PW#2: A Future Doctor

Since I was 8 years old, I knew that I wanted to be a doctor. It all started when I went to Brazil to visit my family. My aunt she is a derma-pathologist that one day asked me to go with her to the lab because she didn´t have the time to leave me at home. When I entered that place, everything was ABSOLUTELY amazing, the samples, the materials, EVERYTHING! and I wanted to know more about it even though I couldn´t understand anything the doctors explained to me. Now that I´m older and I know more stuff than I did 7 years ago, everything about medicine started to make more sense to me, I started to understand it and I also started to have that sense of wanting to know more and more. Additionally, I´ve always liked to see people feel good like, it makes me feel sad when someone is sick and I don´t know what to do, I want to help but I just do not know how. That is SO frustrating. Right now, I still don´t know what especialization I´m going to do because there are so many! Maybe neurosurgeon? I don´t know, the only thing I am sure about is that I want to be a great doctor that cures their patients and does a good job, that is my goal and I am determined to accomplish it.

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