PW#4 What I Would do If I Was Stuck In The Desert

If I was someday stuck In the desert, I would probably try walking for as long as I possibly could before dark, and then I would dig as much of a hole as possible with my hands, given that I am mostly certain I wouldn’t be stuck in the desert with a shovel. After that, I would go in the hole that I have made, bury myself in the sand for as much warmth as sand can give you. Then I would try to sleep through the whole night without freezing to death or having some deadly snake or animal bite-me or even kill me-while I’m asleep. If morning came around and if I was still in one piece, I would try to find some dead bushes, sticks, or rocks to start a fire to single, hopefully, some plane or aircraft flying above my head to notice that I’m stranded. Hopefully, the person that notices me will be nice enough to save me and not just leave me to die. After that, I would try to find some sort of food that, hopefully once again won’t kill me. I would also try to find a big rock to use as a gravestone to put at my head in case I feel like I am starting to die, I would write my name on it with the blood of a nearby animal so that if, someone would discover my dead body, they would at least know who it was. Nevertheless, of course, this whole scenario of ever getting stuck in the dessert is hypothetical-hopefully, but again, this could happen to anyone; you never know.

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