PR to Our Town – Rachel

I found Our Town to be a meaningful play, even though I had mixed opinions about it while reading it. Initially, I felt the story lacked action as I tend to read stories with storylines and plots focused on drama and tension and many plot twists which resulted in me often waiting for something more significant to happen in the story.  However, as I continued reading, I became more engaged with the lives of the characters especially when events such as the wedding of Goerg and Emely took place As their storylines began to combine. something I also enjoyed was the use of foreshadowing from the narrator or just from the character’s actions. However, I found the ending is what really changed my mind about the book, as it left a strong impact on me. During the funeral scene, we discover that Emily has died and the story shifts, we see two perspectives those who have passed and the living, And that’s when I realized that the reason the book’s beginning focuses on the resident’s ordinary life is because is due to the foreshadowing that nobody appreciates the simple, ordinary life until it’s gone. we can see this in the end when Emily realizes all the things she is saying goodbye to. “Goodbye to clocks ticking….and Mama’s sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new ironed dresses and hot baths….and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you are too wonderful for anybody to realize.” Overall, I thought Our Town was a good book, but it was the ending that made the book more interesting.

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