My PR to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

I really enjoyed A Midsummer Night’s Dream because it connects with a few of my interests, like romance, and drama. The play explores love in so many different ways, and shows how unpredictable and ridiculous it can be. Shakespeare uses magic, and conflicts to prove that love isn’t always as straightforward as people make it seem.

While reading the dialogue and watching the play, it made me think about how easily love can be manipulated and how emotions are not always what they might be perceived as. The play gives many examples of how quickly people can change their feelings, which made me think about the difference between true love and love influenced by people around. At the same time, the play made me think about how imagination plays a role in love and relationships. 

One of the most interesting aspects of the play is how it introduces different varieties of love. There’s passionate love, like what Hermia and Lysander have, but also forced love, which is what Helena and Demetrius initially had. There’s even love made by magic, like when Titania falls for Nick Bottom in the form of a donkey. While some of these relationships seem genuine, a good amount are obviously fake. The realest love in the play is probably between Hermia and Lysander since they genuinely care for each other and fight to be together, while the love between Titania and Nick Bottom is unnatural because it’s caused by a spell. Even Demetrius’ love for Helena is questioned, because he only actually falls for her after Oberon’s spell.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading and watching A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The mix of romance, and humor made it entertaining and really easy to understand and digest. The way Shakespeare shows varieties of love kept me thinking about the story even after I got out of the lesson.

pr to mid summer night dream

A mid summer night dream was a story with a plot line that kept people interested and intrigued in the book with a story that goes all over the place and a happy ending when everything seems like there so repair. For me the story was interesting the words didn’t make sense or feel like they where speaking full sentences or how it sounded like there were speaking gibberish the whole time but in the movie following along you do manage to grasp what’s going on. I do like the way each character is kind of like how you see them in your head and how the story describes each one. The plot along the story was entertaining with its slow parts but with an entertaining moment here or there. The play was cool with nice scenery and a way to show nature as a kingdom without much effort put into it. My favourite part of the whole thing including the movie is how well the gardens with the fairy’s and how pretty it all was like the hanging basket as a bed. I liked how this is considered normal forests for the people who live around there and the effortlessness it took for them to make it like that. I thought the movie was well put together with the characters matching descriptions well and the way the whole thing was set up. I did like the play because of the plot line and how there was always something new happening to find out and how they didn’t hold out too long on an unnecessary point that don’t go anywhere in the story but that each thing was mildly important in the story line that came back to sort its self out in the end. I did like a mid summer night dream for what it was and I think me personally I wouldn’t read the book but what the movie because I can follow what’s going on better.

Midsummer Night’s Dream PR

My thought about the story of the midsummer night’s dream is that at the beginning the story was very confusing for me. The First time i watch the video of the play i was confused, they where some words that i didn’t know what they meant, frases that didn’t made sense, and the story didn’t made sense to me, but after watching it another time the story began to make sense, to the moment i don’t fully understand it completly but some parts yes, for me it isn’t clear if the fairies where all just a dream or if it was real, but the parts i did understand i thought they where nice, i know the story mixes magic real life and love, i admire the actors that played in the play because if i thought that memorizing a short paragraph was difficult i can imagine the actors having to learn all the play i really admire their work. i liked how in the play they used comedy, how they tried for the story to be interesting, with a love and mithical story and ading comedy to make the people laugh, im not going to lie y didn’t fully understood the jokes but i could see other people did.  overall its a greta story thats touching and funny to watch and learn from. it was interesting seeing how the characters confront their emotions, question their relationships, and in some cases, learn important lessons about love and loyalty.  i found it  funny how puck mixed Lysander and Demetrius and ended up giving the potion to the wrong guy, that was an very important part of the story because that gave a plot twist and challenges to the characters to do.  my favorite part of the play was when Hippolyta and Theseus do love acts for each other, and both not knowing what had happend to the other one. that represented real love and appriciation.

PR – Midsummer Night’s Dream

While reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, I thought that it was written very well, and you can tell by the flow and wording of his writing that he really had a passion for storytelling. Even though I don’t usually enjoy reading Shakespeare, I can still appreciate how creative and imaginative this play is. It made me think what Shakespeare was thinking about when he wrote this text, or what was happening in his own life at the time to inspire such a story. Was he thinking about love in his own relationships? Those thoughts made me more curious about the person behind the words, even if the actual language was difficult to follow. Something I found hard for me in this text was the Old English style of writing. I find it hard to focus when the language is so unfamiliar, and I had to reread certain parts just to figure out what was even happening. That being said, once I understood the scenes, I found some of them really interesting, especially the relationship between Titania, the Queen of the fairies, and Bottom, an ordinary man who is magically given the head of a donkey. I find this relationship especially interesting because I think Shakespeare was making a point about how love can make people completely blind. Titania doesn’t fall for Bottom because of who he is — she falls for him because of a magic spell, but the way she showers him with love and attention reminded me of how people sometimes convince themselves that someone is perfect, even when they clearly aren’t. It’s like when people put someone on a pedestal and only see what they want to see, instead of who the person actually is. Shakespeare might be exaggerating it for comedy, but the truth behind it is pretty real.

PR to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream was an enjoyable play to read and watch. This play by Shakespeare was easier to follow along than some of his other plays. The language used was more complex than I am used to, but with the context of the scene I was able to understand what the characters would say. Once I recited the poem said by Helena, “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind”, and researched what some of the words meant, it helped me understand what they were saying when they would use the words I researched. I really like how in the end they all got their happy endings. I also liked the fact that it had fairies, because even though you can’t see them, they would do good things, like use love potions on Demetrius and Lysander. Although these love potions made them act in such strange ways, it truly shows what you will do for love. I did feel bad for Hermia when Demetrius was “in love” withe Helena, because the night before they were running away together, they were so happy, and then the next morning he tells Hermia he wants nothing to with her. But luckly puck gave demetrius another love potion and he fell in love with Hermia again. Also, it was very pretty how the fairy world had so much more flowers and hanging beds even though only the fairies could see it. And the Pyramus and Thisbe play was pretty funny, like when they couldn’t remember their lines, or dropped things. It was so silly. In the end, this play is so old, yet can still relate to modern times.

Personal response to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – Archie

A Midsummer Night’s Dream was a play written by William Shakespeare. I enjoyed watching the movie of this play, and I would rate it a 7/10. I found that it was easy to follow along with and you understood what was going on in the play at all times, unlike some of the other plays , movies, or stories that we’ve read, where you kind of had to figure out yourself why some things were happening. I found it really funny when Nick Bottom turned into a donkey and it was funny seeing everyones reactions to his transformation. A crucial part of the story which I found was also interesting was the love cycle between Demetrius, Lysander, Hermia and Helena, it made everything more chaotic and added another sense of emotion into the play which a lot of other plays and stories which we have read and watched didn’t do. Something which I did not like was all of this old language and the old expressions which were use. Although the play was easy to follow along with overall, it was still difficult to figure out what certain things meant because they use all these ancient expressions to describe certain things. For example when all 4 lovers were in the mud pit and I think it was Lysander who insulted Helena, he used some weird words which i’ve never heard before to insult her and I was so confused by what he meant. I also like how in the end, Nick Bottom came back from being a Donkey and outside of a window he saw a bunch of glowing flying red dots which he then knew was Tatiana. It made him remember her and all the love he had for her in that crazy experience of his. Nick was definitely my favorite character. Overall, there were just so many emotions in the play, like joy, happiness, anger, and jealousy, which made the play relatable to anyone at least at one point in the play.

PW#9 – Role Models

I think role models are extremely important in life. If you don’t know what they are, a role model by dictionary definition is “a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.” To me, a role model is someone or even something, but not often, but someone that you look up to and follow, and where you learn things from. Role models can be anyone because like my dad says, “there is something you can learn from everybody”. I think this is an interesting way to look at things, because at first, you think about it and say “there’s no way I could learn something from my younger sibling” or “no way I could learn something from a baby”. But then if you think about it deeper, you can 100% learn something from someone who’s younger than you, even your younger sibling, because everyone has a different experience in life, and knows different things, so even if it’s something obvious, like a younger sibling teaching you gymnastics, they still have something to teach you. But it can also be harder to see too. Like it would be hard to learn something from a baby, but if you pay close attention, a baby can teach you, unintentionally of course, but it could teach you more about how babies work, what they need or want, and how to take care of babies in general, or that specific baby. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. Role models are important because without them, like if you had no one to look up to in life or throughout your childhood, when you grow up, you’re screwed. Like the only way kids know anything about life, real life, is from watching their parents, or other older people they may know. We learn more from role models than we do at school, because you may know all you need to know about math, or language studies, or any subject, but if you don’t know how basic life works, or how to make money, or survive in the real world, all that other knowledge goes to waste and you are screwed. But role models don’t always have to be people older than you. Even me, I have a role model that I try to aspire to be like in my own class. I won’t say who for my privacy and theirs, but there will always be someone better than you, even if you are the best in a field in your class, or grade, school, or even country, unless you are an exceptional, exceptional prodigy at what you do, there will always be someone better than you, someone to look up to. It could even be in your class, like one of mine. There is someone who I see to have certain things figured out better than I do, and maybe they don’t when they go home, but when they are at school, they provide me someone to aspire to be like, and that serves 2 purposes, obviously one, to make you better at something, but it also gives you something to do. That is why I think role models are important

Personal Response To “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream By William Shakespeare is a play, or movie in the way we were exposed to it, that I really enjoyed. I thought when we started to learn Shakespeare it was going to be all boring and hard to read and just really annoying and something I didn’t want to have anything to do with. But after watching this movie, (I’m just going to call it a movie as we didn’t really read the book) I realized why Shakespeare got so famous, because something so old and ancient, when remade into a movie, could so easily entertain a younger audience, but could also probably entertain an older audience as well. It was great at showing the classic love triangle we all know and love, the good old parents being a pain in the rear end, the mystical fairy element we all like, and of course the old style of humour and comedy we all appreciate. one thing that u liked how good the actors were in the movie. I know that will not be the same for every performance of this play, and it has nothing to do with the play itself, but it really puts it all together. They were so good at acting that I actually genuinely felt bad for some of the characters like Helena, and I’m not even a girl. I overall think this was an amazing play and movie, by far the best we’ve done yet. I really liked especially how this play is very clearly written in the old days, because it shows how the world really used to work, and it shows real life, its not like movies these days, which are all fake designed for kids to fall into them and made purely for entertainment, or they are influenced by the government, and non-fiction movies most of the time don’t actually show everything that happens in the world because of the government. It just purely shows how things used to be, with friends that are both girls kissing each other, and other things, but nothing comes of those things, because it was normal, and is normal. I think that play and the movie, and way they presented it, is an absolute masterpiece, and I would love to borrow the disk to watch with my family. I also liked the idea of having a play being preformed inside a play. The idea has probably been used before, but I found it interesting.

PR – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Overall, I would rate this play a 7/10 because it was my favourite thing so far. My favourite part of the play was when all the workers put on the play at the wedding. I liked this part because the workers keep on saying funny lines or messing up their lines. Sometimes I wouldn’t get the joke immediately but when I did, I thought it was really funny. However, I didn’t really like how Theseus and Hippolyta kept on interrupting the play because I feel like it interrupted the flow of it. I also really liked the part where the four lovers changed the love cycle a lot of times, because I felt it made it way more interesting and kind of chaotic. I found that the story was pretty easy to follow along with, unlike the other stories that we had read. My second favourite part was when Titania fell in love with Bottom because I found it very unique and funny, because Bottom was really confused. My least favourite character was Demetrius because I felt he was very rude to Helena. Even though he didn’t like her, I felt like he was not being considerate to her feelings by being rude.

When we first began reading the book, and we received it, I was a bit worried that we would have to read all of that because I generally have trouble interpreting poems, so when we watched the movie I felt relieved. I believed that watching the movie really helped me understand what was going on better.

I like this play because it is a mix between multiple genres. Such as, comedy, romance, fantasy and others. It has an interesting plot and a lot of plot twists. When we first received the book I was skim reading and saw ahead how the love circle had changed so before we reached those parts of the play I already knew that the lovers would change.

My personal response to a Midsummer Night’s Dream because Suzy wouldn’t let me make it her personal response and neither would Maya so it has to be My Personal Response, but I really feel like I would have done it better if it was my Not so personal Response, but anyways…

I have a couple of different opinions on this one. I actually really liked the play, and thought that it was hilarious, especially Pyramus. But when we watched some of the other versions, I didn’t find them as funny or entertaining. My favourite part of the play was at the end when they performed Pyramus and Thisbe. My favorite character in the play was the man in the moon, because I thought he was funny and creative when he forgot his lines and just went back up and announced that, that was all that he had to say. However, it was also funny when Pyramus said that the lion deflowered Thisbe, I didn’t understand the joke at first, and thought that it was just a mispronunciation, but after I learned the meaning of the word, when we rewatched it, the joke was much more funny. I also enjoyed the several puns about Bottom making an ass of himself, and find it funny that his name is Bottom and that he became an ass. Also I wonder what was going through the fairies heads when Titania was going on about how amazing Bottom is, like I would just leave at that point thinking that all hope for the world was lost. I also found it funny that Helena was so offended by the fact that Lysander and Demitrius liked her, I understand that she thought they were just being mean and trying to say that no one loved her, but it was still funny! Also who thinks, hey to solve all of our problems let’s go run off into the forest that is clearly not very far away if the men were hunting there or if the other two were able to follow them so easily, like why would you do that? It just makes no snese.

Pr to a mid summers night dream

When I first read A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Shakespeare’s language can seem difficult at first, but as I read through the play, I was quickly pulled into its fun and magical world. What I found most interesting about the play was how it mixes reality with fantasy. The story is full of love, magic, and confusion, which made it both funny and exciting to read.

One of the themes that stood out to me was love. The play shows that love can be confusing and even a little crazy. In the first act, we see the characters Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, and Helena each experience love in different ways. It’s clear that love is not always easy to understand. For example, Lysander and Hermia are deeply in love, but their love faces obstacles because Hermia’s father wants her to marry Demetrius. At the same time, Demetrius seems to switch his love from Hermia to Helena after being affected by magic. This shows how love can be unpredictable, and sometimes it feels like other forces are controlling it.

The magical parts of the play also caught my attention. Puck, a mischievous character, causes trouble by using a magic potion on the lovers. I thought it was interesting how the magic created both problems and solutions for the characters. For example, when Puck accidentally makes Lysander fall in love with Helena instead of Hermia, it causes confusion, but also creates funny moments. The magic in the play makes anything seem possible, and that kept me interested throughout the story.

Another part of the play I enjoyed was the play-within-a-play performed by the “rude mechanicals.” Their attempt to put on a play for the Duke is full of mistakes, which made me laugh. They take themselves so seriously, even though their performance is very bad, which adds to the humor. The character Bottom, who is turned into a donkey, is especially funny. His complete lack of awareness of the silly situation makes him a great comedic character.

One of the things I liked about A Midsummer Night’s Dream is that, even though it talks about serious topics like love, jealousy, and confusion, the tone is still light and fun. The play is funny, but it also shows that relationships can be complicated. The ending, where everything is fixed and the characters are happy, gave me a sense of relief and satisfaction. It shows that, even with all the chaos, things can turn out well in the end.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It made me think about love, magic, and how our feelings can sometimes feel out of our control. The humor and twists in the story kept me entertained, and by the end, I felt happy. The play is fun, but it also teaches us about human nature in a way that still makes sense today, even though it was written a long time ago.

PR to “A Midsummer night’s dream”

A midsummer Night’s dream has definitely been the best piece that we have worked with in English. It is a movie that i would probably want to see again, and a book that I may want to read again. The plot of the book was very interesting, and not too hard to keep up with. I like how well-formed and multi-sided the characters are. They each have something that we can relate to as human beings. From pride, joy, friendliness and humor to grief, envy, jealousy and anger, the characters cover so many emotions and it makes them so relatable. I would say, though, that the an that becomes part-donkey had a very complex side storyline and it was a bit difficult to understand exactly what was happening at certain points of time, in the book. That’s why i like the movie version better. I highlighted certain points in the plot and showed them better than the book did, and it made it a lot easier to understand. The use of sensory details in the book also stood out a lot, because most of the time, I had a clear vision of the settings as the words used to describe them were crafted and put together very well. The best part of this play, for me, was probably the scene where the four lover characters were confused about who they loved. It was my favourite part of the book because the occurrences that happened in that part were really funny, especially when they began to wrestle in the mud. Overall, 8.678 out of 10. Very funny, I will most likely read or watch it again, and I suggest it for the next set of students going to learn it, because I think they will enjoy it a lot and they will find the humour in the script funny.

PR to A Midsummer Night’s Dream

I really liked A Midsummer Night’s Dream because I found I very funny. My favorite part of the entire thing was when Puck turned Nick Bottom into a Donkey. It was really funny to see what the other people thought of him when they saw his face as a donkey. Another funny part was the play. I found that it funny because they always messed up their lines so it added a bit of comedy because they just stood their not knowing what their line was. I really liked the play overall because I found it the perfect combination that makes it a good play. My favorite in this play was Nick Bottom. I really found it funny how he was turned to a donkey and how he gets his words mixed up. Like when he says ” Sweet moon, I thank thee for thy sunny beams”. I found this funny because moons are not sunny. I also liked how in the play there were 3 different stories but in the end they all sort of linked. I found this interesting because normally stories have 1 or 2 stories in them. One part I did not like was when Nick was the donkey and he was with Titania Puck was just watchin. I found it kind of odd and a little weird. One part I found hilarious about Pyramus and Thisby was how the person playing Thisby was a guy. I found it hilarious because he had to go in a higher voice which did not sound normal at all. And also whenever someone messed up a line there was a guy that yelled. Whenever the camera was on the guy that yelled it was super funny because he always had this mad expression from how bad the play was. But overall I found this play a good play and I really liked it.

PR to A Midsummer Night’s Dream

After watching the movie of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I would say that it is definitely my favourite text we have worked with so far in English class. I found that it was very interesting and always had something new going on. When we first started the text, I thought that I would struggle a lot because of the Shakespeare but it was actually quite easy to understand. At least it was much better than I had thought. I liked in the movie how they portrayed the strong love triangle between Hermia, Helena and Lysander. I think this was a huge part of the book and it allowed the book to have many twists and turns. For example, at the start Hermia and Helena were best friends and then in the middle of the book they were enemies because Lysander was in love with Helena and then at the end their relationship was salvaged and brought back to peace. There was also Hermia and Lysander’s story which I also quite enjoyed. I thought it was more of a classic love story that we don’t see too often anymore. Then, towards the middle of the story, I like how the fairies became a huge part of the story. If you think about the story as a whole, the fairies were really the centre of the story and the main catalyst because they were the ones who changed Lysander and Demetrius. If the fairies weren’t in the story I feel it would have been much more boring and uninteresting because they were the main reason all the drama started in the movie. Lastly, I liked how Shakespeare had many subtle laughable jokes and made some of the scenes funny how people would mix up words and say a joke but not make a bug deal about it. Overall, I really enjoyed this text and I hope we can read more similar to this. Even though it is older, it can still please a young audience which is hard to do.

Perosnal Response to A Midsummer Night’s Dream

One of the elements I enjoyed when reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream was the love triangle between Lysander, Hermia, and Helena and the way their relationship and constant shifting in and out of love added intrigue and comedy to the story. Something else I enjoyed reading was how this love triangle explored themes of jealousy and unrequited love. Watching the characters navigate their feelings, whether it was awkwardly or humorously, etc, was also entertaining and added layers to their characters, making their emotions feel more real. One of the characters who did this very well was Helena, as she struggled to gain Demetrius’s affection. Her vulnerability and desperation despite her loyalty and efforts, and how she was unable to get the love she deserved, made me empathize and root for her even more.Another thing I also liked about the play was the ending of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, as it provided a sense of harmony after all the chaos. Despite the confusion and misunderstandings caused by magic, the characters found their way back to each other, and everything was set right. I thought the reunion between Lysander, Hermia, Helena and Demetrius was very sweet, and I liked how it brought an end to the love triangle, proving that, despite the chaos, true love was able to win in the end. Something I didn’t enjoy as much was how quickly the characters’ feelings changed. While it added to the comedy, it also made their love seem shallow at times. The way Demetrius suddenly loved Helena just because of magic felt hurtful and made me feel bad for Helena because she was treated so poorly. Overall, A Midsummer Night’s Dream was an enjoyable and well-written play. Even though some of the romance felt unrealistic, the humor, creativity, magical elements and unpredictable twists and turns in the plot made it an intriguing and good read.


Personal Response to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

I really enjoyed reading “A Midsummer Nights Dream” because it was funny, chaotic, and full of unexpected twists. The way Shakespeare made it so unpridictable and maybe sometimes confusing due to the characters changing who they loved almost every second made it all the better. I liked the humour and I think it really added to the play and made it more fun. One part that stood out to me was when Lysander, who is in love with Hermia, suddenly wakes up and falls for Helena when Puck puts the potion in his eyes. He tells Helena “Not Hermia, but Helena I love”. Before that, he wanted to run away with Hermia, but now he completely forgets about her. This was both funny and frutrating because he doesnt even realize how ridiculous he’s being. I felt bad for Helena cause she thought they were making fun of her when Demetrius also fell under the same potion. She got what she wanted but in the worst way possible. I liked how the play mixed dreams and reality. When Bottom turns into a donkey and Titania falls in love with him, it feels so random and weird. I love how over-the-top everything was. The love potion made the characters act in such perculiar ways, and I liked how the faries added so much chaos. I though the fary world would become more serious, but it eneded up being the funniest part of the play. The whole play made me think about how things arent always how they seem and that’s what made it so interesting in my opinion. I liked how different the play was compared to other ones I have seen. Overall, A Midsummer Nights Dream was really enjoyable, and I liked how it didn’t take itself too seriously. I can see why people still love it after so many years.