The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Written by Robert Louis Stevenson was a weird book that felt hard to understand in some parts and felt like you had to run after the pieces to try and solve the story but also gave a really good point of view of being brought into the story. I did like this book in various places but it felt like a very slow moving book with a lot of little details that end up being important to the story. the beginning of the book didn’t have much going on besides explaining the characters and the introduction to them like mr Utterson going into detail about what kind of person he is while the don’t really don’t give us to much to pin point what kind of person Dr Jekyll is but we do know obviously he’s a kind of doctor specifically an experimental doctor who is more interested in conducting experiments then waiting, because of this one his experiments goes wrong Turning into Mr Hyde and thats basically where the story starts. the story from here has its ups and down and most defiantly its confusing parts. I did enjoy the story in general even though some parts had there dull moments I did like the amount of different events that happened and plot twists in the story it and the little details that become a major story changing details. I would most definitely give the story a 8/10 at the most because it was still a good story but it felt like a hard read in some places, I would recommend reading the book because the general plot line of the story is good and the ending in my opinion is worth it even if it is a hard read in the end.