When we got to the first decent the trouble started, i had just landed out from the lift and everything was great, but when i got closer to starting going down i fell down, i went with a big group but the only person that stayed with me was lorea, lorea stayed with me the hole entire time, the first decent i easily fall down 3 times, when it was time to get down the second decent, i started panicking, i easily was up in the mountain for 2 hours, i cried form stress anxiety and pressure to wanted to get down that mountain, Lorea was the best teacher and friend i could ask for in that moments, she stud with me for the hole entire time, giving me hopes, and tips on how to get down, after this day of skiing i thought im never going to be good at skiing but i started thinking it was my fisrt time, obvsiously it was going to be hard but the next time i go skiing i can practive again and then get a hold of it.