After various days of waiting, this is our last week before spring break. Although I am very excited about the BC trip I’m attending with some friends, I am also sad because this term went so quickly. I clearly remember the day I first arrived at Brookes and no7w when I come back from break I will only have a couple of weeks until I go back home. If I didn’t know what day it is today I would have thought we were still in the first week of the second term. Even though I do have many memories that could fill up every day of this term, I still feel that there’s room to create many more. I want to create more stories with my friends, that way when I go back, I will have enough stories to remember this incredible experience. For now, I will try to enjoy every little moment and cherish every little funny moment. Lastly, although I’m more than excited for spring break, sprink break is alsoe a reminder of the little time I have left. Lastly, although I’m more than excited for spring break, spring break is also a reminder of the little time I have left, making me appreciate every moment even more.