
It is December 27th as I’m writing this so it’s like the day after I wrote the last one and OH MY GOD!!!!!!! It took WAY longer to clean the pantry than I thought it would. Instead of it being the casual 2 hours it turned into 4! But, anyways…. We went to go see the movie with my neighbors but we met up with my mom’s sister first for dinner. My mom started to remind me to eat quickly because we were going to see the movie and we didn’t want to be late. yeah, so I was thinking that we had like another hour almost and the theater was right there so it wouldn’t take that long. What do you know!? There truly is a first time for everything because I WAS RIGHT!!!! We literally got there like 40 minutes before the movie started and we just had to wait until the other people arrived. One the others got there we got popcorn and grabbed seats and stuff, but then our neighbor Sue (who I was sitting next to) asked if I could move over 1 seat so that she could sit with her husband Gary. I obviously said yes and didn’t think that it would be a problem. Until the movie actually started. Before I switched seats Gary had said that I could share popcorn with Sue. But now I was sitting one seat over no longer next to Sue and I had the popcorn but I didn’t know what to do with it. I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be Sue’s popcorn that she could share with Gary, or if I was supposed to share it with my aunt who was sitting next to me. Now, this was a long movie. It was 2 hours and 40 minutes, so the entire time that I am watching the movie I just don’t know what to do with the popcorn because Gary hasn’t asked for it back, but my aunt hasn’t taken any either. I didn’t want to be rude by eating someone else’s popcorn, but I also didn’t want to be rude by not eating the popcorn if the neighbors had paid for it. So for literally the whole movie I just sat there thinking about the popcorn and what to do about it while every one in a while taking a small bite incase I was supposed to eat it. In the end I barely ate any popcorn and left the theatre as quickly as possible to avoid any conversation that could possibly occur about the popcorn. Now I know that if I ever see a movie with them again I should probably sit next to my parents incase of emergencies such as this one.

PW #5

I am writing this on boxing day (because i forgot to write this when it was due) and I just don’t understand adults. Like, what is up with them? My parents have been super busy lately and it’s been a challenging couple of weeks for us all with it being the final weeks for my mom to all of her orders done for her job in sales, and my dad being really stressed about the caffe not doing well and not being sure that we can keep it open (we couldn’t). Also we are supposed to be going to Hawaii on New Years Eve, and until December 24th I didn’t have a passport and we had no idea if it would come or not. So everyone has been rushing around doing last minute gift shopping and my dad and I have done 2 days of really hard work clearing out the caffe, and we had my moms sister over and a Christmas party at our neighbors (which we had to make a lot of food for). And now it is finally boxing day where we have a chance to do nothing all day and just relax and read books or watch a movie (we are going to watch a movie with the neighbors in the evening) but NO! Let’s spend the one day we can relax by not relaxing and cleaning the whole house instead. I don’t know what is wrong with them. But anyways I have to go clean out the pantry for 2 hours now, so see you in the New Year!


Perfume by Patrick Süskind it set in the 1800’s Paris. the main character of the book is named Jean-Baptiste Grenouille because of his gifts and sole ambition were restricted to a domaine that leaves no trace in history, the fleeting realm of scent. Where this story takes place it seems as if the whole world smells, the river stunk, the market stunk, the churches stunk, the people stunk, everything smelt awful even the king himself stunk. The king like a rank lion and the queen an old goat. the worst stench in the city was between the rue aux fers and the rue de la ferronnerie. for 800 years people had been brining dead bodies here to be hidden or disposed of. on July 17th 1738 Grenoullie was born, it ended being the hottest day of the year when he was born, his mother worked at a fish stand in the market when she was in labor and just wanted the pain to leave quickly. Grenoullie was one of 5, she wanted the birth to be over when the final contraction came she squared over and gave birth to Grenoullie. His mother bent down with a butchers knife to cut the cord but under the heat she passed out while people crowded around her

by stander 1 – what happened to her

by stander 2 – nothing

by stander 3 – what is she doing with the knife

by stander 2 – nothing

by stander 3 – where’s the blood on her skirt coming from

          by stander 2 – the fish

I chose this quote because its one of the only conversation in the first 2 pages of the book that I’ve read


Christmas holiday

I am so exited for this Christmas holiday this year i am staying in Vitoria for Christmas break and i will be seeing my family and friends a lot. I enjoy that we are staying here because i like to relax and not feel to rushed traveling around the world  it is also nice to experience the cold weather and hopefully it snows. My plans for Christmas day and Christmas eve is to go to my grandmas house on Christmas day for breakfast and dinner and for Christmas eve it is going to be at my house i am so exited for all of it. I cant wait to see all my family there will be 15 of us together its going to be great.


Kathleen Glasgow’s fictional book Girl in Pieces explores themes of trauma, recovery, and self-discovery. The story follows 17-year-old Charlotte “Charlie” Davis, a girl who has experienced immense pain, including the death of her father, her mother’s neglect, and losing her best friend to suicide. Struggling to cope, Charlie turns to self-harm as a way to manage her emotional turmoil. After a particularly traumatic event lands her in a mental health facility, Charlie embarks on a journey to rebuild her life. She relocates to Tucson, Arizona, where she begins working at a coffee shop. There, she meets an eclectic group of people, including Blue, a tough yet supportive co-worker, and Riley, her brooding but troubled boss. These relationships become pivotal in her journey toward healing.

You think you know someone in the sunlight, but you don’t. There’s something about the dark that makes people lie. You can see their faces but not their hearts. You can hear their words but not their thoughts. And sometimes the dark makes us strangers to ourselves, too. (p.178)

I chose this quotation because It is something I think about constantly. You truly never know what someone is feeling or thinking. You think you know someone when, in reality, they could be the complete opposite of what you think they are like.

IRJE # 6 -Out of my mind-

Out of My Mind, written by Sharon M. Draper, is a meaningful and powerful story that follows the life and struggles of a twelve-year-old girl, Melody Brooks. Melody has photographic memory, making it feel like her head is “recording” The novel offers a deep dive into the world of a non-verbal child, providing a well understanding and exploration of her internal thoughts, frustrations, and even dreams. The book emphasizes the importance of making awareness to inclusion, and the capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Through Melody’s journey, Draper portrays how society often underestimates the potential of people with any physical disability.

Words have always swirled around me like snowflakes-each one delicate and different, each one melting untouched in my hands.

Deep within me, my words pile up in huge drifts. Mountains of phrases and sentence is a connected idea. Clever expressions. Jokes. Love songs.

From the time I was little-maybe just a few months old-words were like sweet, liquid gifts, and I drank them like lemonade. I could almost taste them. They made my jumbled thoughts and feelings have substance. My parents have always blanketed me with conversation they chattered and babbled. They verbalize and vocalize. My father saying to me. My mother whispered her strength into my ear.

Every word my parents spoke to me or about me I absorbed and kept and remembered. All of them.

I have no idea how entangled the complicated process of words and thought, but it happened quickly and naturally. By the time I was two, all my memories and all my words had meanings.

But only in my head. I’ve never spoken one single word.

I am almost twelve years old. ( p.284)

This quotation speaks to the inside of Melody’s mind, her wanting for communication, and the isolation she must experiences because of the disconnect between her thoughts and her inability to speak. It really highlights both the beauty and the anger of being unable to share your thoughts with the world.

Personal Response to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I think that A Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was the best book that we read in term one. I  also thought, that the book started out different then how i thought based on the title of the book and from reading the blurb on the back. Then it got good and then in the end with the whole Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde being the same person made the book go from an 8 to a solid 7. After that I thought that, in the beginning the book was going to be about some old people who ended up doing little hobbies to pass the time, but I was just about completely wrong about that one. The feeling that I had in the end when we found out that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were the same person, it was a little weird since I have never seen or experienced this sort of thing happen in a book but it was also kind of refreshing that the author Robert Louis Stevenson put that detail into his book. It was also cool how the author made it seem that Mr. Hyde was doing something to Dr. Jekyll, but really that was not happening at all and  when the author made it so that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are the same person. Robert Louis Stevenson really made two really good different characters, Mr. Hyde being a really stone cold, dark person and Dr. Jekyll being a well known scientist/doctor, but later on in the book Dr. Jekyll begins to become tormented and starts lose control of what he was doing. When Dr. Jekyll created Mr. Hyde it was so he could have a dark side and a light side but after that later Dr. Jekyll started to lose the like of being Jekyll and was more interested in being dark and tormented, so then after that when he lost control over switching between both people he decided just to end Mr. Hyde from all existence to never see the day of light again.


For Christmas I will not be doing a lot. But we will be going to Vancouver. I will be going to Vancouver because most of my family lives there. We are going there because we have always celebrated Christmas there. While we are in Vancouver we are going to be doing a hockey camp. It is just a small camp because it is just to fine tune everything and so I do not go cold over the winter. When we are in Vancouver we are just going to mostly go places with my family. One of the best parts of being in Vancouver is it is a lot bigger so we can go to more places. Also because most of my family lives there I do not get to see them very often so during these events it is nice to catch up with everyone. I am also really exited to go to see all my cousins because I have not seen them since the summer. I am also going to go to the food places which are way better then the places in Victoria. I would say the best part of the trip is going to be spending time with my family.

PR The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I really enjoyed reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. The dark, mysterious mood of the story grabbed my attention right away, and I was fascinated by the way it explored identity, morality, and the human mind. From the start, the strange character of Mr. Hyde caught my interest, and as the story went on, I became more curious about the relationship between him and Dr. Jekyll. Stevenson created a lot of suspense, keeping me eager to find out the truth behind their connection.

What I liked most about the book was how it showed that good and evil are not completely separate but are part of the same person. Dr. Jekyll’s struggle to control the darker side of himself, represented by Mr. Hyde, made me think about how everyone has their own inner battles. The way Jekyll changes into Hyde after drinking the potion was a powerful way to show how easy it is to give in to bad instincts when there are no consequences. I also found it interesting how Hyde represented the parts of society that people often hide or ignore. His complete lack of care for others made him the opposite of Jekyll, who tried to be good and respectable. This made the story both a thrilling mystery and a warning about the dangers of hiding or ignoring darker feelings.

The way the story was told kept me hooked. The mystery, told through letters and key moments, made me want to keep reading. Stevenson revealed the connection between Jekyll and Hyde bit by bit, and when the truth came out, it was both surprising and made sense. The book made me think about the darker side of human nature, and I liked that it didn’t give simple answers. It left me thinking about it long after I finished, especially about the good and bad sides that we all have within ourselves.


PW #6 – future secret garden

If I ever had my own secret garden it would have so many fun things. When you first walk in it would have a straight pathway to a middle circle with a large and very artistic water fountain with colourful flowers around it. Then after the middle there would be a couple paths going in other directions. The first one to the left would take you down a small winding path to a pond where you would cross on tile stepping stones, and the path there will be surrounded by big and tall bushes of flowers that are very colourful. Then after the stepping stones across the pond, is a little porch with a roof and a swing bench to sit in and read outside. On the path straight from the middle points in will be an arch of flowers that are pink and blue and green. Through that arch is a small little cabin with a Mediterranean/beach house design inside. The cabin is in a big field with flowers and trees and tall grass, perfect for picnics. lastly the path on the right goes through a stone path with ancient looking pillars, and a look out to a my future house. After you go through this path you end at the pool with pool chairs connected to my future house. The whole garden is divided by large and beautiful flowers and plants. This is what my future house and garden will be like.

PW # 6 – Sketchy park

One afternoon, a couple years ago, i was hanging out with some friends, and we were on a relaxed walk. We were walking by a little park that someone had put together. It was just a tree and a rope attached to a plank of wood at the end. At first sight, it looked very sketchy, and when we got closer to examine it, it was even worse than we thought. The plank was mouldy and inhabited by termites and different insects. The rope was intensely frayed, and the tree branch had certain cracks in it that made it look like it would snap any moment from then. But being the kids we were we that time, we still decided to give it a go.

I went on it, carefully, took a couple swings and hopped off. My first friend went on it, swung a little bit, then heard some unsteady cracks and jumped off. Then my last friend got on, it stayed pretty steady throughout, just a couple cracks. But when he tried to jump off, his motion was cut short with the rotten rope snapping, along with the tree branch, and he came tumbling down. He rolled his ankle pretty badly, but he wasn’t that injured. We laughed it off as we walked away, but his limp and 60% laugh said it all.

My PR to “The Strage Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

After reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I thought it was such an interesting story. It made me think about who we really are as humans, having two sides to our personalities, and how we act around different kinds of people depending on who they are. The difference between Jekyll’s kind, respectable self, and Hyde’s evil showed how much control we really have over our personalities, and how quick it is to change our personalities. It was scary to see how fast Jekyll lost control once he gave Hyde power. 

While reading the book, I found myself thinking about whether people who commit evil acts can truly change or be transformed into better versions of themselves. I believe that while everyone’s way to growth is different, if someone learns from their mistakes and makes an effort to do better going forward, they deserve a second chance. While Hyde’s acts of murder can’t be justified because of his sense of evil, but in a more realistic scenario, I think people are capable of change and growth into a better person overall. 

Stevenson heavily uses supernatural elements in the story to keep the readers engaged and interested in the story. When I was reading, the vocabulary in the story left me speechless at some points, and after reading The Carew Murder Case chapter, it showed me how well Stevenson used adjectives, and objects to capture the moment in time, get a picture in their head of what they think could possibly be happening, and make readers reflect on what happened during that moment. 

Overall, the book also made me think about how society pushes people to hide parts of themselves that they don’t want people to see. While it also kept me hooked on the book, and left me thinking about human behaviour, and if we do actually hide our personality depending on who we’re with sometimes.

Dr. jelkyl and Mr. Hyde

Personal response Diego

This story is very famous and now i understand why it is a perfect mix of fiction well seeming so real and felling magical at the same time well also having a bit of goth in it to me it is a perfect mix. Another thing i liked was that the story was somewhat short and not to long it was exiting every chapter and not one of those books that takes so long to get to the point. For me i have a short attention span with books so this one was great for me. Something big that this book did was put minimal characters there wasn’t to many people which i liked i hate when books have so many characters that it is to hard to keep track of and you don’t know who half the people are. One thing i didn’t like about this book was the language as this is a old story some of the language was hard to understand Like weird words that i have never heard before or words that i have heard but have no idea what they mean. I do think that it was for the most part more easy to understand then some of the other books we have read this year in English. My favorite parts in this book were the murder of sir Carew Danvers and when Dr. Jekyll turned himself into Mr. Hyde I found both of these parts very exiting and i was hooked the most when i was reading those parts. This book also made me think a lot about how everyone has a evil nature to them and you only realise if people show there evil side but most people tend to hide there evil side this theory really makes you think of society. Overall i can safely say this has been the most interesting and fun book we have read in term one English.

Personal Response to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was the best book that I have read in school. It was so much better than all of the other books that I have read. The way the story was made was great too. It was really entertaining. From the mysteries to all of it adding up slowly to the reveal at the end. There were some parts in the book that were entertaining like the part when Mr. Utterson and Poole broke into Dr Jekyll’s lab because they thought that there was something wrong with Dr Jekyll. Another part that was entertaining is the twist at the end about Hyde and Jekyll being the same person was another part that I liked. The characters were good like Mr. Utterson who was my favorite character. He was one of the most central characters in the book. He is described as a rational, calm, and trustworthy individual who really values his friendships and that was one of the reasons why I liked him. He was a close friend to Dr Jekyll and he was trying to find the connections between Mr. Hyde and Dr Jekyll. By the end of the book he was able to add all of the information together to find out the truth about them at the end. This shows how much Mr. Utterson values the safety of his friends and I really liked that part about him. Dr Jekyll’s and Mr. Hyde’s characters were good too. How the connections of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are slowly revealed was another part that I liked about them. For example in chapter 1 when Mr. Hyde walks over a girl and pays 90% of what he owed to the girls family under Dr Jekyll’s name and only 10% with his own money which is what started the investigation into their connections. Than it starts to become more clear like when Mr. Utterson finds the broken cane that Mr. Hyde used to kill sir Danvers. The cane is the one that he gave to Dr. Jekyll in chapter 4 and the way Hyde’s hand writing is very similar to Jekyll’s. Than there is the reveal that Jekyll and Hyde are the same person and how Jekyll has been experimenting to separate his good side from his bad which resulted in the creation of Mr. Hyde. Overall the book was great with its entertainment and mysteries and I would definitely read it again in the future .

PW#6 – How I Got Hit by a Car Pt.4

Once in the ward, I think I slept. It’s been a while since the incident so my memory is a little foggy, but I’m pretty sure the first thing I did was sleep. When I woke up a couple hours later, maybe around 7 or 8, a nurse came and checked my vitals, which are like my blood pressure and if my IV’s were in correctly or not, and how I’m feeling in general. After that, I learned what happened, I had gotten hit by a car. “You were struck by an oncoming vehicle while riding your bike” is what I think the exact words were. She then told me that the only major thing i suffered from was a broken jaw (I think it was like a fractured mandible and something else). I needed to use the washroom, and I told the nurse this, and she helped me stand up, which I had to do very carefully as I had bruises all over my body and everything, including my head, hurt. I grabbed my IV and fluids tower, and slowly walked to the washroom. This was the only time I really had a struggle and it made me feel worse than I already did. The bathroom was probably about 2 or 3 metres away from my bed, and when I first started walking (I denied help) I almost fell. But I made it without any real changes for the worse, aside from my previously asleep, sore muscles waking up and causing pain. But after I finished using the washroom, I started feeling nauseous. I rested my elbows on the sink and my head in my hands. I looked and the mirror, and saw myself, and had a thought that I would never be back to normal, that’s also when I realized I had bitten a hole completely through my tongue. I probably sat resting on the sink for about 5 mins, and when I was feeling better, I opened the door, and walked slowly (the nurse helping me this time) back to my bed. There was a little food and some drink on my bed, and I slowly drank, and tried to eat a little bit, but I couldn’t really as my jaw was broken and there was a clean hole through my tongue. I just sort of sat there for a couple hours, until I went to sleep for the night.


This book is Gone by Micheal Grant. This book is first in the series of 10 books and the story is set in fictional Southern California town of Perdido Beach, in which every human is aged 15 and older. when the book begins all of the 15 year olds start to vanish from a small town, leaving only the children and teens behind.  As the children struggle to stay alive, some of them start to develop dangerous and supernatural powers. The quotation that I chose to do is about when drake starts to get violent when he attacks (hits) Orc.

Sam jumped into help his friend, but Drake was quicker. He stopped behind Orc, grabbed him by the hair yanked his head back, and smashed his elbow into Orcs face. Blood poured from Orcs nose and he howled in rage(p.174).

I chose this quotation because it really puts an image in your and this also reminds me of one of my favourite movies.



PW #6 – The Best Day of My Life

September 29th, 2024 was the best day of my life because it was the day I shot 69. In golf, its always everyones dream to shot under par and it is a big deal when you do. Less than 1% of golfers are able to shoot under par. But I finally did it. it was a random Sunday in September and I had a golf tournament. These were smaller 1 day tournament’s that happened with junior golf Victoria. This tournament was at Uplands Golf Cub which is a private nice club. I went to my home course range to warm up first by hitting balls then we drove to Uplands so I could putt and chip there. When we got there I unloaded my bag and headed to the check in table to check in for the day. When I was there I saw some of my best friends teeing off so I watched them till they were done. Then I decided to go to the range there as well. Even though i have already warmed up at my home course I still wanted to hit only a few balls there. Once I did that I proceeded to the putting green. I took out my putter and 2 golf balls and tried to get a grasp for the speed of the greens because that is one of the most important things to do before your round. Once it was time, I put my putter away, picked up my bag and walked to the tee. When I got there I saw the three girls in my group and Bob, the guy who runs all of the tournaments. The first hole was a par 5 and i got there in 2 but narrowly lipped out for eagle. But i still made birdie. This was a great start to already a great round.

To be continued……

Personal response to “Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

After reading Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I found the exploration of human/ghost  nature both interesting and unsettling. The story made me think about how everyone has different sides to their personality. Dr. Jekyll’s transformation into Mr. Hyde represents our “normal” selves and the darker, more impulsive aspects we try to hide. What I found the most interesting was how Dr. Jekyll, despite being a favored doctor, is still tempted to switch into his darker desires through Mr. Hyde.

I like the way the book presents Mr. Hyde as mean and violent person, this also made me think about the consequences of ignoring our bad sides. This idea of the danger of control and the consequences of living in denial was something that really stood out to me, while reading.

I also liked the other characters in the story, like Mr. Utterson and Poole, I found they helped make the book way more interesting. I didn’t really like all the extra things that were hiding in the pages, I wished the book could have just jumped to the murders, because in my opinion the murders and the plot twist of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, being the same person was one of the best parts of the book. When I figured out that they were the same person It really made me want to keep reading

Overall, I did enjoy the book; It wasn’t to long or to short for me. It was also a bit confusing, considering that it was written in the 1800s. I did learn some interesting new words though I thought that it had a good creepy element and a really well put together plot ending. If I could I might read it again, and when I do I will understand it better and I won’t be as confused. I would give it a solid 8.5/10.

Personal Response MYP4

While reading ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ I thought it was very interesting. I did really enjoy this book and I would recommend it to other people. I really liked the mystery of this book and the genre, as it is similar to other books I like. This book makes me think that Dr. Jekyll is crazy and that the twist and turns of this book were very fitting for his character. It also made me think about how many people struggle with the conflict of their own identity, which is a very complex thing to include in a book, especially that was written in 1886, which would have not really been accepted at the time. How Stevenson uses the supernatural elements to the story is very interesting again considering the time it was written. I think that the way that stevenson told the story was successful and using the supernatural / imaginary elements were good for the story, as he was able to express what he was trying to say easier and maybe in a more interesting way for readers. The way that Stevenson wrote this book kept readers interested in the story, with how he built suspense and the way that he described things made the way he wrote more compelling. The ending of this story was not what I excepted and I think it could have been described more as I think Stevenson ended the story abruptly and in a more boring way. In the end I enjoyed reading ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ and I would recommend this book to people. Throughout the year this is one of the books I enjoyed the most, and I did really like that this book was not very long so it kept my attention. 

PR – Jeckyll and Hyde

The strange case of dr.jekyll and mr.hyde was a very interesting book. R.L. Stevenson really dived into the complex natures of a human, and its two sides, good and evil. It teaches us that we have to embrace that humans have a natural tendency to do evil, but we also have the tendency to do good.

I love the way stevenson creates a mysterious atmosphere with his vivid descriptions of the scene and various characters. for example when he said, “He lay and tossed in the gross darkness of the night and the curtained room, Mr. Enfield’s tale went by before his mind in a scroll of lighted pictures.” (pg. 12) He describes the room he is in, in such a way that creates a very eerie and depressing feeling. The reader can tell this by the way he describes the lighted pictures, curtains, and the night.

Another thing that interests me in this story is his psychological depth in the characters. He really shows his ability to do this when Dr. Jekyll confesses, saying, “I am very low, Utterson,” “very low. It will not last long, thank God.” (pg. 40) this quote really builds up tensions as it foreshadows death and a little bit of suicidal thoughts. He used this quotation to show how fragile the human mind could really get and how different people think about or deal with the battle of good and evil within them.

All of these aspects, put in one book, make a great, deep, psychological and emotional novella that pushes the reader through many different emotions. I would describe this book as a rollercoaster, because we never know what is going to happen next, especially with Mr. Hyde, because of the way he is portrayed and described by Stevenson. I would definitely say this is a good book to read in class, and even an interesting book for the next class to come. I enjoyed it, and I am sure many others will.

PR on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

For the novella Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I enjoyed this book and I found it a very interesting novella. I like how detailed Stevenson makes the crucial parts of the novella. A prime example of this would be when Hyde brutally kills Sir Danvers. He makes it very specific what was going on in the scenario. Like how Hyde killed Sir Danvers with his walking stick and then started jumping on him. This is a good thing for me because it helps me understand what is happening right away and it is not confusing at all. And I can picture what is happening in my head. Another very detailed part of the book was when Lanyon says “I saw what I saw, I heard what I heard and my soul sickened at it”(p.66). One of the key parts in this quotation is when Lanyon says my soul sickened at it. This was a key part because it really helps me understand the pain he feels after his visit with Dr. Jekyll. An interesting part in this novella is when we find out that Dr. Jekyll is Mr. Hyde and the other way around. This was a crucial part for me because it answers so many questions that I had before this part of the story, like why does Hyde have a check with Jekyll’s name on it. It also helped me find out why Jekyll gives everything in his will to Hyde. I think this ending really connects all the pieces of the story together and just makes everything much more clear. The way I see Mr. Utterson as a character throughout the novella completely changed throughout as the story went along. Throughout the story I see him as a little selfish because he keeps trying to change Jekyll’s mind about having Hyde in his will. But as the story went on I began to realize that he really cares about Jekyll and will try to help him in any way possible. A part that I did not like about the novella is when Utterson and Poole are breaking into Jekyll’s house because I did not quite understand what is happening until we went into it in depth during the class. It just was not very clear in my opinion because so much was going on. I would say my favorite part of the book is when Hyde bumps into the girl and goes to get money to pay the family. This is just a funny interaction in my opinion because it really shows that some people think they can get off the hook by paying their way out. It also really shows his personality and how he behaves in a situation. In conclusion I really enjoyed this novella I loved the plot of the story and all the characters and the different roles they play and the effect the have on the story. This was probably my favorite out of all the novella’s we have read.

PR – Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde – Archie S

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a famous gothic story. From the very beginning I felt that the book was very dark and emotionless. I could easily tell from the beginning that the book had kind of an eerie feeling to it and that there was kind of some mystery and darkness to it. Like for example when they talk about the setting in the book

“by-street in a busy quarter of London. The street was small and what is called quiet, but it drove a thriving trade on the weekdays. The inhabitants were all doing well, it seemed and all emulously hoping to do better still, and laying out the surplus of their grains in coquetry; so that the shop fronts stood along that thoroughfare with an air of invitation, like rows of smiling saleswomen. Even on Sunday, when it veiled its more florid charms and lay comparatively empty of passage, the street shone out in contrast to its dingy neighbourhood, like a fire in a forest; and with its freshly painted shutters, well-polished brasses, and general cleanliness and gaiety of note, instantly caught and pleased the eye of the passenger.” Pg.2


I could tell that the characters Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were keeping so many secrets and that there would be many crazy events that would happen in the story involving them. Something that I thought gave the book its personality was the amount of suicides , deaths and tramples that happened in it. Although I found the book a mystery for some time and I enjoyed reading most parts of it there were definitely some parts that had a dark twist to them like when Jekyll took his own life so that he wouldn’t have to live as Mr. Hyde.  Another moment which i found just as crazy was when Mr. Hyde kills Sir Danvers Carew the murder was pretty brutal but there weren’t any emotions to it, it was kind of just like an act of violence that happened without reflection. This made me think about the good and bad inside all of us. These things all made me think of the idea that we all have good and evil inside of us. Jekylls struggle with his evil side can show how different people can easily lose control over their actions and it really made me think, if he ended his life instead of facing the consequences of his actions and fixing things, making it right, it kind of made me wonder if he ever accepted himself as a good person or not. One more thing that this book made me think about was the evil that certain people contain and how easily we or they can be affected by it.





The Strange of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Written by Robert Louis Stevenson was a weird book that felt hard to understand in some parts and felt like you had to run after the pieces to try and solve the story but also gave a really good point of view of being brought into the story. I did like this book in various places but it felt like a very slow moving book with a lot of little details that end up being important to the story. the beginning of the book didn’t have much going on besides explaining the characters and the introduction to them like mr Utterson going into detail about what kind of person he is while the don’t really don’t give us to much to pin point what kind of person Dr Jekyll is but we do know obviously he’s a kind of doctor specifically an experimental doctor who is more interested in conducting experiments then waiting, because of this one his experiments goes wrong Turning into Mr Hyde and thats basically where the story starts. the story from here has its ups and down and most defiantly its confusing parts. I did enjoy the story in general even though some parts had there dull moments I did like the amount of different events that happened and plot twists in the story it and the little details that become a major story changing details. I would most definitely give the story a 8/10 at the most because it was still a good story but it felt like a hard read in some places, I would recommend reading the book because the general plot line of the story is good and the ending in my opinion is worth it even if it is a hard read in the end.

Personal respone to J&H

I found “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” very interesting, creative and fascinating. I liked the action but disliked the murder scenes because I found that they were very odd. For example, when Carew was killed, it says Mr. Hyde jumped on him and killed him with a cane, which grossed me out, the thought of it made me uncomfortable. I really enjoyed the plot twists, more specifically when we found out Dr. Jekyll was Mr. Hyde, since nobody suspected it when the book first started. The plot was creative, and I hadn’t read anything like this book before, so it was something new for me. I would rate this book a 7.5/10, maybe even an 8/10, because it had an interesting storyline and included many thrilling chapters. It is a classic book, but it didn’t quite blow me away like other books have. But I still loved the creativity and influence it’s had over time. The book has an interesting look at human nature and the struggle between good and evil, which I found intriguing. I found that the book focused on certain parts but forgot about other points. Some sections were thrilling, but others dragged, especially towards the end when Jekyll’s confession was laid out. Although Dr. Jekylls transformation kept me engaged, seeing as it was so intriguing. This wouldn’t be a book that I would necessarily choose off a bookshelf, but I’m glad I got the opportunity to read it, and I would read it again when I am older because I feel like I would enjoy it more. Even though I think it has flaws, I can see why it is a classic; it’s a short but powerful read. Overall, I think “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde” was enjoyable and interesting but not a personal favourite.

PW#6 The Red Door

Once upon a time there was a door that was red, and it looked like a door. The door had a doorknob on it. When you would go to open the door there would be a loud horn that basically broke your ear drums. After the door was open you could go look inside but all you would see is darkness, and a set of stairs that led downward. On the side of the wall there was a sign that said walk down if you dare. The person who walked down the stairs was a middle-aged man who was looking for a bathroom, so he had seen the door. After that. The man had seen the door he opened it broke his ear drums, then tripped on the very first stair making him tumble down the stair for about 1 minute. After he got to the bottom, he was now not only having to go to the bathroom he also felt dizzy like if he was drunk, after he got up or at least he tried to get, but that failed and ended up with him wetting his pants/hitting his head on the wall knocking himself out. Some time went by, and the man woke up to find himself propped up against the the red door with his head bleeding and he was confused on for he got out of that ugly dingy old hall, then he realized that he was bleeding out and would soon die.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Personal Response

After I read the book The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I thought it was quite interesting. Before we started reading the book, I decided to read the blurb to get a better understanding of what I was going to be reading, and it was quite different then I expected. When I saw the title of the book, I thought the book was going to be about a doctor (Dr Jekyll) and his patient (Mr Hyde) but I was completely wrong. I thought the concept of having one person play two characters without the readers knowing was very cool. I didn’t realize or get this idea until about three quarters into the book. I think Stevenson did a very good foreshadowing this scenario as there were very slight clues but it was not obvious to the reader. Stevenson also stated that Hyde was “deformed” and “detestable” which were very smart foreshadowing moments. This concept allowed the reader to have their own imagination as well. Readers could picture Hyde as anyone they chose. During the story, they could continue thinking to themselves: Who is Hyde? Where did he come from? etc. I also picked up on that during the book Stevenson used the concept good vs evil quite clearly. For example Dr. Jekyll really embodies a good person and was a respectable scientist while on the other hand you have Mr Hyde who was a rude man and he only cared about himself. Hyde embodied Jekyll’s alter ego. And the funny thing is that these two people are the same person. This could indicate that all people have part good and part evil in them. Even though Jekyll is a good person, he creates this evil person. Hyde helps Jekyll with the violence needs he has and creates a new purpose for him. Finally, something else I thought was cool is how Stevenson made Utterson tell the story. As he plays the protagonist, the story still does talk about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde much more. Overall, I did like the book. It wasn’t my favourite book but I was still interested because it always had something going on. I was able to stay engaged in the book even though it wasn’t my favourite.

PR – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I would rate the story a 6/10. I liked this one. It wasn’t as confusing and I liked the added mystery. It Had some confusing words and a lot of quick and not very marked character changes. However, I really liked the big plot twist at the end because I was really surprised and I didn’t know it would be that kind of book. I didn’t really like the characters though. I also didn’t really understand why Dr. Jekyll decided to do it in the first place. Also, I thought it was pretty random a times. But overall, I liked it because it seems like something that might happen in real life but then when you find out that it includes shapeshifting, you become really surprised.

One question of mine was; What was the point of writing his will to Mr. Hyde? Because since they are the same person they would die at the same time. ( Not including the fact that Hyde “died” before Jekyll )

pw #6

My best friends name is Savana, she’s soo pretty and has the coolest style, me and Savana met through her boyfriend when I moved school and we started talking a whole bunch, we finally hungout after so many cancels because I was scared to meet her but we ended up clicking and hanging out with each other all the time and being a third child to her family, it was one of those friendships that come into your life when you need them most and this one is one i’m definitely grateful for because she doesn’t judge me and is like a mini me and doesn’t put me last, we hangout every Friday and normally sleep over at her house and wonder around lang, its a really good way to end the week and to not go home and get out a little bit and its a way to not feel like everything is falling apart and everyone is against you but I will forever be grateful that I have a friend like Savana who kinda just shoved her way into my life and is now one of the most important parts of my life and one I cant forget

PW #5 – My Favorite Runway Show

One of the most recent runway shows I watched was the VETEMENTS Spring/Summer 2025 collection. The whole show was a mix of streetwear and high fashion, with models like Stella Maxwell, Barbara Palvin, and Anok Yai, each bringing their own energy and style to the runway. Stella Maxwell walked in a deconstructed lace dress, which showed VETEMENTS’ ability to combine streetwear with high-fashion. The collection featured oversized pieces, unexpected fabric combinations, which created contrast between luxury and streetwear.

The show was not just about the clothes, but about the attitude the models had and their self-expression. It was so fun to watch, and it showcased how fashion can be both bold and elegant, making a statement.

PW#6- Dream vacation

It’s hard for me to say exactly where my dream vacation would be. I want to travel almost everywhere. However, It is an enormous dream of mine to visit Monaco and France. I love Formula One, so getting the opportunity to watch an F1 race in Monaco would be my biggest dream. Witnessing the thrill of watching 20 cars zoom around a track is such a big dream of mine. I have loved France since I was little, so visiting Paris or Nice would be like a childhood dream. They are both so beautiful and have fascinating culture that I love to learn about. I love how Monaco is very luxurious and peaceful. Nice is another place I want to visit; It offers a blend of history, culture and stunning natural beauty. It has a charming old town with narrow streets and vibrant colours. Of course, the places I have listed are expensive, so that is why they will probably stay a dream until I am much older, but I still love to think about it.