Diego Pw#2

Outer Banks is one of my favorite shows that i have watched. The show is about a group of friends that live a beachy kind of living off the lands life and they go on a adventure to find gold. The film is filled with drama action and cliff hangers. There was originally  3 seasons but on October 10th they dropped a season 4 this made me so happy and i am so excited to watch it. My plan for the weekend is to have my friends over and watch three or four episodes with them or until we get cant watch anymore. I have waited almost 1 and a half years to watch it that is why i am so exited to see it.


IRJE#1 Diego

Cant Hurt me

The Author of this book is  David Goggin’s the book is a Memoir about a young black boy  who grew up in new York he was a only child and had a abusive father. Through out the book it shows how he is effected by his father and how hard it is to grow up in a household with that kind of environment. He would have to watch his mother get abused and he couldn’t not do anything about it because he was too small and young. After all of his trauma growing up he made a promises to himself to one day be bigger and stronger then his father. However when he started to grow up he forgot about his goal and lost control of his life he was depressed over weight lazy and not happy until he realized what he had said to himself as a child. The book showcases his life and journey on how he succeeded with his goals and went on to become a ultra athlete Navy Seal who became a huge inspiration to thousands of people around the world. He is now know as one of the hardest and toughest humans on the planet. I really enjoyed this book because it is a big motivate for me and it gave me lots of inspiration as an athlete. I also felt that the book has a perfect mix about his life trauma and his successes. One quote i enjoyed in the book was on page 6

” Even the best pep talk or self-help hack is nothing but a temporary fix. It     won’t rewire your brain. It won’t amplify your voice or uplift your life. Motivation changes exactly nobody. The bad hand that was my life was mine, and mine        alone to fix.”

This quote has lots of meaning to it and it really says how David Gogings personality is and how he was as a person.


PW #1: Why I Want to go Back to Europe

About one year ago me and my hole family went on a 2 week Europe trip there was 13 of us traveling around. We went to France Italy and Swisserland all of which were dream places for me to visit. One of my favorite spots we visited in Italy was Venice. It was beautiful there  the architecture was perfect and it was so cool to see everyone in boats rather then cars the food was amazing everything about Venice was perfect. The only thing that was bad was the millions of tourists in your way. Another amazing place we went to in France was Paris it was magnificent walking down the streets going to amazing Bakers to buy croissants and other amazing pastries. The people of France are also very lovely and all of them speak beautiful French. One of the most beautiful pieces of architecture in the world is in Paris and that is the famous Eiffel tower, it is a beautiful tall tower that overlooks Paris. It was amazing to see in person. I wont forget that sight ever. These 2 places were the highlight of my Europe trip I went to so Mutch more, but Venice and Paris were my two favorites. I wish to go back to Europe again and visit it all again it was amazing experience. 


Master and Man Diego

After reading the book i found it a little boring because i found that in the plot it was very simple that he goes gets lost in a snow storm trying to make a trade there was noting that really stood out to me. All the way up to near the end, However at the end of the book i found that it taught good lessons. Such as to not be greedy and the importance of family and life. So even though i found the plot boring. In the end i kind of enjoyed it. I think this book has great meaning to it. My rating would be a 5 out of 10.