PW#8 – At a Loss of Words (Polish Vlog P.4)

Welcome to another Polish Vlog! I suppose the ones that actually followed have been questioning whether or not my method of polishing worked? Well, let me break it to you… To my dismay I have once again faced a problem with these boots. This generation of boots is over 80 years old, and so the leather is very worn, which makes it less resistible to any mechanical force over time; this led to micro movements/vibrations in the leather that forced my hard hours of work (AKA layers of polish) to first disconnect and then flake off to the ground. As someone who put and continues to put heart and soul into these boots I am very disappointed, and honestly at the point in time where I do not see any point in continuing to fix them. As I found out earlier my boots were mismatched, which is disastrous as this left me with a more torn boot as opposed to the other one, which to this day continues to shine with polish applied to it 2 months back. Yes, I have tried to look for replacements, but our Supply of Cadet boots didn’t have any boots of that Generation for my size. This has left me severely disappointed as I want to be a role model for those looking up to me (now that I am a senior rank especially) and it is not only embarrassing but it is also disrespectful to myself. As someone who respects himself I am not announcing that I am giving up on my boots, I am announcing that I WILL do something about this issue; Be it from repairing them at a shoe store or buying replacement boots, I will not let myself down. Thank you so much for tuning in today, and catch you all in the next one ! ✌

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