The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, is about two feuding social groups, the Greasers and the Socs (short for “Socials”).T he context to this quotation is that there was a fire at their local church because someone left a cigarette and it lit on fire, all the Greasers group ran into the church to save the children in there, and when lots of them left brunt they went to the hospital, where the nurses told them Johnny was burnt the most and with fetal injuries. When Ponyboy and Dally saw Johnny, he was on his deathbed. They told him about how they beat the Socs, but he was to drained to think about that considering his injuries.

“Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold… It’s a good way to be. It’s like the way you try to be, like you used to be. The way I wanted you to be when we were kids. Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.” (p.148)

In the moment that Johnny tells Ponyboy to “stay gold…” he is referencing the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy had shared with him earlier in the book, nothing gold can stay. The poems meaning is that beauty and innocence are fleeting, and that you have to hold on to it. By Johnny saying this he is saying to Ponyboy that he needs to hold on to that “gold” for as long as he can.

PW #2 – Some Christmas Traditions

My Family’s Christmas Traditions

Every year, my family goes to Ontario, where the rest of my family is, to celebrate Christmas with my great-grandparents. Last year was our first year staying here. Even though we didn’t go to Ontario, we still did many of our regular traditions.

Two years ago, we started a new tradition where we could have whatever takeout food we wanted for Christmas Day dinner. On Christmas Eve, we would all get dressed up and have a nice dinner. We decided to do this because with all my family around and all the other things to clean up, this made it easier for everyone.

Another one of our traditions is that my great-grandmother would make “girls’ Christmas stockings,” and all the girls in my family, who were her grandchildren, would get a super fun stocking filled with self-care items. I think my favorite tradition is my Nana’s Christmas girls’ stockings.


In the book We Were Liars, by E. Lockhart, follows a wealthy family who spends every summer of their private island, the main focus of this book is Cadence, after she suffered a head injury during one of their summers there, and has a hard time remembering almost anything from the past trips to this island. While there were there this summer with all of her cousins and friends they go around a circle and say their favourite mottos.

always do what you’re afraid to do p.122

This quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson but is said multiple times by the main character Cadence Sinclair, as a part of her personal journey trying to get her memory back. I think this is an important quote to use because it is used so many times in the book. Including when Cadence does things she is scared of but it brings back her memories.

PW #1 – My Favourite Season

My favourite season is winter, while i also really like summer and spring, but winter is my favourite. It’s my favourite because my birthday and christmas are in the winter. I like christmas because I get to see my family and spend time with them off of school. I also love winter because I love to ski and during the winter months I get to ski with my friends and spend time in the snow, which I love. another reason why I like the winter and snow is because I love to take my dog and play in the snow with him. I like Christmas  also because it’s so pretty with the snow and all the Christmas lights, during winter i love to do things with my friends and decorate for Christmas. I also really like to decorate cookies and gingerbread houses with my friends and family.

“Master and man” personal response

I did not really enjoy this novella, I thought there were way to many filler words and things could have been said and described with way less words. I also didn’t really like how the majority of the story is just them being cold and lost in the woods with their horse, I feel that there wasn’t a lot to take in and felt it was very boring having pretty much the same topic and scene throughout most of the book. I also think the book could have better explained the time frame and it would have been nicer to read. Since the book was written long ago some words will be different which makes sense because they didn’t have the easier words or maybe you didn’t use the words when writing a book, if this was written in todays age I think I would have liked it more.

My introduction

Hi my name is Sophia, I was born in Toronto, Ontario on November 27th 2010, I moved to Victoria when i was 4 years old. I have a little brother who also goes to Brookes, and 1 year old dog named Campbell. I was named after the italian model Sophia loren. My favourite colours are navy blue and light pink. My favourite things to do are train my dog, watch movies, and visit my horse. I love to travel and in the future I hope to travel more around Europe and I would like to move there. I would love to become a lawyer of some sort in the future, possibly a patent lawyer in the science and medical field.