PW#8 Tiroteo – Rauw Alejandro

Tiroteo, by Raúl Alejandro and Marc Seguí is a Spanish song that translates to “shooting” in English. The song talks about the emotional dependence a person has towards their partner who no longer is part of their life. They present the relationship as a love full of passion, but also very conflicting. The feelings of the singer are compared to a shooting since certain situations in the relationship can seem chaotic, violent, and full of tension.

“Me he cortado el pelo, me he comprado otro tinte

Buscando a ver si encuentro alguna como tú en Tinder

Mi niña, eres la prota’ de mis canciones tristes”

(“I’ve cut my hair, I bought a new dye

Trying to see if I find someone like you on Tinder

My girl, you’re the star of my sad songs.”)

This part of the chorus suggests that the relationship is full of ups and downs, with moments of excitement and conflict, but even so the singer is drawn to the intensity of the emotions and deeply in love with their partner, even though they may be destructive or difficult to control. In essence, Tiroteo, is a song that reflects on the obstacles of love and the mental health battles a person can have during a relationship.

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