WW1 Readings and Poetry

All Quiet on the Western Front and the excerpts of the WW1 Poetry gave us a different about war and how awful and heartbreaking was for every single soldier.

Erich Maria Remarque is the author of the book-¨All Quiet on the Western Front¨- which back on those days was really criticized because was the first book to show the true colors of war and not with a patriotic view of heroism and duty as always. This book tells the story of the young soldier Paul Baumer a German soldier fighting for his nation. Paul describes how him and his friend’s comrades live in fear, a quick picture of the brutality of war. A sense of being lost and falling apart, that the war has taken everything from them and change them completely, their entire personalities has been reshaped by being a soldier.

On the other’s handouts we can read excerpts from Luis Barthas, Herbert, Gabriel Chevallier and Arthur Graeme West. Here we can read about the horrors of living in the trenches, the disgusting that it was because of the mud and pests, the devastation of crossing across ¨No Man’s Land¨.

On the handouts of poetry, give us a little glimpse of the view from people that’s express with the beauty of their words. What I like about this is that as you read this you are able to feel what the author wanted to express, the beauty behind the madness, and the sarcasm make these excerpts worth of reflection and thought.

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