PW#1- My favourite season

My favorite season is either fall or spring. I cannot really handle hot temperatures, so summer is my least favorite. However, I enjoy summer when I’m anywhere but Canada because I love to explore new countries. I love it when the leaves on trees turn pink or red, I think it’s so beautiful. I find summer miserable on a muggy day because it’s too hot to do anything. I find winter beautiful only when it snows, especially if it’s fresh snow. Spring is my favorite because it’s when all the flowers start to bloom, and the temperature is perfect, not too hot, not too cold. My birthday is also in the spring so that just adds to it. Fall is also my favorite because it’s like a mix between winter and summer, but better. I’m not the biggest fan of halloween because I dont really like horror but I love fall. Fall and spring both have amazing qualities which makes me like them so much. 

PW #1

I have a cat his name is Dixie but I call him Bean. he’s a bunch of different breeds I think google won’t tell me, he’s basically a celebraty between me and my friends and He’s 5 or 6 years old now and an outdoor cat, he lives in my room with his bed next to mine and my desk. I got Bean for fathers day when I was 9 and he tore up the back of my dads neck when I accidentally let him go and he climbed all over the car, when Bean was 4 we went on a vacation and had to leave him at a kennel out in sooke with my at the time dog Mable and when we came back we where told that he managed to open a window and runaway from the farm where we left him and we had no clue where he had gone. we panicked and looked around the farm for a few days and eventually someone had found him not even close to my house or the farm but we found him and he was fine! he’s a very interesting cat and brings a lot of “treasures” home like when he brought a rat home and my brother freaked out and woke everyone up at 1 am and it turns out he didn’t bring anything inside.

M+M What I think about it.

At the beginning of the story, I found it boring and hard to read because not much was happening. However, during the middle, it started to get easier to read and more interesting. At the end, I began to get hooked and started to wonder what would happen next in the story. And when Vasili gave his life for Nikita I changed how I felt about the book because I was not expecting that plot twist. My favorite character, I would say, is Nakita. Even though he is a drunkard, he is nice to everyone and sticks with Vasili even though Vasili was rude to Nikita and pushed him away on multiple occasions. But I also really liked Vasili because of his character development.

Master and Man Response

I didn’t like Master and Man. First of all, it’s not interesting, It doesn’t have a point, its just about two people that want to get to Goryachkin and they ended up in Grishkino, twice, and that is all they talk about for the whole novella which makes it so boring. It is also so long, they talked about how the road was snowy for a whole chapter, there is nothing interesting about it. I also don’t understand most of it, because there is a lot going on at once but at the same time there is nothing going on, its so confusing. I didn’t like any of the characters, not even Nikita, I think he relies a lot on alcohol and his drinking problems really affect his life. I also don’t like Vasili Andreevich, I think he is really selfish and doesn’t care about people, except I thought he was nice for giving up his life for Nikita.

M&M Personal Response by Val

Master and Man is a novela that I still don´t know what to think about it, from one side, since english is not my first language, sometimes it is hard for me to understand some words and, I need to admit it was really hard to understand most of the sentences since, Leo Tolstoy uses a formal and different words to what I´m used to, I also couln´t find a lot of sense to the story or a reason why the author uses so many descriptive words, it was just about how Nikita and Vasili Andreevich get lost during their trip and try to arrive to Grishkino, if the book was simplified it would definetly be 5 pages long but then I understood that this book was not meant only to entertain but to make you reflect about a lot of stuff, on the other side, even though it was hard to understand some words, when translating them, it gave me so many details that I could picture everything and that was amazing, additionally, I really like to read but it was the first time I read a book that was written a long time ago, so I was really surprised by the fact that it was a really good book considering the time it was written, it even made me consider the fact that everything during the 1800´s people read way more better books than we do now.

In summary, It was a great book but it was hard to understand some sentences and words.


I think master and man was a short story that was had a deep meaning and lesson. Although this book had a deep meaning I think it was but overall I think it was a kind of pointless story and should’ve continued for longer. I didn’t like how it was just about them getting stuck in a snowstorm and it could’ve had more action in it.  Sure it had a nice moment like when Vasili saved Nikita from freezing but other then that there was no really twist or crazy moments to the book. I liked to learn about the characters and how their characters and personalities changed throughout the book but overall the story was kind of boring. If the story had more action , plot twists and crazy moments as well as a longer continuation to it i think it would’ve enjoyed reading it.