The book is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The author is J.K Rowling. Harry is having a conversation with this new Professor named Professor Slughorn. He is trying to get a memory about Voldemort. Voldemort killed Harry’s parents when he was little. Voldemort also tried to kill Harry, but Voldemort has never been successful. Harry is trying to convince professor Slughorn to give him a memory so he can use it to kill Voldemort. 

“You are the chosen one?”

“Of course I am” said Harry calmly.

“But then … my dear boy …  you’re asking me in fact, to aid you in your attempt to destroy-”

“You don’t want to get rid of the wizard who killed Lily Evans?”.

Harry, Harry of course I do, but-”

“Your scared he will find out you helped me?”

“Be brave like my mother Professor…”

This conversation was one of the best in this book. I love how Harry tries to guilt Slughorn into giving him the memory. And how slughorn is so

PW#2 Okanagan

Over the summer I went to the Okanagan for a hockey camp. The camp was in Penticton. It was a really cool experience because I got to go out of Victoria and travel for over five hours by ferry and road, which I don’t get to do very often for a training camp. The place I was staying had a beach near by so we would walk around the beach for a bit every day. I didn’t stay too long because I was tired. One night for dinner we went to a wings restaurant which was the best because wings are one of my favorite foods. The hockey camp was the greatest because I learned lots of new things. It was really hot in Penticton but I was lucky because I did not have to worry about it because I was in the arena for most of the day.  Another great part about the Penticton camp was all the new people I met during the camp and all the new friends I made. One of the highlights about being in the Penticton camp was that I became friends with one of the coaches who is an NCAA goalie when I was there which was awesome because I want to play in the NCAA when I graduate from grade twelve.

IRJE#1 Catcher in the Rye

In J.D. Salingers the Catcher in the Rye Holden Caufield and his sister Phoebe Caufield got into an argument and Holden new that if they went to the zoo Phoebe would follow him. Phoebe did follow him but she still wouldn’t talk to him. They went through the zoo seeing all kinds of animals, and they kept getting closer and closer to the carrousel. And they had finally arrived at the carrousel.

That’s depressing, when somebody says “please” to you. I mean if it’s Phoebe or somebody. That depressed the hell out of me. But I put the dough back in my pocket. “Aren’t you gonna ride too?” she asked me. She was looking at me sort of funny. You could tell she wasn’t too sore at me any more (p.223).

This quote is important because it shows just how strong the relationship between Phoebe and Holden is. Phoebe could have stayed mad at Holden no matter what he did to gain her forgiveness but she didn’t. And Holden didn’t have to make her feel better but he did because he cares about her.

PW#1 Nathan

During the summer I went to Australia for my aunts wedding! But when we were flying to Australia we stopped in New Zealand. Our flight was delayed by 6 hours so we had to walk around and find something to do. When went to get some food. Then my uncle, my cousin, and me played cards. It was a delightful experience and I really loved it. We were told to bring our winter clothes because it was going to be cold. It was winter time there because the seasons are switched so I did not get to see their snakes and how hot it could get there. But when we landed it was not as cold as it is in Victoria during our winter months. One of the best parts of the trip other than the wedding was visiting one of their zoos. We got to see baby and adult kangaroos. We even got to feed the kangaroos. One thing that was interesting and took some time getting used to was the how traffic was reversed and people drove on the other side of the road. It did scare me a couple times when we would take a right turn because it was different from our roads in Victoria. I was exited to meet some of my family that I have never met before and get to know my extended family.

My personal opinion on Master and Man

Master and Man was an interesting book and I enjoyed it. The book had a very interesting story line that was easy to follow. The characters were described well enough that as a reader I could understand the point they were trying to make. I liked that the author did not rush to finish the book but rather took his time and painted a word picture of what was going on in the moment. It made me feel like I was there witnessing it. I liked that the story had a good build up and explanation of why Nikita behaved a certain way and why Andreevich did the things he did. I liked the internal monologue Andreevich had that told us he was going in circles literally and emotionally. I liked the ending to the story because I did not think that is how it would have ended. I was surprised that after all the greediness and selfishness Andreevich showed, in the end he turned out to be a really great human being. He didn’t hesitate to sacrifice himself so Nikita could have a longer life, or so he had hoped. I liked that Nikita apologized to his son for his wrong doing, it showed great courage on his part. He understood that his drinking had led him down a dark path, and he loved his son more than he loved the drink.


Get to know me

Hello my name is Nathan. I was born on September 30th, 2010 in Richmond BC. I have no brothers or sisters. I moved to Victoria when I was 3 months old. My mom stayed with my grandparents for the first few months and then I finally moved home. When I was 6 years old my parents enrolled me in Karate. Since then I have earned my full black belt with the opportunity to upgrade to a 2nd degree blackbelt. The journey was not as easy as I thought it would be. I have been playing hockey since I was 7 years old and it is my dream to make it into the NHL. In hockey I play goalie my favorite goalie is Marc Andre Fleury. My parents say I’m not a picky eater but I do have favorite foods that I could eat all the time. My favorite food is chicken wings. I also really like spicy food because I grew up having all sorts of spicy foods. Both my mom and dad love spicy food and I got my first introduction to spice when I was really young. Previous to this year I hadn’t travelled very much outside of North America. This year was the furthest I have ever been in the world was when I went to Australia for my aunts wedding.