INDRJE Black Boy

Black Boy this is a book about a boy who struggles with day-to-day problems, he goes through challenges and many accidents including burning down homes at age 4


“At the age of twelve before I had one full year of formal schooling I had. . . a convention that the meaning of living came only when one was struggling to wring a meaning out of meaningless suffering. At the age of twelve, I had an attitude towards life that was to… make me skeptical of everything, tolerant of all, and yet crucial…that can only keep alive in me that enthralling sense of wonder and awe in the face of drama of human feeling which is hidden off the external drama of life”. 


End of chapter 3. The principle of this quote brings me to believe that life becomes meaningful when we go through that struggle to make it.

pw #2

My mother and I went to Ontario this summer to visit family, the day we got there at 3 am, and that same day my cousins and I went to an aquarium honestly it was pretty cool the day after we went on a wine tour, late that afternoon we (my cousins and i) went ziplining over Niagra falls I gave my mom my sunglasses to hold on to, we came back to the top where we were all SUPPOST to meet but my mother had left to go to a 3-day meeting WITH my sunglasses. That night we went for pizza and went into a haunted house it was really fun I enjoyed it a lot! it was a long drive back and when I got there I went straight into the house, walked up both flights of stairs, got ready for bed, and slept in my jeans.


IRJE #1 Pretty Pretty Boys by Gregory Ashe

This is a very fascinating novel, it starts with Somers and Hazard two detectives in a small town called Waerdurah Hazard and Somers had such a past in high school but that seems to have been resolved. Now they are partners watching over one and another. (I was reading this book over the summer, it was exciting, a murder mystery/romance novel. I picked up where I left off not quite done with the book)

                Jesus god no! Somers took a breath “I mean, no, let                              me handle this ok?”

Hazard managed to nod.

“You call and check in?”

“I don’t need you coming up busywork.”

“come on man somebody’s got to  call”

“Fine.” Hazard snapped. (Page 103-104)

Context: hazard wanted to go into Lady Mable’s chambers, they need information from her on a murder, (Lady Mabel did not wish to speak a word) then Detective Hazard called down to the office to tell them the difficult time they were having trying to get the information out of Lady Mable.


I thought I thought Master and Man was an okay novel but I tought it was pointless when two full-grown men got stuck in a snow storm, Vasili was acting childish and not wanting to go with someone because he didn’t need it and I think you should always go with someone and I thought it was not smart to go out in a snowstorm.

Pw #1

In this personal writing, I’m going to be 100% honest, I’ve gone over 20 different websites about what I should write about, and honestly, I have no clue because they all said something along the lines of “ write about your dream job, something you like, something that interests you, something that makes you happy” and personally none of that interests me one bit…. So now I’m here writing about how I had nothing to write about and if I did write about something it would be something foolish so I’m here writing just about that. So I want to thank Grammarly for helping me write this and also changing all of my horrible grammar to something correct just the other day I was thinking about Rudolph the red nose reindeer and why his nose was red like his mom’s nose is black and his dad’s nose is black but it also might just be genetics but I was wondering. “What if there was a mailman in the mix”. Or ”if his real dad went for the milk and the other guy is the mailman!!!!” woah that was a lot, okay now I’m at 195 words so I just need to say 5 more words, I made it to 210 words, honestly I just kept telling the first thought that came to me ?  and now I’m here, thanks or reading this random stuff ?

Get to know me???????

My name is Maya van Kempen, I was born November 22, 2010, and I’ve lived in Victoria all my life, I love traveling and going on vacations, I play soccer (my fav sport) I’ve been at Brookes for one year, I have 3 cats Hanky, Mochi, and Milo, I love sleeping and watching movies, my dream is to go to Miami, I love rainy days, my dream car is either a dodge charger or a dodge challenger, I love sitting outside and looking up at the stars,  I like camping and going to the golf islands in my dad’s boat, we usually do a 7-day trip and cruise around, I visit my family often, and i just learned how to surf.