PW#6- Dream vacation

It’s hard for me to say exactly where my dream vacation would be. I want to travel almost everywhere. However, It is an enormous dream of mine to visit Monaco and France. I love Formula One, so getting the opportunity to watch an F1 race in Monaco would be my biggest dream. Witnessing the thrill of watching 20 cars zoom around a track is such a big dream of mine. I have loved France since I was little, so visiting Paris or Nice would be like a childhood dream. They are both so beautiful and have fascinating culture that I love to learn about. I love how Monaco is very luxurious and peaceful. Nice is another place I want to visit; It offers a blend of history, culture and stunning natural beauty. It has a charming old town with narrow streets and vibrant colours. Of course, the places I have listed are expensive, so that is why they will probably stay a dream until I am much older, but I still love to think about it.

PW #6 Time to Bake!

Baking has always intrigued me, and now it is one of my favorite hobbies. Its so fun turning simple ingredients; like flour, sugar, and eggs into scrumptious treats. The prosses can be a little stressful but seeing the final result gives me a good felling of accomplishment. Baking has a mix of creativity and accuracy, you need to follow the recipes and measure ingredients properly, but there is also room to experiment with flavors and decorations.

Baking is a way for me to express myself, and I enjoy trying new recipes or perfecting old ones. The best part is sharing my baked goods with family and  seeing their reactions. It’s rewarding to know something I made can taste good, considering I’m not a perfectional baker.

As of this year, I’ve learned to bake so many treats. I can make: chocolate chip  cookies, brownies, muffins, cupcakes, cake, bread, loafs, and I would love to try making a pie next!

Each time I bake, I become so much more confident inn my skills, and I’m exited to continue learning and experimenting in the kitchen. Baking has become a fun way to explore new recipes, be creative, and grow as a baker.


The Alchemyst The secrets of The Immortal                            Author Michael Scott

This book is series of six other ones this being the first one. The main plot is about fifth teen year old all American twins named Sophie and Josh who had regular life’s until they met a man called Dr. John Dee who flipped there life upside down By stealing a ancient book which causes trouble. A quote that i loved was

“I’m not a magician. I’am an alchemyst, a man of science, though perhaps not the science you would be familiar with.”
Michael Scott, the alchemyst.

This quote means so much about the book because it talks about how the hole story is so mysterious and about adventure and fantasy also about mystery.


Christmas Poem – PW #5


the feeling of christmas 

The scent of pine trees so fresh and green,

adorned with twinkle lights of a golden gleam
Cookies baking, warm and sweet
The crunch of snow beneath my feet.

A fire crackling, with the stockings hung,

children waiting for midnight to come

cookies and carrots laid out front,

for santa will be coming with a thump

stars that glimmer throughout the night

oh, christmas spirit so cheerful and bright

These little things that bring Christmas alive ,
And fill my heart with a feeling of light

PW #5 Vallarta

Since I was little I have always loved Vallarta, it was one of my favorite places to go with my family, friends or close ones. When I go with my family we used to stay in the house of my Grandparents because they have a house there. We used to go each weekend or each festivity to Vallarta and we used to stay there but since like 2019 – 2020 my parents where working on a really big proyect to built our own trip house in Vallarta. Because some stuff came my parents could not built the house but they bought a department where we bought all the furniture and it was so fun to go there and see each time the improvement they had done. Now when we go to Vallarta we go to our department and we are so happy there, it has a lot of amazing things to do like our department goes to the beach so its in front of the ocean and we can see the beach every day, it also has 3 pools and 1 of those is so awesome because it is super deep. They also have 3 jacuzzis with different temperature so one is very hot, the other not that much and the last one is hot but little kids can go in. I think that buying that department was one of the best ideas my parents have had and I enjoy going every weekend we can go. I also go to Vallarta that much because from Guadalajara to Vallarta we do like 3 hours so is not that much, we used to do like 5 hours and with traffic like 6-7 hours, even one day I did like 8-9 hours because there was so much traffic.

PW #5

when I was little we used to live in a yellow little house in downtown, it was in a super pretty neighbourhood and was near a beach I don’t remember it much because I was only a baby but my dad would take me for drives and we would pass it, it was a very pretty house. We moved out of that house and moved into a house that was up the road from where I live now the only memory I have there is driving an electric car around with my brother and trying to swerve it out of the road before a car came and hit it. the house we live in now I’ve remembered the most because I’ve lived in it the longest, its a nice house is kinda big but not many places to hangout, the backyard is on a slant because people put the pipes in weird so we had to dig up the pipes re do them and start again. we have plans to put in a bunch of new things like a fire pit and stuff because most the time people spend time outside because the living room gets stuffy fast and it annoying



My parents have been planning a graduation trip for my sister for a while we were original going to Greece however the flights were very expensive. So then we found Fiji it was a fourth of the price for a flight and very pretty and nice. We are going to the amazing beaches there and it is going to be so relaxing we are planning to go in the summer for 2 weeks. We are going to snorkel and rent a boat and much more. My hole family is planning to come there will be 13 of us all in the same house it will be amazing. The weather is going to be around 30 degrees which is so hot and the water will be very crystal clear and perfect for swimming.

PW#5- Hawaii

I have been to Hawaii every year since I was a few months old. Sometimes, we go twice a year; other times, we go once. For me, Hawaii is like a second home. My dad surfs, so he taught my sister and I how to surf when we were younger, which I still love to do. My favourite beach is Pipeline because I love to watch others surf. Most of the time, we spend one week in Waikiki, and the other week is spent on the North Shore.  I prefer the North Shore because it’s quieter and has fewer people. I love Hawaii because of its simple lifestyle and breathtaking nature. The warm temperature year-round and the slight ocean breeze make me extremely happy. Not to forget Hawaii’s beautiful culture and how rich it is in history. I am so lucky I get to visit such a beautiful place every year. Hawaii is often described as Paradise on Earth, which I completely agree with because not only is it special to me, but it is extremely beautiful.

personal writing #5

For Christmas, I’m going to go up to Alberta to see my family. Last year we brought up a tube (for a lake) It is practically garbage because there are no seats since Aron ripped them off, but I’m going to get my cousins to go on it to make sure it’s safe before I go on I also want to see them struggle ( Trevor 28, Isaac24). I can’t wait to see my aunt’s dog, (Jack)  I don’t know what breed he is but he is very cuddly. my aunt got a kitten named Murk he is a tuxedo kitty. I can’t wait to leave.

Laila- PW # 5 Christmas time is coming!!!

Christmas / December are probably one of my favorite times of the year, here are the pros and cons. Cons; you get to send time with your family, get a Christmas tree, then decorate it, Christmas baking , even though it can be stressful. I love when it snows and I get to go sledding with my parents. My dog also loves the snow. We live in Metchosen and it usually snows around 3-4 feet!!! I cant wait for it to snow! I really enjoy listening to Christmas music, this year I started listening in November. On Christmas Eve me and my family have a tradition where we all get matching pajamas and we each get to pick one present under the tree and watch a few Christmas movies and drink hot chocolate. I’m so exited to wake up on the 25th and open presents with my family! A couple days after Christmas we go to my grandmas house and have a Christmas party with food, drinks, stories, laughter, and most important of al my family.

how to win the loterry #5

In this short reading of two-hundred words you will learn how to win the lottery. The first most used way I would say to win the lottery is just to buy a lottery ticket and hope that you win but of corse the chances of that happening are very low. The next best way to win the lottery is just to to spend lots and lots of money to make sure that you 100% win the lottery and then when you win all that money that you put into winning the lottery will get paid back to you. But this will only work if you go for the lottery with more money. Another one of the ways to win the lottery is to hack into the numbers but of corse I strongly do not recommend this because it will probably get you arrested. The third way that you could win the lottery is to make sure that you actually want to win the lottery because if you don’t than you just read all of this for no reason also this is not really a way that you could win the lottery. The forth way is that you can bribe the guy that is picking the numbers with the money that you win but then you have to hope that he will give you the right numbers l give you the right numbers and not just scamming you because if the guy that you were trying to bribe with the money you wins ends up scamming you that would sure be a funny story to tell in you future after you get over being embarrassed.

Personal Writting 4

My experience in Canada. I am really liking being here in Canada this is my first time being in Canada and when I first arrived I went to Vancouver it was so pretty and me and my family walked most of Vancouver in 1 day because we started at 8 am and went back to my hotel at 1 am i was so tired. But I first went to Stanley park and walked around and the I found a really pretty place to eat breakfast so me and my family stop there then we explore Vancouver and i found a store  I wanted to enter but there was a line of 1 and a half hour to entere so me and my mom waited and sadly the store didn’t had a lot of clothes so i just bought 2 things . Then some days later i came here to victoria and when  i arrived i went immediately to downtown and saw the parliament. Days after my parents left me here in Brooke’s first i was so nervous but then I started to make friends here and I saw that the people here is so nice and I started  to enjoy being here sadly I am not coming back in January because my school in Guadalajara didn’t let me but i really enjoy being here .


I recently went to Kelowna for a hockey tournament. It was cool to see the kinds of teams that we played and the teams that were outside BC. We had some trouble choosing to fly or if we wanted to drive but we chose to fly because the roads had ice every where. The flight there was fine and we got to stay in Calgary for a bit which was fun. The best part of the trip was winning the gold medal game I was so exited because it is the first time I have won gold in a tournament. The interesting part was when we had got on the flight to Victoria I noticed that my arms were itching but I did not think much of it because it was during the flight. When we got home it was really itching so I took off my jacket and I saw that my arms were very red. We did not know what it was but later we did some research and realized I had caught hives. This was confusing because we did not know where I had got it. But I had some medicine and when I woke up it was better. This was a new but interest experience because I have never gotten hives before.

Personal writing 3 las vegas

Before I came here to Canada my parents decide to go to las vegas I was really exited. When we arrived it was so hot and I was in pants so i change in the airport bathroom . I arrive at my hotel and I was so surprised the hotel was so pretty and big also what i didn’t know is that every hotel has a casino inside so I went to see the casinos it was so big and colorful there were light everywhere and lots of people also what I notice is that the people dress so extravagant and weird. In the night i went and walk around it was so pretty and there were so much lights and there were people dress up . After I went to  a show that its called awakening and i really liked it there were magic tricks and the show was about a story i dont remember of what it was the story but i liked it . I went to the sphere it was so fun the show there was it was so awesome and also there was a robot that could keep a conversation . Then i went shopping with my mom i bought a wallet and a bag also some clothes. I really liked las Vegas i did walked a lot but it was so fun.

PW#5 – Basketball

I started playing basketball just casually like at recess when I was in 6th grade, and then decided to join the basketball team. I did OK, but it was grade 6 basketball so the gameplay wasn’t good anyway. I certainly wasn’t the best on the team, nor was I even close, I did not know how to play very well, and didn’t get passed to often. However I was good on defense, so that was what I stuck to. In grade 6, when I joined, I think I dropped 1 basket (2 points) the entire season. I joined in grade 7 too, and I practiced more, and thought i was getting better, but throughout the whole season I didn’t score a single basket. After that, I switched schools from Shoreline to Brookes and I joined the team in grade 8. Let’s just say it was not good. I did not do well, and I got made fun of by the other people on the team for not doing anything. So, in grade 9, I did not join the basketball team. despite kind of wanting to, I knew I wouldn’t do anything. But lately I have started to play basketball at lunch, and have been improving a lot more, so know knows, I might get a lot better and join the team next year

Pw Writing 4

The mike Tyson and Jake Paul fight. On the weekend i watched a boxing match between mike Tyson and jake Paul mike Tyson being a legend who is a 60 year old man and a jake Paul being a young social media star. This fight was very hyped up everywhere there was millions of people watching and the two boxers were making 20 to 40 million for taking place in this fight. The fight ended up being very boring and possibly staged it was a big disappointment to me and many people watching. Everyone also thinks it is very messed up that someone so young is fighting a old man it seems so unfair to Mike Tyson and it was sad to see him get beat up and have so many struggles in the ring just because of his age.

PW #5

One of the sports I do is skiing. I have been skiing for 7 years now with my family and with different clubs/teams. I started skiing at our local mountain, and have skied some other different places but I would love to explore and ski Europe. My dad grew up skiing and thought it wild be something fun for my family, but at first my brother and I hated it, after a year or two we started to like it and improved enough to start clubs and travel teams. Skiing is one of the sports that makes me feel calm (most of the time) but I also just love being in the snow and hanging out with my friends for a weekend in the snow. I have gotten very used to our local mountain and we know everyone, everything and all the trails. I love taking my friends around and showing them things and taking my dog for walks in the snow.

PW#5 Black friday

I really want it to be black Friday. I really want to go shopping with my mom’s money and get amazing discounts. My mom is taking me and we are both excited to go shopping. I want to go to many different stores like sport check (they have amazing offers, and I need new snowboarding gear) I also want to go to mayfair and get new clothes and stuff. I might also do some online shopping. Maybe get new shoes, or a new laptop! I’ am really excited.

PW#5 – Archie Siminel

My favourite NBA team is the Minnesota Timberwolves. They have 2 of my favourite players and I love watching them play together. The first player is Anthony Edwards. He’s 23 years old and has been playing on the Timberwolves since 2020. He plays the shooting guard position and averages 19.3 ppg (Points Per Game). Anthony is very flashy and hits some of the craziest dunks and moves that anyone has hit in game. I love watching him play as he always scores in the most creative and impressive ways.
The second player is Rob Dillingham, he’s 19 years old and it’s his first year on the Timberwolves. I love watching Rob play as his play style is very flashy and fast. He never struggles to score and is always a big part of his teams wins. Before the NBA Rob played college basketball for the Kentucky Wildcats and on that team averaged 15.2 ppg (Points per game). Rob is probably one of the best 3 point shooters in the league at the moment and is definitely one of my favourite players. The Timberwolves recently won a game against the Pheonix Suns by 3 points (Score: 117-120) which they played on November 17.

PW #5 – Dagger

It was a cold winter night. From the open window, you could hear the voices of the choir singing loudly and the sound of the wind whistling through the cracks of the window. I lay there looking outside from under the blanket of my bed. The clouds were dark grey but covered by white spots that I knew would eventually cover everything under the clouds. Nothing I could do but wait for morning. BANG! A sharp feeling in the back of my head. I curl up away from the window clutching my head in my hand. It felt like my head was pierced with a flaming blade. Suddenly, it was just gone. I let go of my head and lie on my back wondering what it could have been. I get out of bed to get a glass of water. As soon as my feet hit the creaky floorboards, it happened again. I fell to the floor creating a large thud. My eyes shut, clutching my head and wishing the pain was gone. But this time it felt ten times worse. When it was gone, my parents rushed in and helped me to my feet, looking concerned. Lead me to my bed while asking me if I was ok. Just before they sat me down I noticed a giant wave approaching my house. I yelled to my parents that we had to run or the wave would wash us away. I looked at my mom, who wasn’t moving and she looked at me worried and confused. Then, I looked at my dad who just said ‘What are you talking about sweetie? There is nothing there.’ I yelled back ‘What are you talking about there is a huge wave coming!’ Then, I just sprinted. But I tripped on the doorway and I blacked out.

PW #5 – My Grandpa

My Grandpa is one of my favourite people alive. Today is actually his 70th birthday so I decided to take the day off school and spend the day with him. My Aunt picked us up and we went to Starbucks. And since my Grandpa loves Indian food, we went to an Indian restaurant for lunch which was so good! My Grandpa lives in Saskatchewan so he only comes to visit a couple times a year so whenever he is here I try to spend as much time as possible with him.  He is the funniest person I know. We can talk about random things for hours and never get bored. Whenever he can he comes and tries to watch me in my golf tournaments. Last year I had the BC Jr in Kelowna, and him and my grandma drove all the way from Saskatchewan to watch me play. He always texts me about things he made and all his plans. I love that when he comes out we always cook together and make pies. At my old house we had Blackberry bushes all around our property and we would pick them and make pies out of them. I always had the best time! I can’t imagine my life without him.

PW#5: I Am About To Have A Mental Collapse

Here is why I am about to have a mental collapse, I am just so tired of having to translate everything people say to me here in Canada, I am not saying I don´t understand, it is just so exhaustive the feeling of having to know what everything means in another language. That is what I have done since I was little, spanish is my mother tongue so I don´t have a problem when speaking it but everything started to go wrong when speaking portuguese. Can you imagine how difficult it was for a five years old to not know if she was supposed to speak spanish or portuguese in front of other people? Or to know what words are in spanish and whhich are in portuguese? Now I know when to speak spanish and when to speak portuguese and, I can have a normal conversation in both languages because I am fluent, I have practiced them my whole life so the translation is automatic. My problem is english! I barely knew any slang before coming here and I don´t know the meaning for many words so when having a conversation it is kind of difficult. But what is harsh is me trying to express myself and not being able to!! Also, I miss my family so much, the other day I got sick and usually my mom takes care of me, she has taken care of me for 15 years so I got used to it but now that she is not here, I didn´t know what to do and sometimes when I just need a hug she is not there so, it hurst a lot. Additionally, December is coming and I am going to Mexico, my problem is that I don´t like Mexico, I don´t want to go back, most of the people are just not the type of people I like to be around, there are earthquakes, there is a lot of traffic, it is not safe to walk on the street and the fact that I´m going to see people that I don´t like is just ughhhhh!!!! I also have a fear of heights and what could go wrong on a flight, it will be the first time I will fly alone, that is pretty stressful.

In conclusion, this is just 1/4 of the reasons why I am going to have a mental collapse, this will be continued.

PW #1 – Archie Siminel

This personal writing is about my next basketball tournament in Vancouver. I have a very important tournament coming up in Vancouver on November 22-23. Me and my team will be playing against several other teams from all over Vancouver. We will have approximately 3 games per day which will be quite tiring. I believe that if we continue to push ourselves in practice and work our hardest, it will translate to our games that weekend. We will be pushing for first place and giving it our all. I really enjoy these types of tournaments as i get to travel off of the island and do what i love with my amazing teammates. I am looking forward to this tournament!

PW #3 Ballet

I have a love hate relationship with Ballet, i have been doing ballet since i was 4 years old. I have always loved the music, the beautiful costumes, everything. I have always seen ballet as a beautiful classic and elegant dance style, when i was little i always admire the big girls in my dance academy, for the recitals they used big tutus and point shoes, the point shoes where the thing that i was exited the most. Everything is easier at the beginning and keeps getting harder throughout you go forward to it, learning the dances, every move , the names of the song and exercises its very difficult,  and its worse when you see the teacher as your biggest enemy, always pushing you harder to make more difficult things every time, compare you to other classmates, always making you feel less. Every time class got hard i wanted to quit but i remembered how beautiful  the big girls dance with their point shoes and tutus, so i kept going, i pushed my self very hard, put in extra effort until i finally was at a level to get them, my first impression of them wasn’t that good because the first thing i had to do was sew every single ribbon onto the point shoe, it was very hard learning to sew, i pinched my self with the needle in various occasions, my fisrt time using them was horrible, so painful but the teacher said it was because it was the first time i was using them, and as time goes by ill shape them. i kept using them for 2 years and those where the worst years in ballet of my life, i went two classes a week 2 hours, it was so painful, having blisters every time, always  being so tired, with muscular pain everywhere. so this June after after the recital i choose it was going to be my last ballet recital for a while.

PW# 4How traveling makes me happy

I love to travel, in my family it is one of our favorites things ever, I love to travel with my parents and my sister, in all my 14 years of life my parent have given me the opportunity no visit a lot of places and I am really grateful for that, I can say that we travel a lot and that makes me really happy, Me and my family love to visit new countries, new cultures, landscapes, traditions, try new food, history, and a lot of things, my favorite destinations so far have been, London, Paris, Greece and Italy, some day I would like to visit Dubai, Bali or the Maldives and also I would like to visit more of Italy, specially the Amalfi coast because of Italy I have only Visit Rome and Venice, Italy is one of my favorite countries, I love how beautiful it is, the food is very good and I love the language, I have family on Rome and I would really like to learn Italian, I basically love Europe, but I place I can visit a 100 times and never get tired of it is Cartagena, a very beautiful city in Colombia, I like it because it is really colorful and it just give me happiness, the sunsets are incredible and the food is amazing, I go normally every year.

PW#3 How my friends became family

Since I was a little kid I have always appreciate my friends really much, I consider myself a very friendly girl, I like to talk a lot and make new friends, I know my 2 best friends since I was little, I have grown up with them, I have known them for 7 to 8 years ago, we have always been together in the classroom, we have become like sisters, this is my first year ever without them, I love my school in Colombia. My birthday is the 20th of April, usually my birthday falls into “Semana Santa” which in my school they give us 2 weeks of vacations and 3 years ago my parents surprise me with a trip to Santa Marta, a city in Colombia with a beautiful beach on it, a trip with all my friends, since there, it has became a tradition, all years in those 2 weeks we go to Santa Marta with all my friends, we are 7 in my group of friends, and since then, we all travel together and spend time with each other very often,  because our parent are also very friends, I even spent Christmas with them, So my friends are very special to me and I could not ask for better friends that them.

IRJE #3 Twilight: New Moon

Twilight: New Moon is the second book in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. The story starts with Bella Swan being sad because her vampire boyfriend, Edward Cullen left. Edward leaves Bella because he wanted to protect her from the dangers of his world, leaving her so sad. Bella struggles to keep up with her life after Edward leaving, so she finds support with Jacob Black who is his friend since she was little. As Bella is with Jacob, she discovers that he is a werewolf (the werewolf’s are the rivals of the vampires). Bella and Jacob develop a strong bond, but Bella is still in love with Edward.

“You know that I love you. I’ve loved you for a long time. But I can’t keep pretending that I don’t. I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want you.”

The quotation is about Jacob telling Bella how he fells about her but Bella begins to take bad risks, hoping that by doing them, Edward might return to save her, and when she is in danger she fells a connection with him. Then Bella is faced with a really bad situation, and this makes Edward believe that she has died. This makes Edward travel to Italy to talk to Volturi (a powerful vampire coven), into killing him. Bella, with Jacob’s help, went to save him, and this end up with a big fight. In the end, Edward and Bella are reunited, but the book ends by Bella still confused between her love for Edward and the friendship with Jacob, this makes us think that in the next book there will be fight between Edward and Jacob.

PW #4 – Survivor

One of my favourite shows ever is Survivor. I have many favourites but Survivor is definitely at the top of the list. The show is kind of hard to explain because there are so many different concepts involved. But what basically happens is that they are split into tribes with various others members. They usually will have 18 people overall and 3 tribes of 6. Each episode they compete in challenges and whichever teams comes last has to go to something called Tribal Council. They go here at night and they have to vote someone off of their tribe. Whichever person has the most votes is gone. The game does become interesting when advantages get played like idols, block/steal a vote, Safety without power etc. I love this show because it always keeps me interested. There has been 47 seasons so far and I continue to watch and rewatch them. The show is hosted by someone named Jeff Probost and he has ran the show from the start. He runs tribal, the challenges and is basically in-charge of the whole show. Survivor is on every Wednesday night so I always stay up to watch it.

PW #4 – By Archie

My personal writing is about the time that I went to California. I went on vacation to San Jose and San Francisco in May. Me and my family did so many fun things.

First off, we went to California’s Great America, which is one of the coolest amusement parks I have ever been to. I went on a massive rollercoaster, which is one of the oldest in the park. It is called the Grizzly, and it was made in 1986. The ride had a massive drop on it which felt like we were going 100 kilometers an hour down a completely vertical drop from what felt like a 100 feet high. This was definitely one of the main highlights of my trip.

Another really cool memory was when we ordered a self-driving taxi. This car was called “Waymo”, and it drove and navigated around San Francisco completely on its own, which was such a cool but scary experience at the same time. It felt really weird completely putting our lives in the hands of technology, but it was still very cool and futuristic.

The last highlight of my trip was buying new basketball shoes. The shoes I bought were called “Ja Morant 1”. They are the signature shoes of a professional NBA player named Ja Morant. I purchased these in Footlocker, and I still wear them to this day.

Overall, I have created so many memories, visiting museums, the San Francisco landmark Golden Bridge, eating yummy food, and enjoying beautiful weather with my family. I hope to come back one day!