PW # 2 -Why I love October

October is probably one of the best seasons ever! (In my opinion) the weather gets so nice and cool, which means it’s finally time to wear sweaters and have pumpkin spice everything. The leaves change to all those pretty colours, and it just feels so cozy outside. Plus, there’s Halloween! Which is super fun with all the spooky decorations and dressing up in costumes. I also love October because it’s my birthday! I was supposed to be born on November 15th, but I decided I wanted to be born on October 31st which is also coincidentally my mom’s favorite day of the year. I get to celebrate with my friends and family, have a party, and dress up. I never really go tricker treating. Yes, I could but I would rather spend time with my family. Unpopular opinion I don’t really like candy, so it works out for me. October is the perfect mix of fall vibes and birthday excitement!

IRJE #1 -The Light Pirate

“The Light Pirate” written by Lily Brookes-Dalton is a captivating novel set in a near future world grappling with climate change. The story follows the life of a young girl named Wanda, who grows up in a Florida that is increasingly threatened by rising sea levels and severe weather. As she navigates her childhood and adolescence. The novel explores themes of resilience, family, and the bond between humans and nature. It delves into the emotional landscapes of its character, highlighting their hope and fears in a world where survival becomes uncertain.

“The passage of years could be assigned a number, but in this place, time has a different measure. its progression is marked by the smoothness of water where ruins once broke the surface. The thickening of a young grove’s canopy. The collapse of an old utility pole. It is marked by the end of one species or the beginning of another. Here, time sprawls and curls. The land returns to the way it was; it becomes something brand new.” (p. 315).

This quote captures the theme of resilience and renewal, emphasizing how, even amid loss, there is always the potential for new beginnings and the continuous transformations of the world around us.

PW# 1 Hollow Creek

On a chilly Halloween night in the small town of Hollow Creek, a group of friends, Sam, Mia, Jake, and Lila, had decided to explore the abandoned Thompson house. Old stories say in the 60’s a man and his wife “The Thompson’s”  lived there, and one night Mrs. Thompson just died. Some people say that Mr. Thompson killed her and others believe she killed her self. The moon hung high as they approached the crumbling structure, its windows dark like hollow eyes.

“Are you sure about this?” Mia asked, her voice quivering slightly. The others laughed, trying to lighten the mood. “It’s just an old house, Jake said, pushing open the creaky front door.

Inside, the air was stale, thick with dust. Cobwebs draped across the corners like ghostly veils. Lila led the way, holding her dad’s big flashlight, illuminating faded portraits of the Thompson family that hung on the wall. Their expressions seemed to follow the teens as the moved, sending shivers down their spines.

“Lets check the basement”, Sam suggested, trying to sound brave. Reluctantly, the group decided to take the rickety stairs. The air grew colder, and and the beam from Lila’s flashlight couldn’t stop flickering as they walked down the stairs.

As they reached the bottom, a sudden chill pushed through them. The walls were lined with shelves of old jars, filled with unidentifiable contents. “This is gross,” Mia whispered, feeling a creeping dread inside. Just then, the door above them slammed shut, plugging them into darkness.

“Guys? Was that you?” Jake’s voice trembled. Panic set in as Lila’s flashlight died, leaving them in pitch black. “Stay calm,” Sam whispered, though his heart raced. They huddled together, listening to the sounds of the house. It’s creaks, whispers, and a fait chilling giggle echoed through the darkness.

Suddenly a cold breeze swept past them, and they heard footsteps approaching. “We need to get out of here!” Mia screamed. They scrambled toward the stair, the door creaking open as if inviting them back.

Bursting outside, they couldn’t stop running unit they reached the safety of the street light. Breathless, they looked back at the Thompson House. A shadowy figure stood in the window, watching them. Halloween night in Hollow Creek had turned from a thrill to a nightmare, forever etched in their memories.



My personal opinion on “Master and Man”

I found the overall book was a little more on the boring side, only till the end it got interesting. In fact, the end was the only part about the book I enjoyed. Though the book had a sad ending, it was good. I did not enjoy how most of the book was set in one place, I wish more would have happened. I found some parts of the book quite confusing; from what what happening to where the setting was. I did enjoy learning about the characters, from what there job is to what life a home looks like. I was taught few lessons on life in general, I even found my self grateful for what I have in life. I think if the book was written in a more common era I would have enjoyed it more. If I could read the book again I probably wouldn’t.

Self Introduction

Hi everyone, my name is Laila, and I am fourteen years old. I am from Victoria, but my dad is from Iran so, I am also half Persian. I used to go to a school called Artscalibre Academy. My mom was the art teacher there. It was great, but Brookes is better. Some of my interests include; music, art, food, being active, , nature, and reading books. In the future I hope to study Biology, animal sciences, or a related field, and maybe become a veterinary doctor.