My thought about the story of the midsummer night’s dream is that at the beginning the story was very confusing for me. The First time i watch the video of the play i was confused, they where some words that i didn’t know what they meant, frases that didn’t made sense, and the story didn’t made sense to me, but after watching it another time the story began to make sense, to the moment i don’t fully understand it completly but some parts yes, for me it isn’t clear if the fairies where all just a dream or if it was real, but the parts i did understand i thought they where nice, i know the story mixes magic real life and love, i admire the actors that played in the play because if i thought that memorizing a short paragraph was difficult i can imagine the actors having to learn all the play i really admire their work. i liked how in the play they used comedy, how they tried for the story to be interesting, with a love and mithical story and ading comedy to make the people laugh, im not going to lie y didn’t fully understood the jokes but i could see other people did. overall its a greta story thats touching and funny to watch and learn from. it was interesting seeing how the characters confront their emotions, question their relationships, and in some cases, learn important lessons about love and loyalty. i found it funny how puck mixed Lysander and Demetrius and ended up giving the potion to the wrong guy, that was an very important part of the story because that gave a plot twist and challenges to the characters to do. my favorite part of the play was when Hippolyta and Theseus do love acts for each other, and both not knowing what had happend to the other one. that represented real love and appriciation.