Right now Im reading “The boy in the striped pyjamas” a novel written by John Boyne which is an historical novel of the world war II, specifically talking about the Holocaust, the story focuses on the friendship of 2 young boys. Bruno, the son of a very important Nazi officer and Shmuel, a Jewish young boy who is a prisoner of a concentration camp, this books symbolizes the innocence of Bruno and Shmuel being kids without understanding he horrors of World War II leading to the end of the book with the horrendous scenario of both kids being send up to the gas chamber

“The soldiers. The ones with the guns. They’re bound to know where your father is.”

In this quotation Bruno is telling Shmuel to ask the soldiers for help to find Shmuel´s father. The quote portraits the innocence of Bruno of what is happening around him, to Bruno, soldiers are just people with uniforms that serves his country by the side of his father, without knowing that they are part of what is causing harm to Shmuel´s family

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