I think role models are extremely important in life. If you don’t know what they are, a role model by dictionary definition is “a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.” To me, a role model is someone or even something, but not often, but someone that you look up to and follow, and where you learn things from. Role models can be anyone because like my dad says, “there is something you can learn from everybody”. I think this is an interesting way to look at things, because at first, you think about it and say “there’s no way I could learn something from my younger sibling” or “no way I could learn something from a baby”. But then if you think about it deeper, you can 100% learn something from someone who’s younger than you, even your younger sibling, because everyone has a different experience in life, and knows different things, so even if it’s something obvious, like a younger sibling teaching you gymnastics, they still have something to teach you. But it can also be harder to see too. Like it would be hard to learn something from a baby, but if you pay close attention, a baby can teach you, unintentionally of course, but it could teach you more about how babies work, what they need or want, and how to take care of babies in general, or that specific baby. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. Role models are important because without them, like if you had no one to look up to in life or throughout your childhood, when you grow up, you’re screwed. Like the only way kids know anything about life, real life, is from watching their parents, or other older people they may know. We learn more from role models than we do at school, because you may know all you need to know about math, or language studies, or any subject, but if you don’t know how basic life works, or how to make money, or survive in the real world, all that other knowledge goes to waste and you are screwed. But role models don’t always have to be people older than you. Even me, I have a role model that I try to aspire to be like in my own class. I won’t say who for my privacy and theirs, but there will always be someone better than you, even if you are the best in a field in your class, or grade, school, or even country, unless you are an exceptional, exceptional prodigy at what you do, there will always be someone better than you, someone to look up to. It could even be in your class, like one of mine. There is someone who I see to have certain things figured out better than I do, and maybe they don’t when they go home, but when they are at school, they provide me someone to aspire to be like, and that serves 2 purposes, obviously one, to make you better at something, but it also gives you something to do. That is why I think role models are important