A mid summer night dream was a story with a plot line that kept people interested and intrigued in the book with a story that goes all over the place and a happy ending when everything seems like there so repair. For me the story was interesting the words didn’t make sense or feel like they where speaking full sentences or how it sounded like there were speaking gibberish the whole time but in the movie following along you do manage to grasp what’s going on. I do like the way each character is kind of like how you see them in your head and how the story describes each one. The plot along the story was entertaining with its slow parts but with an entertaining moment here or there. The play was cool with nice scenery and a way to show nature as a kingdom without much effort put into it. My favourite part of the whole thing including the movie is how well the gardens with the fairy’s and how pretty it all was like the hanging basket as a bed. I liked how this is considered normal forests for the people who live around there and the effortlessness it took for them to make it like that. I thought the movie was well put together with the characters matching descriptions well and the way the whole thing was set up. I did like the play because of the plot line and how there was always something new happening to find out and how they didn’t hold out too long on an unnecessary point that don’t go anywhere in the story but that each thing was mildly important in the story line that came back to sort its self out in the end. I did like a mid summer night dream for what it was and I think me personally I wouldn’t read the book but what the movie because I can follow what’s going on better.
Category: Personal Writing
PW#9 – Role Models
I think role models are extremely important in life. If you don’t know what they are, a role model by dictionary definition is “a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.” To me, a role model is someone or even something, but not often, but someone that you look up to and follow, and where you learn things from. Role models can be anyone because like my dad says, “there is something you can learn from everybody”. I think this is an interesting way to look at things, because at first, you think about it and say “there’s no way I could learn something from my younger sibling” or “no way I could learn something from a baby”. But then if you think about it deeper, you can 100% learn something from someone who’s younger than you, even your younger sibling, because everyone has a different experience in life, and knows different things, so even if it’s something obvious, like a younger sibling teaching you gymnastics, they still have something to teach you. But it can also be harder to see too. Like it would be hard to learn something from a baby, but if you pay close attention, a baby can teach you, unintentionally of course, but it could teach you more about how babies work, what they need or want, and how to take care of babies in general, or that specific baby. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. Role models are important because without them, like if you had no one to look up to in life or throughout your childhood, when you grow up, you’re screwed. Like the only way kids know anything about life, real life, is from watching their parents, or other older people they may know. We learn more from role models than we do at school, because you may know all you need to know about math, or language studies, or any subject, but if you don’t know how basic life works, or how to make money, or survive in the real world, all that other knowledge goes to waste and you are screwed. But role models don’t always have to be people older than you. Even me, I have a role model that I try to aspire to be like in my own class. I won’t say who for my privacy and theirs, but there will always be someone better than you, even if you are the best in a field in your class, or grade, school, or even country, unless you are an exceptional, exceptional prodigy at what you do, there will always be someone better than you, someone to look up to. It could even be in your class, like one of mine. There is someone who I see to have certain things figured out better than I do, and maybe they don’t when they go home, but when they are at school, they provide me someone to aspire to be like, and that serves 2 purposes, obviously one, to make you better at something, but it also gives you something to do. That is why I think role models are important
Pr to a mid summers night dream
When I first read A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Shakespeare’s language can seem difficult at first, but as I read through the play, I was quickly pulled into its fun and magical world. What I found most interesting about the play was how it mixes reality with fantasy. The story is full of love, magic, and confusion, which made it both funny and exciting to read.
One of the themes that stood out to me was love. The play shows that love can be confusing and even a little crazy. In the first act, we see the characters Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, and Helena each experience love in different ways. It’s clear that love is not always easy to understand. For example, Lysander and Hermia are deeply in love, but their love faces obstacles because Hermia’s father wants her to marry Demetrius. At the same time, Demetrius seems to switch his love from Hermia to Helena after being affected by magic. This shows how love can be unpredictable, and sometimes it feels like other forces are controlling it.
The magical parts of the play also caught my attention. Puck, a mischievous character, causes trouble by using a magic potion on the lovers. I thought it was interesting how the magic created both problems and solutions for the characters. For example, when Puck accidentally makes Lysander fall in love with Helena instead of Hermia, it causes confusion, but also creates funny moments. The magic in the play makes anything seem possible, and that kept me interested throughout the story.
Another part of the play I enjoyed was the play-within-a-play performed by the “rude mechanicals.” Their attempt to put on a play for the Duke is full of mistakes, which made me laugh. They take themselves so seriously, even though their performance is very bad, which adds to the humor. The character Bottom, who is turned into a donkey, is especially funny. His complete lack of awareness of the silly situation makes him a great comedic character.
One of the things I liked about A Midsummer Night’s Dream is that, even though it talks about serious topics like love, jealousy, and confusion, the tone is still light and fun. The play is funny, but it also shows that relationships can be complicated. The ending, where everything is fixed and the characters are happy, gave me a sense of relief and satisfaction. It shows that, even with all the chaos, things can turn out well in the end.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It made me think about love, magic, and how our feelings can sometimes feel out of our control. The humor and twists in the story kept me entertained, and by the end, I felt happy. The play is fun, but it also teaches us about human nature in a way that still makes sense today, even though it was written a long time ago.
PW#9 IDK But Read This
Friday February 27. I got up out of bed got ready left to take the bus that was very late, ended up going to save on. after save on I walked to school was not late for art, so surprising but not really. Then did school till lunch, at lunch i ate food because thats what you do at lunch you eat food. After lunch came a french test that I thought was on the 28th but no anyway did it today. After that I had english and we did not speak any english in english, this is kind of funny if you think about it. Then it was the end of the day after english, I ended up going to get water then played basketball since it was so nice and sunny outside. Then took the bus home. After I got off the bus I walked home and hit the grind for a science test till dinner then I ate the food for dinner. Once I had finished dinner I did this, and by this I mean I wrote this text that you are reading. After reading that sentence you are probably thinking to yourself the is personal writing number 9 or maybe you are not thinking that. But if you are, you are also thinking that at the beginning it says February 27 a way later date then the time that it was supposed to be finished. Well you are not wrong unless you were not thinking that. This is now just random but was Friday named after a guy that was eating fries on some day and said we should name this day Friday because that would be so funny. This last sentence that you are reading is just because I needed 20 words and I did not know what to write so i wrote this which ended up being 30 words.
PW#9 – My Sister
Today is February 26, 2025. It is my sister’s 10th birthday!
Alice was so excited today! She was getting ready for her birthday party, which is coming up this weekend! She is going to flying squirrel and having a sleepover with her friends, which she has been talking about for so long now. Our family got her a present which was a brand new mirror to put on her desk and so many new clothing items as well as some gift cards to Dairy Queen and WildPlay. My sister is such an easygoing, energetic, and fun person, she really deserves her upcoming party! The whole theme of the party is Taylor Swift, which she is the biggest fan of. I’m glad I got to spend the day with her. I’m always so busy and have plans, so it’s nice to spend a day with her whenever I can. Happy Birthday Alice!
pw #10
Once upon a time in a tiny village that nobody cared about, there was a girl named Elara, who was always asking dumb questions like, “Why do pigs have curly tails?” and “What would happen if you put a pizza in the microwave for a week?” No one knew why she asked these things, but it was kind of annoying. Still, she was nice, and people tolerated her because she once saved the town’s giant rubber duck from floating away.
One day, Elara overheard the village elders—who were very old and liked to nap—talking about the legendary Moonlit Grove. They said it was a magical place where the moon was extra shiny, and if you went there, you’d get to make a wish. Of course, the elders said no one had ever found it because it was “super hard,” and they didn’t want anyone wandering off and interrupting their naps. But Elara wasn’t afraid. She decided that finding this Moonlit Grove was a perfect opportunity to ask something important like, “Why do socks always disappear in the dryer?”
So, one evening, when the moon looked suspiciously like a giant pancake, Elara grabbed a backpack, stuffed it with random snacks—cookies, chips, some leftover spaghetti—and left her house. She didn’t tell anyone where she was going because she figured she’d be back before they realized she was missing, and she was kind of curious about what would happen if she just, you know, left.
As she wandered through the forest, tripping over rocks and asking trees what their favorite color was, she eventually stumbled into a clearing. There it was—the Moonlit Grove! It wasn’t all that impressive, though. The trees were just regular trees, and the moonlight looked kind of like a bad disco ball. But there was a pond, which Elara thought was weird because who needs a pond in the middle of nowhere?
She sat by the pond and shouted, “I wish for unlimited pizza!” Nothing happened. So, she tried again: “I wish for the ability to talk to squirrels!” Still nothing. After a while, she gave up and had some cookies, which, honestly, was the real magic of the night.
Eventually, Elara wandered back home. The village didn’t seem to notice she was gone for long, which was just as well, because her “grand adventure” didn’t really result in any moonbeam wishes, but at least she got some nice snacks out of it. The villagers still don’t know what’s up with the Moonlit Grove, but Elara was pretty sure it was just some old myth or maybe a place where the moon just needed a break from being so bright all the time. Regardless, she’d learned a valuable lesson: if you’re ever in a forest, bring cookies.
PW #9
the pond outside the school is a weird little thing. it starts in the back of the school by the back gate where it flows towards the bridge and flows to who knows where. the little waterfall under the bridge and the giant tree that blocks some of the water from moving. the 2 ducks that swim there on occasion that u can see from the I&S room, the design room, the art room and whatever class you can see the pond from. I like the way from each angle the forest looks different it can look full and heavy and musty while the other side is thin and not really a forest from the parking lot. I like the way it goes from forest and full of life to highways and stores. I like the walk from the school to save on and from save on to the bus stop that takes me home. the little pond outside it a unnecessary part of the school but brings a nice touch to the way the schools build and a nice entrance to people coming in. I do really like the pond and the forest and save on and the bus stop. From the bus stop the bus takes me to 6 mile where I walk up the hill past the gas station and towards Thetis lake, I walk up the weirdly paved side walk and turn into the path where ive gotten stuck in the bushes and found multiple cats that ive befriended and go up the road towards my house. before I reach my hill I stumble on the stupid piece of sidewalk thats out of place and trip down the hill to my house to be greeted by Fiona who’s trying to jump over her gate and screaming at me while I try to take my shoes off.
PW #9 – My favourite show
One of my favourite things to do is watching tv, I love getting cozy in my living room and binge watching shows for hours. This weekend, my best friend Nikos and I have been watching the new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. He introduced me to the show 2 years ago and it’s been our tradition to binge it together ever since.
This is the 17th season, and it has been so good! All the queens this season are so talented, and I’ve had a hard time choosing my favourite out of all of them. The season hasn’t ended yet, so we are still watching and waiting for a new episode to come out every Friday. So far, my favourite queens are Jewels Sparkles, Lexi Love, and Lana Ja’Rae. Their outfits and makeup has been insanely good, and I really hope one of them wins the show!
The show never gets boring because each queen brings their own style and personality to the stage and their peformances mix humor, drama, and creativity in a way that is so fun to watch! The queens also have the same humour as me and my friends, which makes the show even more relatable and real.
PW #9 – Spring Break
This spring break I hope it is sunny so I can go to a lake, however I do not think that it will be warm enough to swim but maybe I can get a slight tan at least. I don’t have any plans for this spring break really, but I will be hanging out with my friends, maybe swimming, and just taking advantage of my two weeks off of school. I am really excited for summer as well, and after spring break is term 3 and I am excited for Tofino and for the weather to get warmer and the skies to get clearer. It’s so crazy that grade nine is almost over, like its almost March, then April, then May, then June and it’s summer again. I feel like this school year has gone by super fast and i’m not complaining I mean I do love summer but its just going by so fast. Like if you think about it soon i’ll be in grade 10 and then it will only be two more years until I graduate. Then I will be in college and then I’ll be an adult soon. Well not that soon, but if you think about it, it’s not that far away. That’s actually pretty scary. I feel like time is just speeding up, like when I was younger it did not go by this fast. I guess you really can’t waste any time because you can’t ever get it back. It’s just going to be memories. All I am going to have is nostalgia and pictures. I should take more pictures and take more videos to remember and go back and watch them days, months, or even years later.
My basketball tournament me and my school team made it to island we had to play in the tournament this weekend it was so fun we were playing to make provinces we were so close but in the end we ended up not winning all of us worked are butts off we had to play games back to back to back it was so much fun staying in a hotel and bonding with the team we got dinner together and breakfast it was so sad when we lost are last game when all of us realised are season was done and for all the grade 12 on the team that that was maybe there last basketball game on a team and there end of there high school basketball career.
Bones and All – PW #9
Bones and All
I’ve recently finished watching the movie Bones and All, and I have a lot of thoughts about it. For some background knowledge, The film follows Maren played by Taylor Russell, a young woman who has a dark secret as she is a cannibal. After being Abandoned by her father, she embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about herself. Along the way, she meets Lee played by Timothée Chalamet, a young man who also shares the same secret, we follow the pair as they travel around 1980s America and encounter challenges. What struck me most about Bones and All was its atmosphere. Luca Guadagnino who is one of my favourite film directors captures the cinematography incredibly well. I found each scene in this movie to be executed very well as Luca Guadagninos’ colour palettes were able to make me feel the emotions happening in each scene, his sets such as the houses, diners, towns , etc were incredibly detailed and realistic and perfectly captured the vibe of the midwest making the film even more realistic which is something I really appreciated. Additionally, the acting was something that could not go unnoticed, every single character whether it was a background or main was a fantastic actor, Taylor Russell perfectly conveyed Maren’s loneliness and emotion when finding herself which made me put myself in her place, Timothée Chalamet acted with a lot of vulnerability which also made me empathize with him, and lastly Mark Rylance His eerie, tone and action made him such an unsettling character that left me with an uneasy feeling even in scenes he was not in and did a great job at playing his character. Lastly, one of my favourite parts which I think really made the movie what it is was Lucas’s writing and directing. His ability to create a movie whose main focus is on such a gross complicated and strange topic and change it into a moving, emotional film was something I loved. , Guadagnino emphasized the emotional journey of the characters, particularly the relationship between Maren and Lee so well two people who have felt isolated and alone their whole lives to now finding someone they can relate to and turned it into a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Overall Lucas’s writing and beautiful cinematography combined with the acting helped make this film a powerful and emotional story about love.
PW#9 – Spring
Spring is my favourite season because its the perfect tempeature, not too hot but not too cold. It’s when all the pretty flowers come out which I love. It also happens to be during my birthday which makes it even better. I love all the beautiful colours that come out during the season. During spring, I love going on walks and going to the Butchart Gardens since its always filled with flowers. I love how all the colours and flowers start to form after the cold and dark seasons, not to mention the days get longer and warmer. It’s the best time to be outside with friends, family, etc. I love seeing trees grow their leaves again and the flowers blooming in such pretty colours. When I think of spring, I think of the colour pink, maybe thats because it’s my favourite colour but I always think of pink when I think of spring. My favourite month during spring is May because it’s in the heart of spring, it bribgs warm weather, bright colours and gardens burst with blossoms. For some reason, I always feel more motivated in the spring and that’s why it will always be my favourite.
PW # 9 Summertime
Id probably have to say that summer is one of my favorite times of the year. I feel like it’s just so much better than the other seasons, I’m happier, other people are happier, it’s warm outside, and the overall vibe is such a good feeling. Usually during the summertime, I like to have sleepovers, hang out with my friends, enjoy the warm sun, go swimming, and hopefully get a tan. Over the last few summers, I’ve done a lot of reading, and I hope to do it again, but I found myself cramming all my homework to the last week before school started again, which wasn’t very efficient for me, so I’m going to prioritize having fun and doing my homework, then I’ll be able to enjoy the last week. During the summer I also tend to hang out with my family a lot; two summers ago, we went to Strathcona beach, and Myra falls, it was so much fun. The water at Myra falls was turquoise, I’ve never seen any colour like that before, it was beautiful! Sadly last summer we didn’t go on a trip, which I was pretty bummed out about it. I remember one random day of the week my parents decided to take me to Costco, and we bought a paddle board, and I used it so much! We have a lake across my street, and I took it there every single day and was on the lake for hours.
It’s crazy to think we only have four months of school left, but I’m so excited! I’m looking forward to seeing what this summer will bring.
PW #8 – Bones and All
Today, I finished watching Bones and All with Rachel. The movie is about two young outcasts, Maren and Lee, who are literally cannibals, but their love story is so raw and beautiful that you almost forget, until they start eating people. Taylor Russell and Timothée Chalamet have insane chemistry, making every scene feel so real, like a documentary.
I loved how quiet the movie felt. It’s not just about horror, it’s about loneliness and the eerie sensation that comes when watching the movie. Maren and Lee don’t just fall in love, they need each other.
The one thing I hated? Sully. He’s a cannibal like them, but way worse. He’s obsessive, creepy, and literally follows Maren across five states. And in the end? He breaks into her house and tries to kill her.
The worst part is that Lee dies. After everything, after them finally finding peace, Lee is bleeding out in Maren’s arms, telling her to eat him so he can always be with her. That scene is so tragic but also weirdly beautiful in a way that only this movie could pull off. Overall, I really liked this movie. Bones and All is one of those movies that stays with you sad, and beautiful.
PW#9 A Childhood Dream
The other day, my mom send me some pictures of me when I was younger, the funny part was that most of the time I was either wearing dresses or a princess costume. I remember that when being a little girl I watched a lot of Disney movies and had Disney princesses dolls. My childhood dream was to be a princess when groing up, I even had a plan of going to Denmark and marrying the Prince because I thought he was cute and it would be the only way of becoming a princess. I wanted to live in a big castle with a huge library and have tea parties with a lot of cake. Now that I remember all this stuff I think: What was wrong with me? like that is something pretty imposible. But looking back, my 6 year old self thought it was a reality. This can show the brain of a kid starts developing and it gets more mature throughout time. Now I am thinking of how my life would actually be, the cost, how I am planning to maintain myself, an apartment or house would be nice to have, maybe a duck or a bunny as a pet. My point is that now, with a 15 almost 16 years old brain, that childhood dream looks very far away from what it was to a 6 years old.
PW#9 Things that come to mind when looking out of the window right now
Well I see some trees which makes me think of monkeys, so i’m going to write a story based on looking at one thing and then letting the ADHD do the rest for me. Once upon a time there were blue monkeys in a tree with orange grapes. But what the monkeys didn’t know was that the grapes were actually cantaloupe, which are poison for raccoons. Yes you heard me right the monkeys are now raccoons and they are all named Pete. Suddenly they decide to become pigeons and go dancing on the telephone wires, but when they do that they jump into the ocean and swim for their lives, because of the giraffe that is chasing them is a really fast swimmer. All of a sudden the giraffe has 42000 heads and is flying with 13 pairs of wings, and as it flies closer to the group of scared pigeon walruses, it begins to sprout eyeballs on all of it’s 937 legs. “Jump!” yelled Pete. As they were swimming, “How do we jump we are in the ocean!!” “Oh, shut up Pete!” “Pete, Pete, stop it!” And suddenly all of the watermelons die out due to the cambrian explosion, because they time traveled using the escalator.
PW 9 – 12km
It’s 2 degrees on the dot. No gloves, just a long-sleeved sport shirt, jumper and leg inners. Shoes are laced up tight, and socks tucked under the inners. The hoodie, up and headphones come on right after. We walk to the crosswalk, then stretch. Have to get all the knots out and get warm. He clicks the button to start the timer, then we are off. We start with a light jog that unknowingly turns into a quick jog. Given 10 mins, we reach another light. We cross onto a platform and hit the button. WAIT. The light turns green. We jog to the other platform, then out, away from the crossroads. 2km. We run – an even pace – past housed, gas stations, up hills, down some, and we get to another zebra. We hit the button. WAIT. 3km. We are now at the side 9f a highway, running into the sunset. Cars race by, other runners stare, sun going to sleep. Then we get to a set of stripes. Left turn taken, steps being tracked. 40 mins, 4.5km. The roads clear from there. Meander through some streets, and we hit 6. 6km, that is. U Turn. Same way back. Sun narrowing, dripping behind the horizon. Winter. Car’s headlights. Less busses. Fingers warm, cold? Confused. Then we get back to the first cross. 10km. It is just a nice little jog from now. Finish the race, against daylight. Then we get back. 1hr 25. 12km. Pride. Sweat. Tired. Can barely walk. Get to the room. Pass out on the floor. Not dead, just finished. Smile.
PW#9 – Spring
This year, I am excited for spring because it will finally bring back the warmth and sunshine. I like spring for its vibrant flowers and the bright, and sunny skies. It’s also a perfect balance between the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Another thing I’m looking forward to later this year is March break. The weather will be sunny, and I’ll have a long break from school. I’m excited to spend quality time with my friends and travel during this break. Additionally, the end of terms 2 and most of term 3 normally have many days off of school, which I’m looking forward to. This March break I am especially excited because, I’ll be flying to Toronto to visit my family and spend lots of time with them. Considering all these things I am really looking forward to spring time this year.
My regular season is now done. I was very sad because it meant that we were not able to go to provincials. And it was also possible because my team was a strong team when we played together and not as individuals. We finished the season with a gold medal and we came third in the regular season. We also has a silver medal. So in a way it was good because in three tournaments we got two medals and one was gold. In our final game it was either we won and we went to the final or we lost and the season was over. I was playing that game. The final score was 4-0 but it was my best game of the season. I had 55 shots! This is not normal for the amount of shots I normally get. I normally get 30-40 shots which is still more the what most people get. But even though we lost I was very proud of my performance and it was very fun to play. Although it was not how I imagined the season would turn out it was still a really fun experience to play with kids I have not played with before. But my season does not end because I am doing spring hockey. Which is basically hockey but in the spring.
PW – #9 – An OC – pt. 1
I was running down the dimly lit hallway of the cave. Although, it wasn’t an actual cave. This one wouldn’t ever lead me to the surface, to freedom. I remember how I got down here. I was dragged by the chain attached to the iron collar I wore around my neck. Then, when we were in far enough, the master used his power to seal the entrance. I remember clearly the route to get to the closed entrance. But what are the chances that I will make it past that meter-thick pile of rubble before Masters Six catches up to me? Word is among the lows that the Masters Six all have some cursed power. It makes them so strong, but they can never touch the rain. The ancient jailer told me that they used to be the Masters Seven, but one of them was turned to stone immediately after he left the cave while it was raining. If I somehow make it across the rubble, the only way I’ll be safe for sure is if it is raining on the other side. Even then, the master could still get me. But still, I ran. The iron necklace weighed me down and I grew cold because the range of the Fourth’s warmth was wearing out and my clothes were just baggy, thin, and had a lot of holes. The Fourth of the Masters Six had the power of fire. He could turn into it, could never be burned by it, and could expel any amount of it from any part of his body. He heated the entire base. But I knew where I was heading and I knew I was getting close. But suddenly, the air around me was getting increasingly warm. This could only mean the Master sent Fourth to get me. So, I started sprinting. It was my and my only friends goal to finally reach the surface. And even though she wasn’t here now, she said she would be waiting for me at the surface.
PW #9 – Golf Simulator
Last week was very special for me because we finally had out golf simulator up and running. My family has been talking about getting a simulator for years but we finally made it happen and ordered all the parts. It took about 3 weeks for all the parts to come because we had to oder the trackman, screen, projector, wall protection and we had to have a turf company come and install a hitting mat on the ground for us to hit off of. On the first day I was so eager to come home and hit balls and thats what I did. On Friday, Me, my brother and Luke who works at Brookes started the hole in one challenge we have been thinking about and chatting about for months. We picked a hole and each took turns hitting 20 balls at a time. We started at 5:45 and were grinding until midnight but we weren’t able to get it. During the process I hit the pin and it didn’t drop and Luke and Will stuck it to inches multiple times. We decided to continue the challenge the next day and after 6 hours we finally got it. After 6 hours, will made the shot and we all went wild! Another benefit from the simulator is that i can play courses all over the world. it has 42000 different golf courses to chose from that you can play which is awesome. I can also practice different courses. This summer I have tournaments all over Canada, so this will allow me to practice playing those courses to get an advantage on the rest of the field. Everyday I come home and hit balls and play different courses which is always the best part of my day.
PW#8 what would be the perfect birthday present
Some people think the best presents are the ones that cost more money, but for me is all the contrary, my perfect present would be a letter, describing me, telling me all the things they think of me, if they think i aport good things to their life, if am a good friend, if they like spending time with me and more, a big hug, and just the simple words of happy birthday, there was a point of my life when my friends were not my friends and they didn’t made me feel special in my birthday but here i know these people are different, great friends with great values. I don’t need thing with dimonds or the logo right in front of the item, i just want a present that makes me feel apriciated, that makes me feel like i belong and that im doing a great as a friend, daughter, niece, sister, granddaughter, and more. My parents always manage to make me feel special giving me presents but also saying the words i like to hear, like how much they love me and how proud they are of me, they always make my birthday feel even more special. But in conclusion the best present someone could give me would be something not material but something that was made with heart and thought.
PW#7 My Birthday
When i was a little girl my birthday was my everything, my parents threw me big parties with princess theme, unicorns, mermaids, Minnie mouse and more, i remember my mom telling me about my one year old birthday party, it was Rapunzel theme, big balloons decorated all the backyard, a big cake, a bouncy house, all my family was there celebrating my first year. after that i had a lot of other parties, with more princess theme. When i turned ten years old my parents made me my last birthday party, it was summer theme, i invited all my friends and family again right after school, i was very happy because my mom got to pick me up from school early so i can get the party and myself ready. the guests started to arrive, i had the best day, so fun eating cake and being with my friends. Ever since i knew that in Mexico turning 15 is a big celebration i have been waiting for it to be my 15 birthday for as long as i can remember, but now my 15 birthday is in two days and im not as exited as i was before, im exited becasue im going to skii with my parents and my friends, but im also very happy because here i have friends that are going to like to spend my special day with me and they make me feel special.
PW #9 (in advance)
So I’m in Calgary right now and this is the weather summary cause I’m bored.
Currently I’m in Calgary and the weather is it cold but not warm it’s mostly the wind that’s cold but I hears that the weather in Calgarys weather can be unpredictable like there can be cold winters and warm winters but usually the temperature can get really cold like at -20^C sometimes colder… but it’s hot chocolate weather so I love that. The summers in Calgary can be mild like temperatures between 14^C and 15^C but it ca also get really hot. Even reaching the 30s……….. that’s hot. Theres not a toon of rain but thunderstorms in the summer are pretty common. But the hail.. THE HAIL. The weather can change really fast.. so long story short, bring clothes for all weather.
The sky is honestly one of the most random things to think about, but it’s always there, so I do. It’s like nature’s big mood ring. In the morning, it’s all soft and pretty, like it’s just had a cup of coffee, with pinks and oranges, pretending to be calm and peaceful. But by afternoon, it’s like the sky gets a little cocky and goes full-on bright blue, acting like it owns the place. I swear it’s like, “Look at me! I’m so clear and perfect!” And I’m just down here like, “Okay, chill, I’m just trying to get through my day.”
But then, the real magic happens at sunset. The sky turns into this explosion of colors—reds, purples, golds—like someone just spilled a bucket of paint across the horizon. It’s like a fancy Instagram filter, but real life. I swear, it’s impossible to look at it and not feel like you’re in some movie montage, even if you’re just standing on your driveway in sweatpants. The sky knows what it’s doing. It makes you feel all deep and introspective, like you just figured out the meaning of life, even if it’s just that your pizza’s about to arrive.
And then at night, it’s like the sky hits “off” on all the colors and goes full spooky with the stars. It’s honestly kind of mind-blowing how many of them there are, and for some reason, every time I look up, I wonder if aliens are watching me. Like, what’s their deal? The sky is just out here, doing its thing, looking epic while I’m just trying not to trip over a rock.
I only go to the mall like once every couple of months, but when I do, it feels like the greatest thing ever. It’s kind of a big deal, because I’m not there all the time, so I go in with this excitement like I’ve just been granted access to an entire new world. The first thing I notice when I walk in is the smell. It’s always the same—like a mix of popcorn, new shoes, and that weird perfume that’s way too strong in the air. It’s weirdly comforting, though. You know you’re at the mall when you get hit with that combo.
Then, I’ll usually head straight for the food court. I don’t even care if I’m not hungry; it’s just the vibe. There’s always a bunch of people hanging out, eating food that probably isn’t good for you but tastes amazing. I feel like everyone’s secretly judging your snack choices, but I can’t help myself—I always end up getting something unhealthy like fries or some random smoothie I don’t need. It’s like an unwritten rule at the mall.
I don’t usually buy a ton of stuff. It’s more about just walking around and looking at things I can’t afford, like the cool shoes or the latest clothes that make me feel like I’m missing out on life. The mall feels so big when I only visit every couple of months, so I always end up feeling like I’ve missed a ton, but it’s nice to come back and just soak it all in for a few hours before heading home. It’s kind of like a mini adventure.
Pw#6 Last time I see the snow Part 3
We got to the parking station, and then the school took us to the rental ski, so I got my skis, and I went with Mariano, Sebas, and Paolo to a green trail. When we got down, we didn’t know that we were in the blue and black diamond trails, so we first panicked. We were getting down in the blue trail when Paolo crashed into a tree. We were screaming to him because we noticed that he went to the tree. We were 7 meters down the hill, and he was in the peak, and we were already down, so we kept screaming to him for like 20 minutes. So I went to help him to get out of there. When we found Barbara, she was with Mia, but when Mia saw the hill, she panicked, and she stayed with Paolo.
Pw#5 Last time I see the snow Part 2
We get to the bus, and I tell Eva, Do you want to go with me, partner? and she said yes; we have less than 10 minutes on the bus. When I was feeling dizzy, I told Paolo because he was in the back seat, so he gave me a Cheetos bag that was just open, and I told Eva,Eva, move to the front seat because I’m going to throw up, so she moved, and when she got to her seat, I vomited in the Cheetos bag that Paolo gave me, and then I got to sleep in the bus seat, and when I woke up, I was near the snow.