PW#2: A Future Doctor

Since I was 8 years old, I knew that I wanted to be a doctor. It all started when I went to Brazil to visit my family. My aunt she is a derma-pathologist that one day asked me to go with her to the lab because she didn´t have the time to leave me at home. When I entered that place, everything was ABSOLUTELY amazing, the samples, the materials, EVERYTHING! and I wanted to know more about it even though I couldn´t understand anything the doctors explained to me. Now that I´m older and I know more stuff than I did 7 years ago, everything about medicine started to make more sense to me, I started to understand it and I also started to have that sense of wanting to know more and more. Additionally, I´ve always liked to see people feel good like, it makes me feel sad when someone is sick and I don´t know what to do, I want to help but I just do not know how. That is SO frustrating. Right now, I still don´t know what especialization I´m going to do because there are so many! Maybe neurosurgeon? I don´t know, the only thing I am sure about is that I want to be a great doctor that cures their patients and does a good job, that is my goal and I am determined to accomplish it.

PW#1: Different Countries = A Heart Divided

My mom is Brazilian and my dad is Mexican. I was born in Mexico but since I was 1 month old I spent 2 or 3 months in Brazil with my family, practicing Portuguese. What I always found weird is the feeling I have when leaving both countries, like I´m sad when leaving Mexico but I´m also sad when living Brazil. Both countries make a part of me so it is hard to leave and not knowing when I am going back (In this case when I go back to Mexico). Mexico has an amazing culture, everything is so colorful and beautiful, the food is amazing and I have my friends, my dog, my home, my school and lots of things that have made an important part in my life there. on the other hand, Brazil has an energetic but chill vibe, people are awesome, the food is out of this world, as well as the flora and fauna. Everything in both countries is so different but perfect and, each has a piece of my heart that breaks when leaving. Now that I can´t be on either country because I am in Canada, I just feel like my heart is now separating into three pieces so Canada can also have a special part on my life.

M&M Personal Response by Val

Master and Man is a novela that I still don´t know what to think about it, from one side, since english is not my first language, sometimes it is hard for me to understand some words and, I need to admit it was really hard to understand most of the sentences since, Leo Tolstoy uses a formal and different words to what I´m used to, I also couln´t find a lot of sense to the story or a reason why the author uses so many descriptive words, it was just about how Nikita and Vasili Andreevich get lost during their trip and try to arrive to Grishkino, if the book was simplified it would definetly be 5 pages long but then I understood that this book was not meant only to entertain but to make you reflect about a lot of stuff, on the other side, even though it was hard to understand some words, when translating them, it gave me so many details that I could picture everything and that was amazing, additionally, I really like to read but it was the first time I read a book that was written a long time ago, so I was really surprised by the fact that it was a really good book considering the time it was written, it even made me consider the fact that everything during the 1800´s people read way more better books than we do now.

In summary, It was a great book but it was hard to understand some sentences and words.

Some things about me!

Hi! My name is Valentina but I rather be called Val because I feel like people are mad at me if they call me Valentina, I´m 15 years old and my birthday is on June 17th, my mom is brazilian and my dad is mexican so.. I´m mexican-brazilian! I have 1 brother, his name is Diego and I also have a dog, her name is Lola, she is a pomeranian, I currently speak 3 languages which are: spanish, portuguese and english, my favorite color is navy blue and my favorite flowers are the lavenders, some of my hobbies are learning new things, playing volleyball, reading, cooking, talking and spending time with my friends and family, right now I am a boarding student in Brookes Westshore (Victoria, BC) and, I am having a great time!! I came to Canada to improve my english, make new friends and become more independant, other thing that I love since I was a little girl is science and anything related to medicine, I hope to one day become a doctor but right now, I will just take all the opportunities I have to keep improving and making my dream of becoming a doctor come true.