sister. Being the older kid, looking after younger ones gives a sense of purpose and makes a person more independent. And having an older person gives a sense of direction and person to look up to. The second thing is music. I honestly wouldn’t know what to do if i didn’t have music, i would be a completely different person. I love making music too, it is just so interesting, and it is one of the only things i would actually give 100 percent when i am doing it. Another thing is probably sports, especially football. I love the feeling of having the ball at my feet, it makes me feel free to do whatever i want and having so many of my favourite people doing it too, it helps with socialization. The last thing is travelling. I am a proud Nigerian, but i am also proud to be studying oversees. None of it would have been possible if my mom and dad didn’t work hard to get where they are today.

PW #3 – My Favourite Season

My favourite season of the year I summer. I love summer because because the weather is hot so I can be in shorts all the time, I can go to the golf course everyday and there is nothing I need to stress about. Summer is a time where I don’t need to worry about doing my homework or when I have another test. In the summer I also often get to travel everywhere around British Columbia for tournaments. It is something I look forward to the whole year. I love going on the ferry and getting to the hotel and exploring a new golf course. I also get to see my friends there sometimes. Often some of my friends are at the same tournament so we also get to spend time with them away from Victoria. Another thing I love about summer is being able to spend time with my friends. We can hangout all the time and get to see each other outside of school and do fun things together. We can go to the lake or go to a water park and more things that we wouldn’t be able to do in the winter. Finally, the last reason why I love summer is because the days are longer. I can be outside till 9pm and it still be perfectly light.

PW #3 – Places I want to travel

I have been to many hotels in Canada, and have been many times to Cuba. However those are the only two places I have ever been to. When I am older, I would love to travel, I do love to travel, but as of right now I cannot go to every place I want to go. A place I really want to go and explore is Europe. Specifically Spain, Greece, and Monaco. Those are my top three countries. I have seen so many beautiful pictures and I have heard so many beautiful things about certain parts in these countries. I really hope to go when I am older either with friends or family to share that beautiful experience.