I thought to re-do my introduction:
Hi, my name is Lola, and I am Canadian. I like a lot of things: Combat games, horror games, sleeping, drawing, food, socializing… but I also hate a lot of things: People who are too moronic to understand that life has rules and it doesn’t play fair, people who think everyone is out to get them, people who don’t give a chance or a damn and instead are too fixated on themselves. I also have a lot of neutral emotions: math, science, art, very certain people in my life. Of course, there are some things I can’t care about at all. There are some things I care about too much. Some things I have yet to know exist. I guess you could say, I don’t like people, but not in the “I’m scared of socializing” way, not in a fearful way at all. I genuinely hate people.
I have an opinion, one where we are the strongest species on earth and so much so we think to be entitled to everything. We think we are entitled to judge others, we think we are entitled to be racist, we think we are entitled to destroy and tear down—not “love” and “create” but instead the demolition of earth which made the mistake of harbouring our species. Yes, for the love, we are animals like the rest of the planet. For the love, we are the stupidest species to walk earth. For the love, even a beetle has more of a purpose than us. So what can we do, if we create to protect the things we destroyed, and destroy in the process of creating? Well, we must cease to exist.
Of course, you don’t want to cease to exist: You’ve got your internet, you’ve got your standards, your trends, your messed up and twisted opinions, and you’ve got TikTok and Snapchat and Instagram and Netflix, and you’ve got your hate for studies but love for “rizz”, and you’ve got average grades because you use ChatGPT. But imagine a world without humans. “Terrible, wild, anarchy” or maybe, stable like life was supposed to be. You have your internet, but what does it do for you except distract you from reality? You have your standards, but what does it do for you except degrade our species? You have your messed up and twisted opinions, but what does it do for you except create division? You have your TikTok and Snapchat and Instagram, but what does it do for you except sour your vertebrate brains? You have your hate for studies but love for “rizz”, but what does it do for you except give you a grocery store job? You have your average grades because you use ChatGPT, but what does it do for you except prove Socrates point?
Maybe there was something that was supposed to happen a long time ago, something good and something bad, but something we’ll never know. We’ve gone places we weren’t supposed to.