Vengeance or Love? The Merchant of Venice

I loved watching the movie adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. The film helped me comprehend the story and visuals much better compared to reading the old fashion language of the script. Being a film lover, the cinematography choices, acting performances from all the characters especially Al Pacino who is Shylock played it wonderfully, which made it much easier to appreciate and comprehend.

Furthermore, the striking themes touches on topics such as justice, mercy, and prejudice, which are still relevant in today’s society. It encourages the audience to think about these issues and question their own beliefs. What also made the movie intriguing was dramatic tension. The play builds tension through its intricate plot, which includes a high-stakes loan, a dramatic trial, and a climactic scene where a character’s life is at stake. Creating an engaging and exciting theatrical experience which I enjoyed.

Moreover, my favorite part of the movie was the famous Shylocks speech “If you prick us, do we not bleed?” This speech was delivered extravagantly by Al Pacino and created sympathetic emotions for me. However, this piece of literature is found to be debatable. On the one hand, it is a poignant portrayal of the injustices suffered by the Jewish community in Venice at the time, but from another perspective I can see how it is a portrayal of the character’s obsession with revenge. In his speech, Shylock delivers a powerful speech that highlights the hypocrisy of the Christian characters who have persecuted him. He points out that despite being called a “dog” and a “cur,” he is still a human being with emotions and desires just like anyone else. He argues that he is entitled to seek revenge for the wrongs he has suffered, just as any Christian would be.

Even though Shylock has been treated unfairly, his single minded obsession with revenge makes it difficult for me to agree. His willingness to extract a pound of flesh from Antonio, even though it would mean his death, is a brutal and cruel act that cannot be excused. However, Shylock is not entirely blameless in the situation; he lent money to Antonio knowing that it could cause him financial ruin.

Ultimately, Shylock’s speech raises important questions about justice and revenge, and the complex ways they intersect. While it is understandable that he would want to seek retribution for the wrongs he has suffered, his actions ultimately lead to his own downfall. The play serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers of vengeance and the importance of finding a more constructive way to deal with our pain.