Alright my terrible habit of procrastination has officially let me down. I HAVE TO DO 12 THINGS BEFORE TERM 2 ENDS! TWELVE! I have a math test coming up and I know nothing; I still haven’t done my Activism work completely that’s from art; I have a science assessment tomorrow; I still haven’t done my Baby Lab Report for science; I got something due for career also tomorrow; I forgot to submit Criteria B for I&S Essay; I have to continue begging Mr. Turkington for a retest; I have to continue begging Mr. MacKnight for a retest on the vocab (heyy… so, can I pretty please with a cherry on top let me redo the English vocabulary); etc. Don’t forget I also have to eat. I am on the verge of having a mental breakdown. I SWEAR TO GOD I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING AT THIS POINT! I also am supposed to take care of and organize my 9 year old brother’s birthday party during this week. Clearly, I won’t be sleeping tonight… or the entire week. I’m just trying to keep on going until winter break and telling myself that after this it’ll all be good and work out, you know? Although, at the same time not so sure about that. Well, wish me luck!