Personal Response to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

I really enjoyed reading “A Midsummer Nights Dream” because it was funny, chaotic, and full of unexpected twists. The way Shakespeare made it so unpridictable and maybe sometimes confusing due to the characters changing who they loved almost every second made it all the better. I liked the humour and I think it really added to the play and made it more fun. One part that stood out to me was when Lysander, who is in love with Hermia, suddenly wakes up and falls for Helena when Puck puts the potion in his eyes. He tells Helena “Not Hermia, but Helena I love”. Before that, he wanted to run away with Hermia, but now he completely forgets about her. This was both funny and frutrating because he doesnt even realize how ridiculous he’s being. I felt bad for Helena cause she thought they were making fun of her when Demetrius also fell under the same potion. She got what she wanted but in the worst way possible. I liked how the play mixed dreams and reality. When Bottom turns into a donkey and Titania falls in love with him, it feels so random and weird. I love how over-the-top everything was. The love potion made the characters act in such perculiar ways, and I liked how the faries added so much chaos. I though the fary world would become more serious, but it eneded up being the funniest part of the play. The whole play made me think about how things arent always how they seem and that’s what made it so interesting in my opinion. I liked how different the play was compared to other ones I have seen. Overall, A Midsummer Nights Dream was really enjoyable, and I liked how it didn’t take itself too seriously. I can see why people still love it after so many years.

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