In The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson, a young girl named Bel explains her situation about how her mother has been missing for 16 years, and presumed dead. She explains how her mother went missing when she was 2 and she was left in the back seat until a passer by found her. After the case was closed 16 years later her mother was found while they were making a documentary about her disappearance and the case turned into a reappearance documentary.
“The people who loved you, the ones who really cared, they would always come back. Sometimes, they even came back from the dead.” (page. 93)
In this quotation Bel is saying how the people who loved and care about you will always come back, but when she is saying they will even come back from the dead, Bel suspects that her mother faked her being missing and is determined to figure it out. she suspects that her disappearance was faked because her mother slips up about details of her missing. later in the book she figures out where her mother really was