PW#2 My Two Favorite Times of The Year

Halloween, Halloween is one of the two favorite times of the year because its a magnificent blend of creativity and haunted actions. The excitement of putting up decorations, the fun in scaring people, and the joy of eating chocolate and candy with your friends all contribute to the experience. Plus, its the time to embrace the spooky spirit that scares most people. To me, the whole season of fall – putting up decorations, going to parties, and spending time with friends- it can just be such a magical season. But so can Christmas. Christmas is a wonderful and magical time, kind of like Halloween, but not really. Some of the best thing about Christmas is that it brings food, family, and joy all together. Christmas isn’t just about those things; it’s also about putting up a tree and getting to put decorations up, as well as placing gifts under the tree to give to family. Although the feeling of waking up christmas morning and looking outside at the fresh snowfall is something truly magical, nothing could replace it.

IRJE #1 The Sigma Protocol

“The Sigma Protocol,” by the best selling author Robert Ludlum a interlacing story between espionage and conspiracy. when Ben Stalworthy a son of a holocaust survivor who is also haunted by his past, finds himself upon an organization known as sigma, Ben finds himself in a risky game of owl and rat. As he finds chilling secrets with his friend Anna Navorro about the shadowy corridors of power. Ben Stalworthy must race against time to revel the secrets that he found about the shadowy corridors of power while tracking the clues left alone by his brother. But along the way he is questioned by the police.

Ben glanced at Schmid, who was tapping at his keyboard and no doubt listening. “I’m beginning to see that. So what am I supposed to do?” “the way it works in Switzerland, they can you for up to twenty-four hours without actually arresting you.” “You’re kidding me.”                                                     “And if you tick them off, they can throw you in a dirty little holding cell overnight. So don’t.”               “Then what do you recommend?”                              “Hartman, you can charm a dog off a meat truck, buddy boy, so just be your usual self. Any problems, call me and I’ll get on the phone and threaten an international incident. One of my many partners does a lot of corporate espionage work, point being we’ve got access to some pretty big databases. (p.40)

This quotation it’s from when Ben is taken to be questioned and being held for more than 20 hours by the police, this is a good book and I do recommend the book.

personal writing (Nik) PW #1

Once upon a time in a small town lived a very wise old man that was very wise. He would be the guy that everyone in the small town would turn to him for guidance and advice. One day the wise old man was confronted by a little girl who asked him a question that she knew the wise old man wouldn’t know the answer to. The question was what is the bird in my hands dead or alive and if the old man said the bird was dead she would then open her hands and let the bird go. If the old man said alive she would squish the bird in her hands and say No! its dead. The chances that the old man would get the answer right was 50/50 and it was a 50/50 that the bird would die or not. In the mind of the little girl she wanted the old man to be wrong because she wanted to say to the whole town that the old wise man does not have the answer to everything and you should not take all of your advice from this old man that is wise and claims to know all about giving advice.

My response to “Master and Man”

My overall personal response to the book “Master and Man” was that it was an okay read because it was easy to foreshadow what would happen like when they but it was also boring. One of the reasons why I liked “Master and Man” was because it was more on the side of an easier read. My favorite part in the book was when they got stuck in the snow for the last time at the end of the book.