PW – #3

The tale of falling asleep.

I went to bed late yesterday because I wasn’t tired. I watched relaxing videos on my phone for a while. After that, I still wasn’t very tired so I went upstairs to the living room where my mom was watching something on the TV. She was watching a doctor’s show. I joined her on the couch and we watched the movie. My dad was doing his Duolingo in another room. Halfway through the episode, my mom got bored and went on Facebook to post photos of mushrooms she took. A while later my came and joined us. I looked at the time on my mom’s phone and realized it was kind of late. So, I went downstairs to try and fall asleep again. I wasn’t really tired still so I considered going back upstairs until I was. But then I remembered how I was always really tired in the morning. So, I got in bed and got comfy. About 20 minutes later I was still not asleep and I was getting hot. I shifted my position a couple of times but the only thing that was doing was pushing my blanket off of the bed. A while later my back was getting really uncomfortable. So, I ended up sleeping parallel to my pillows. Only then was I able to fall asleep 50 mins after I got in bed.

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