My opinion on “Master And Man”

After finishing Master And Man, I didn’t really like it. I found it challenging to understand the context of the story, especially since some of the language used was in Old English, which made it harder to connect with the characters and their intentions. However, there were a few elements of the story that I liked. All of the characters added a unique personality to the novella, while their interactions kept me interested in the story. Overall, while the novella didn’t click with me, the character dynamics showed a glimpse into the human relationships between characters that I found exciting to read.

IRJE #1 – Harry Potter (I chose a different book from my independent reading book because I couldn’t find a quote from my book)

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” written by J.K. Rowling is the seventh out of seven books in the Harry Potter series. The series takes place in an world parallel to ours except for one twist; Wizards and witches (people who are capable of doing magic) exist among the people. The novel explores the life of a wizard boy who lives a miserable life with his aunt and uncle, who gets sent to the magical school of Hogwarts at 11 years old, where he learns about his past, why his parents are dead, and much more. He ends up in a massive feud and battle with a villain named Voldemort, and the final battle happens in book 7, the book where this quote is from

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love. By returning, you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed, fewer families are torn apart. If that seems to you a worthy goal, then we say good-bye for the present.” (p. 722).

In this quote, I mainly focus on the first sentence, and to me, this quote has a very deep meaning, I think it symbolizes different points of view or different outlooks on life, and it makes you rethink how you live your life.

IRJE #1 – Hunger by Michael Grant

I am currently reading the Gone Series written by Michael Grant and recently finished reading the second book in the series, Hunger. Reading this book has taught me a lot about how much we depend on other people. Especially adults. The book is about when one day all the people over the age of 15 randomly disappear and a giant 20 mile wide dome it created. However near the end of the second book the oldest kid there named Sam who had become their ‘leader’ because of a heroic act he did a while before the ‘FAYZ’. However since he is only a 15-year-old he was overwhelmed by the stress and all the problems. So at the end his friends forced him to take a break and do his favorite thing.

“Under arrest? What are you talking about?”
“You are under arrest for trying to kill a kid named Sam Temple.”
“Not funny.”
But Edilio persisted. “Trying to kill a kid . . . just a kid . . . named Sam Temple. By
stressing him out with the whole load of the world on his back.”
Sam didn’t find it amusing. Angry, he turned back toward town. But there was
Astrid, close on his heels. And Brianna. Quinn, too.
“What are you all up to?” Sam demanded.
“We voted,” Astrid said. “It was unanimous. By order of the Perdido Beach
Temporary Council, we sentence you, Sam Temple, to relax.”
“Okay. I’m relaxed. Now can I get back to work?”
Astrid took his arm and all but hauled him across the beach. “You know what’s
interesting, Sam? I’ll tell you what’s interesting. A fairly small disturbance in deep
water, creating a ripple, a surge, can become a pretty impressive wave as it nearsshore.” (pg. 609)

This shows that pressure and stress can change a person. It also shows that no matter how important or busy a person it we are all human and we all need breaks.

IRJE#1 Catcher in the Rye

In J.D. Salingers the Catcher in the Rye Holden Caufield and his sister Phoebe Caufield got into an argument and Holden new that if they went to the zoo Phoebe would follow him. Phoebe did follow him but she still wouldn’t talk to him. They went through the zoo seeing all kinds of animals, and they kept getting closer and closer to the carrousel. And they had finally arrived at the carrousel.

That’s depressing, when somebody says “please” to you. I mean if it’s Phoebe or somebody. That depressed the hell out of me. But I put the dough back in my pocket. “Aren’t you gonna ride too?” she asked me. She was looking at me sort of funny. You could tell she wasn’t too sore at me any more (p.223).

This quote is important because it shows just how strong the relationship between Phoebe and Holden is. Phoebe could have stayed mad at Holden no matter what he did to gain her forgiveness but she didn’t. And Holden didn’t have to make her feel better but he did because he cares about her.


In the book We Were Liars, by E. Lockhart, follows a wealthy family who spends every summer of their private island, the main focus of this book is Cadence, after she suffered a head injury during one of their summers there, and has a hard time remembering almost anything from the past trips to this island. While there were there this summer with all of her cousins and friends they go around a circle and say their favourite mottos.

always do what you’re afraid to do p.122

This quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson but is said multiple times by the main character Cadence Sinclair, as a part of her personal journey trying to get her memory back. I think this is an important quote to use because it is used so many times in the book. Including when Cadence does things she is scared of but it brings back her memories.

PW #1 Boarding school

I always wanted to go on a boarding school because I have always love the idea of making new friends from other places but I am really close to my family so the idea of being separated from my parents, friends and brothers was not so exiting. I was on my school in Mexico when my school was telling us about boarding school, they where telling us all the schools that where in Canada so I told my parents about the boarding school and they loved the idea of me having the chance o go on a boarding school and I was really exited because I never imagine they letting me do boarding school so we start looking of all the schools the had told us about. I wanted to go to Vancouver but there wasn’t any school that we loved to we started looking in Victoria and we found “Brooke Westshore” we loved the school so my parents let me come to this school. First I thought that I was going to hate the school so I told my mom that I wanted to stay just 4 months, I thought that I will not meet anybody and that I could stay here with any friends and that was one of the bad things that I thought would happened. Right know I regret saying that because I wish I could stay more time but my mom and dad don’t want me to stay more because I have a trip plan already and also because my family already miss me so I’m just staying 4 months.

IRJE#1 The Monk who sold his Ferrari

In the first chapter, The story starts with Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer, that was experience a life with crisis after having a heart attack. That event force him to evaluate his life choices. He discovers that his wealth and status and also his unhappiness.

In the second chapter, Julian decides to leave his carrier. He also travels to India, there he meets a group of monks. He learns about the importance of the inner peace and mindfulness.

In the third chapter, Julian is introduced to a monk who shares to him about life, happiness, purpose, and personal maestry. Also, the monk teaches him the real happiness. Besides, he teaches him how to stay focused and have a balance life.

PW#1: Different Countries = A Heart Divided

My mom is Brazilian and my dad is Mexican. I was born in Mexico but since I was 1 month old I spent 2 or 3 months in Brazil with my family, practicing Portuguese. What I always found weird is the feeling I have when leaving both countries, like I´m sad when leaving Mexico but I´m also sad when living Brazil. Both countries make a part of me so it is hard to leave and not knowing when I am going back (In this case when I go back to Mexico). Mexico has an amazing culture, everything is so colorful and beautiful, the food is amazing and I have my friends, my dog, my home, my school and lots of things that have made an important part in my life there. on the other hand, Brazil has an energetic but chill vibe, people are awesome, the food is out of this world, as well as the flora and fauna. Everything in both countries is so different but perfect and, each has a piece of my heart that breaks when leaving. Now that I can´t be on either country because I am in Canada, I just feel like my heart is now separating into three pieces so Canada can also have a special part on my life.

IRJE #1 – Romeo and Juliet – Ipri

I recently reread the oxford school Shakespeare version of Romeo and Juliet, and I learned a lot of stuff that I missed the first time I read the book.

At the beginning of the book, Romeo is depressed about his wife to be, Rosaline, not being able to marry or have kids as she became a nun. Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin, tries to cheer him up and convinces him to go to a ball and meet a new girl, “Compare her face with some that I shall show, And I will make thee think thy swan a crow” (Act 1 Scene 2). He was unsupportive of the idea at first, but then he eventually agreed to go. He fell in love with Juliet, and she did too with him. Her dad wanted her to marry someone called Paris, and this caused problems. Romeo was eventually banished because of the death of one of the characters related to Juliet, and pretends to kill himself to make Juliet come to him. He didn’t wake up in time, and Juliet killed herself. Romeo wakes up, sees what has had happened, and kills himself too.

For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
(Act 5 Scene 3)

I sourced this quote because the narrator really shows how heavy and beautiful this love story is. The quote literally means, “there” is no love story as sad as this Romeo and Juliet.

An introduction to Ella!

Hey, I’m Ella! I’m 13, and I was born in Victoria, BC. I’m currently in my first year at Brookes Westshore.  Some of my interests are fashion, staying active, and travelling. New York City is one of my favorite places. There’s something about its energy and confidence that excites me. I like dance, which I have done since I was 4 years old. Hopefully, you have learnt something new about me!

IRJE #1 Pretty Pretty Boys by Gregory Ashe

This is a very fascinating novel, it starts with Somers and Hazard two detectives in a small town called Waerdurah Hazard and Somers had such a past in high school but that seems to have been resolved. Now they are partners watching over one and another. (I was reading this book over the summer, it was exciting, a murder mystery/romance novel. I picked up where I left off not quite done with the book)

                Jesus god no! Somers took a breath “I mean, no, let                              me handle this ok?”

Hazard managed to nod.

“You call and check in?”

“I don’t need you coming up busywork.”

“come on man somebody’s got to  call”

“Fine.” Hazard snapped. (Page 103-104)

Context: hazard wanted to go into Lady Mable’s chambers, they need information from her on a murder, (Lady Mabel did not wish to speak a word) then Detective Hazard called down to the office to tell them the difficult time they were having trying to get the information out of Lady Mable.

IRJE #1 -The Light Pirate

“The Light Pirate” written by Lily Brookes-Dalton is a captivating novel set in a near future world grappling with climate change. The story follows the life of a young girl named Wanda, who grows up in a Florida that is increasingly threatened by rising sea levels and severe weather. As she navigates her childhood and adolescence. The novel explores themes of resilience, family, and the bond between humans and nature. It delves into the emotional landscapes of its character, highlighting their hope and fears in a world where survival becomes uncertain.

“The passage of years could be assigned a number, but in this place, time has a different measure. its progression is marked by the smoothness of water where ruins once broke the surface. The thickening of a young grove’s canopy. The collapse of an old utility pole. It is marked by the end of one species or the beginning of another. Here, time sprawls and curls. The land returns to the way it was; it becomes something brand new.” (p. 315).

This quote captures the theme of resilience and renewal, emphasizing how, even amid loss, there is always the potential for new beginnings and the continuous transformations of the world around us.

IRJE #1- Coco Chanel

“Coco Chanel, An Essence of Mystery” written by Isabelle Fiemeyer. Coco Chanel is the founder and namesake of the luxurious brand Chanel. She had a brief career as a signer before her first clothing shop opened in 1910. She grew up in a time when women were expected to wear confining pieces, but her goal was to design classy articles of clothing that were fashionable but also comfortable. Instead of offering corsets and lace frills, she designed wide-leg pants and sailor shirts.

“It’s not the appearance, It’s the essence.

It’s not the money, It’s the education.

It’s not the clothes; It’s the class”

This quote is special because Coco Chanel would say it all the time. She has made a fashion staple and inspired many women to do the same. Her clothes have revolutionized the fashion industry. She may not be alive anymore, but her legacy still stands strong and holds value throughout people’s lives.

IRJE#1 Diego

Cant Hurt me

The Author of this book is  David Goggin’s the book is a Memoir about a young black boy  who grew up in new York he was a only child and had a abusive father. Through out the book it shows how he is effected by his father and how hard it is to grow up in a household with that kind of environment. He would have to watch his mother get abused and he couldn’t not do anything about it because he was too small and young. After all of his trauma growing up he made a promises to himself to one day be bigger and stronger then his father. However when he started to grow up he forgot about his goal and lost control of his life he was depressed over weight lazy and not happy until he realized what he had said to himself as a child. The book showcases his life and journey on how he succeeded with his goals and went on to become a ultra athlete Navy Seal who became a huge inspiration to thousands of people around the world. He is now know as one of the hardest and toughest humans on the planet. I really enjoyed this book because it is a big motivate for me and it gave me lots of inspiration as an athlete. I also felt that the book has a perfect mix about his life trauma and his successes. One quote i enjoyed in the book was on page 6

” Even the best pep talk or self-help hack is nothing but a temporary fix. It     won’t rewire your brain. It won’t amplify your voice or uplift your life. Motivation changes exactly nobody. The bad hand that was my life was mine, and mine        alone to fix.”

This quote has lots of meaning to it and it really says how David Gogings personality is and how he was as a person.


IRJE #1 – The Feeling of Greatness

In The Feeling of Greatness – A Moe Norman Story by Tim O’Connor, the idea of  determination and grind are explored quite clearly. Moe, a Canadian golfer, was arguably the best ball striker of all time. He never missed a shot. The consistency in him game was incomparable to any other player. He could sit on the range for hours on end in a day and never stop hitting golf balls. Whether it was the middle of winter or a scorching hot day in the summer, you could still find him there.

On some days, Moe would hit upward of fifteen hundred balls—to the point that he couldn’t hold a club any longer. Moe would retreat to the clubhouse and soothe his bloody hands in cold towels. sometimes, he threw the towels i n the garbage, which made tucker furious. The next day, with his hands covered in Band-Aids, he might hit inly his daily minimum of six hundred (p.51).

In the world of golf, Moe is an icon. The chances that we will never see a phenomenon like him again are slim to none. When I hear all the stories about Moe I begin to think to myself “wow, how are these real”. But that is what makes him so great. All his stories and unforgettable and thats how its the greatest of all time.

New York – PW #1

I believe every person has a city or a place they feel drawn to, and for me, it’s New York. Though I’ve never been, I’ve always imagined it as a city I was meant to be in. Maybe it’s the idea of a place that’s constantly alive with energy, The idea that everywhere you look there’s a story or a person chasing their own version of a dream. Maybe it’s because of the thought of walking down the street and hearing so many different languages and seeing so many stories unfold at once. Maybe it’s because it’s a place where everyone is free to be themselves, a place where no one looks twice, because they’re all too busy pursuing their own passions, whether it’s fashion, music, art, or anything else that drives them, a place where Nobody is afraid to be unique that it’s almost as if the city encourages it. When I think of New York, I can imagine myself exploring everything the city has to offer walking through the streets during rush hours, exploring the countless art galleries, going to Broadway shoes, going to beautiful restaurants, walking through Central Park during the fall where all the leaves have changed colours, and maybe even calling for a cab on a busy sidewalk, and finally coming to my apartment on the top floors where I’ll sit down at my sofa and just watch the city go by through my big windows. In the wise words of Frank Sinatra, “I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps.”

IRJE #1- Good Girls Guide to Murder

Good Girls Guide too Murder by Holly Jackson is a story based on a girl (Pippa (Pip) Fitz-Amobi) who lives in Fairview Connecticut where Andie Bell was murdered and was allegedly killed by her boyfriend (Sal Singh) who later killed himself in the fairview woods. He was declared a monster by the towns people, an example of this is when Pip was in an interview with Stanley  who mainly reported the case in the Fairview Newspaper the conversation went like this

Pip: okay in a lot your articles about the case you refer to Sal as a “killer”, a “murder” and even a monster you are aware without a conviction you are supposed to use the word allegedly when reporting crime stories.

Stanley: not sure I need a child to tell me how to do my job anyway it’s obvious that he did it and everyone knows it he killed her and the guilt drove him to suicide.

Pip: and why are you so convinced Sal guilty.

Stanley: too many things to list evidence aside he was the boyfriend right and it’s always the boyfriend or the ex-boyfriend not only that Sal was Indian.

 The conversation went on but because of this interview Pip had decided she is going to dig deeper into the case to find out what actually happened as she is still strong and believes Sal didn’t do it. She goes through phone interviews with some of Sals best friends and his family as well as Andies friends and family as well as teachers and people involved in the case and managing to get her hands one crucial bits of evidence and becoming friends with Sals brother Ravi Singh who starts to help in the case.


PW #1 – Swimming

I really enjoy swimming, I started swimming when i was 5 years old at the YMCA in Edmonton. I originally started just doing lessons, then eventually I joined a club in the YMCA. It wasn’t really a real swim club, because they didn’t do any swim meets or anything. In 2019, me and my family moved to Montréal, and I got put in some shady, non-registered swim club, which didn’t do swim meets either. I only did that for a little but though because then Covid hit, and they closed down EVERYTHING. Especially in Quebec they locked down everything more than everywhere else. At one point there was a public curfew; you had to be in your house by 10:00 PM, unless you were out walking your dog or something. Anyway, I didn’t do swimming until I moved to Victoria. when I moved to Victoria in the summer of 2021, and almost immediately, my parents put me in lessons. They quickly realized that I was to advanced for all the lessons, and out me into my first real swim club, the Juan de Fuca Royals, in winter 2021. I have been in the Royals since then, and have swam in competitions all through the summer of 2022, 2023, and 2024, and plan to continue swimming competitively for a long time.

PW #1 – My Favourite Season

My favourite season is winter, while i also really like summer and spring, but winter is my favourite. It’s my favourite because my birthday and christmas are in the winter. I like christmas because I get to see my family and spend time with them off of school. I also love winter because I love to ski and during the winter months I get to ski with my friends and spend time in the snow, which I love. another reason why I like the winter and snow is because I love to take my dog and play in the snow with him. I like Christmas  also because it’s so pretty with the snow and all the Christmas lights, during winter i love to do things with my friends and decorate for Christmas. I also really like to decorate cookies and gingerbread houses with my friends and family.

That weird recurring dream I had as a child

So when I was younger I had the weirdest dream ever. And it just kept happening. In the beginning of my dream I would start out in a school gym, I was the only one there and it was silent for a minute before a horde of people holding tents with elephants walking behind them started to enter the building. It turned out that they were a traveling circus setting up for their next event. I settled in and watched the show, and it was a lot of fun, except all of a sudden they disappeared. just as I looked around in confusion a short middle aged man cam in the door pulling a boy in a wagon who was sitting in a pile of hay. He asked if I wanted to see a magic trick and I said yes. The he waved his arm and the boy turned into an owl, which for some reason always scared the crap out of me. I was terrified and tried to run for the door when all of a sudden a Disney princess came in and started yelling about danger. I was so confused until moments later a giant octopus knocked down the door and barged in. He was the size of a small mountain. I screamed and ran for my life out the other door, but when i got outside I was in front of my house and there were pools of lava on the road. Then there was a volcano erupting behind me and I ran down the street as fast as I could, but the volcano was laughing at me and chasing me. Then I was with my kindergarten class and I accidentally splashed lava in my boot and my foot burned like crazy. i started to run past the entire class because I was terrified of the jellyfish in suits that were chasing us in there cars. Then just as a jellyfish caught up to me I woke up. The weirdest thing about this dream is that the first time I had it I woke up with a large blister on my foot, just like the one from the lava in my boot…

personal writing (Nik) PW #1

Once upon a time in a small town lived a very wise old man that was very wise. He would be the guy that everyone in the small town would turn to him for guidance and advice. One day the wise old man was confronted by a little girl who asked him a question that she knew the wise old man wouldn’t know the answer to. The question was what is the bird in my hands dead or alive and if the old man said the bird was dead she would then open her hands and let the bird go. If the old man said alive she would squish the bird in her hands and say No! its dead. The chances that the old man would get the answer right was 50/50 and it was a 50/50 that the bird would die or not. In the mind of the little girl she wanted the old man to be wrong because she wanted to say to the whole town that the old wise man does not have the answer to everything and you should not take all of your advice from this old man that is wise and claims to know all about giving advice.


I thought I thought Master and Man was an okay novel but I tought it was pointless when two full-grown men got stuck in a snow storm, Vasili was acting childish and not wanting to go with someone because he didn’t need it and I think you should always go with someone and I thought it was not smart to go out in a snowstorm.

Pw #1

In this personal writing, I’m going to be 100% honest, I’ve gone over 20 different websites about what I should write about, and honestly, I have no clue because they all said something along the lines of “ write about your dream job, something you like, something that interests you, something that makes you happy” and personally none of that interests me one bit…. So now I’m here writing about how I had nothing to write about and if I did write about something it would be something foolish so I’m here writing just about that. So I want to thank Grammarly for helping me write this and also changing all of my horrible grammar to something correct just the other day I was thinking about Rudolph the red nose reindeer and why his nose was red like his mom’s nose is black and his dad’s nose is black but it also might just be genetics but I was wondering. “What if there was a mailman in the mix”. Or ”if his real dad went for the milk and the other guy is the mailman!!!!” woah that was a lot, okay now I’m at 195 words so I just need to say 5 more words, I made it to 210 words, honestly I just kept telling the first thought that came to me ?  and now I’m here, thanks or reading this random stuff ?

PW #1 – Suzy

I am going to write about a dream I had recently:

It started with me in the grand library in the US that we went to (Portland, Oregon) and I went into one of the side rooms to ask where the bathrooms were. The lady pointed down to one of the other rooms. As I started to go down I noticed she was following me. She then guided me to the left. The sign on the entrance said emo and lounge. When she led me to the bathrooms on the other side of the room I realized it was filled with goth, emo, and punk rock people sitting in chairs with tables reading or talking quietly. When we reached the bathroom and went in, I realized instead of having the stickman and woman logos, I had a pink rockstar lady looking to the side on one and a blue rockstar dude also looking to the side. When I entered I noticed everyone that was there was an emo girl. Just as I was about to go into the stall when the lady dragged me out and we ran out and across the room. We then stopped in front of a pink door that said Good girls and a blue door that said, rebellious boys. When we entered the girl side the room was huge like Eiffel Tower tall and wide. The bathroom stalls were huge too. I felt like an ant in a normal bathroom. I started walking towards the end to find a normal-sized play mat and two babies in diapers were playing there. Then I went to one of the stalls to finally go pee and the lady was in the stall next to me. Thankfully the toilets were normal size. Just as I was finishing the lady started poking her head under the stall. I shoved her head back on her side. But later she came back so I grabbed her by the neck and I started suffocating her, but then that wasn’t doing anything to her. I shoved her back on her side and she came back again, so I pinned her to the floor and I started punching her because I didn’t like that she was being creepy and then I threw her over the giant stalls to hers And then she came back so I put her over my shoulder and then like a Javel and toss champion, I threw her over the wall and into oblivion. I was thinking at the at time that maybe I should be on the rebellious boy side. I was worried that she might come back to bug me again or just follow me so I left the bathroom and instead I ended up going to this party that was supposedly Elon Musks launch of something. I started eating a bunch of water melon slices while I was there but for some reason I was also looking for Lyla and Maya. I found her dancing. Then I started looking for Lyla but I instead found Elon Musk reading a book called wonder. I walked up to him to ask him what he was reading. He said it was a book of wonder. Suddenly Lyla appeared and she was reading a book too and then she said ‘personally I prefer fantasy’ then Elon musk got up and hugged a half human half goat person that was bigger than him, had Weird lines of lava running across his body and no pupil or iris. He introduced him as his son and me as his other. He asked me to stand on this small volcano that looks like just a crack in the ground and on his command to yell at the top of my lungs, he also ordered my brother to stand next to me. On his command I yelled at the top of my lungs and a huge rush of blue lava came from behind me. I turned into the blue version of my brother.  Suddenly a huge piece of rock floated to the sky. Elon Musk announced that to would be a battle between the brothers to decide who would take over the company. Who ever hit the ground first lost. As soon as he said go, my brother started launching lava spheres at me and rocks. He would pull  giant rocks from the ground and throw them at me, but thankfully, I was good enough to create a shield of lava. I tried to throw rocks back at him, but my aim was horrible and I couldn’t create big rocks Like him. I tried using a lot of sphere, but that didn’t work suddenly he charged at me and attacked me head on. Thankfully, I was able to dodge which led him to go to the edge, but he didn’t fall over. He kept on trying to throw more rocks at me, but what he didn’t realize was, he was taking the rocks from the ground under his feet. I took advantage of it and started throwing the little rocks of my own at him and trying to block his attacks with my small lava shield. The little attacks threw him off balance until I was able to push him off myself. I wanted him to get back up using his lava jets from his hands because that would be breaking the rules, but he didn’t in the end but I still won.

PW #1 – Victoria GC

One of my Favourite golf courses on the island of Victoria Golf Club. Victoria is a private course which means you must be a member there to play on the course of use the practice facilities. But one of my friends is a member and hid dad is the Head Pro so I’m lucky enough to go and play their sometimes. The course is out on the water in Victoria and had beautiful ocean views. Basically, on the entire front nine the water is directly in front of you. The course is always in beautiful condition with the fairways mowed perfectly with a fringe and greens are always so fast. The course was built in 1893 and it still stunning. The atmosphere there is always perfect as it is quiet so you can practice, and the feel of a private course makes everything better. All the holes are very diverse and unique as you get to see something new every hole. The course can be difficult as the wind at the ocean can sometimes be very strong and the golf course itself is challenging. But that’s what makes golf fun. They are a great practice faculty with a full range, chipping green and putting green. And two simulators. Overall, it is easy for me to say Victoria is one of my favourite courses.

PW #1 – Paris.

When I was younger, my mom had this nice, red, fancy trench-coat. She loved it and wore it every winter. People knew her for this coat, and she often got compliments for wearing such a beautiful, bright red coat. she took this coat to Paris, when we moved there and the compliments just got better and better. I was about 8 at the time, and my dad suggested we went to this carnival at the one of the piers. We all said yes, and a few hours later, we were playing games and eating junk.

You know, the 8 year old brain only functions on games, junk food and crying. and that is exactly how mine functioned at the time. I was so enveloped in the game, that I didn’t notice when my parents began to talk to their friends. I didn’t exactly care…

Less that 10 minutes later, I was playing different games in other areas, not even thinking about where the rest of the crew could be. It didn’t take too long to get questioned by one of the game attendees who bare spoke English. It was then I noticed that my parents were nowhere to be found, neither my two other brothers.

The police were called, and my parents were found. The only description I could give was her red jacket. She still has that jacket. It is a lovely jacket.

PW#1 Nathan

During the summer I went to Australia for my aunts wedding! But when we were flying to Australia we stopped in New Zealand. Our flight was delayed by 6 hours so we had to walk around and find something to do. When went to get some food. Then my uncle, my cousin, and me played cards. It was a delightful experience and I really loved it. We were told to bring our winter clothes because it was going to be cold. It was winter time there because the seasons are switched so I did not get to see their snakes and how hot it could get there. But when we landed it was not as cold as it is in Victoria during our winter months. One of the best parts of the trip other than the wedding was visiting one of their zoos. We got to see baby and adult kangaroos. We even got to feed the kangaroos. One thing that was interesting and took some time getting used to was the how traffic was reversed and people drove on the other side of the road. It did scare me a couple times when we would take a right turn because it was different from our roads in Victoria. I was exited to meet some of my family that I have never met before and get to know my extended family.

PW#1 My trip to France

It was 2018 when my parents told me we were going to move to France, I was shocked at first, but then they told me it was just for six months. I was so excited, and a little nervous, because going to France for six months meant I had to go to school there. Anyways, I can’t really remember when we left, but I do remember the flight there, It was awful, It was so uncomfortable. It started off pretty good, there were a lot of good movies. But then it was time to sleep. I couldn’t, It was so uncomfortable, I tried everything to fall asleep, my mom even made me a little bed under the seats, I still couldn’t sleep. And for some reason I remember hearing the ac of the plane, it was either that, or very strong wind. I tried everything to fall asleep, until I switched seats with my brother and fell asleep on my dad’s lap. The next morning, I woke up to people talking and children crying. When I woke up I it was really late, and I had missed the breakfast, thankfully my dad saved me some of his fruit and yogurt, It was pretty gross but that’s all I had to eat, I can’t remember if I finished it. I can’t remember when we walked off the plane although I remember arriving in Paris. A couple of days later we went on the Eiffel Tower and It was pretty cool. we could see the seine river and all the locks on the railing. After a few days we finally got to see the apartment we were going to stay in for the next six months, I was amazed by how small it was ( the living room, the kitchen and the dinning room were all in the same room ) “This is going to be the longest six months of my life” I thought. It turned out to be great. We didn’t rent a car to move around, we move around on scooters, not even electric ones. The first month was pretty fun because I didn’t have school, because we were still moving in and school hadn’t started yet. We went for walks to the park and ate really good pizza and bread from the corner, thats when I first started skateboarding, I even got to see my best friend that had moved to Italy. It was pretty fun, until school started. I had a lot of friends, but it was the teachers and the staff, they hated me and I hated them. they were so rude and strict. Except I liked that I didn’t have school on Wednesday and the weekend of course, and I also had two twenty minute breaks and one two hour break to eat. I ate at school. Anyways that pretty much sums it up. And that was my experience in France.

My opinion on the book “Master and Man” by Leo Tolstoy

Overall, I think the book is kind of pointless. I can see how to an adult it could be interesting  but for a bunch of teenagers, I feel like it has no real meaning except for the fact that 2 men get stuck in a snowstorm, and only one lives. personally, i would not read this book again, and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone either. I think it is interesting though how a book written so long ago could so accurately predict how rich people act. because all rich people or people with power want is more money, and it’s interesting to  see that the same was true from a book written almost 130 years ago. It would be a lot more interesting to me if the book was more captivating, and easier to read. The way the book was written, combined with the content, made me want to do nothing but put the book right back down. I also feel like if it had more engaging content, aside from them literally riding a horse and getting stuck in a snowstorm. I think it also could have been a lot better if it continued for longer, instead of just ending when it did.