PW#1 My trip to France

It was 2018 when my parents told me we were going to move to France, I was shocked at first, but then they told me it was just for six months. I was so excited, and a little nervous, because going to France for six months meant I had to go to school there. Anyways, I can’t really remember when we left, but I do remember the flight there, It was awful, It was so uncomfortable. It started off pretty good, there were a lot of good movies. But then it was time to sleep. I couldn’t, It was so uncomfortable, I tried everything to fall asleep, my mom even made me a little bed under the seats, I still couldn’t sleep. And for some reason I remember hearing the ac of the plane, it was either that, or very strong wind. I tried everything to fall asleep, until I switched seats with my brother and fell asleep on my dad’s lap. The next morning, I woke up to people talking and children crying. When I woke up I it was really late, and I had missed the breakfast, thankfully my dad saved me some of his fruit and yogurt, It was pretty gross but that’s all I had to eat, I can’t remember if I finished it. I can’t remember when we walked off the plane although I remember arriving in Paris. A couple of days later we went on the Eiffel Tower and It was pretty cool. we could see the seine river and all the locks on the railing. After a few days we finally got to see the apartment we were going to stay in for the next six months, I was amazed by how small it was ( the living room, the kitchen and the dinning room were all in the same room ) “This is going to be the longest six months of my life” I thought. It turned out to be great. We didn’t rent a car to move around, we move around on scooters, not even electric ones. The first month was pretty fun because I didn’t have school, because we were still moving in and school hadn’t started yet. We went for walks to the park and ate really good pizza and bread from the corner, thats when I first started skateboarding, I even got to see my best friend that had moved to Italy. It was pretty fun, until school started. I had a lot of friends, but it was the teachers and the staff, they hated me and I hated them. they were so rude and strict. Except I liked that I didn’t have school on Wednesday and the weekend of course, and I also had two twenty minute breaks and one two hour break to eat. I ate at school. Anyways that pretty much sums it up. And that was my experience in France.

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