PW#5 – Boot Polishing – Another Idea? (Polish Vlog P.2)

As you may (or may not) remember from my last pw post, I had trouble with polishing my boots; This was because I intended to use polish in spots of the boot that were always under physical stress (bending) and this is why it quickly cracked and fell off (a process known as Flaking polish). I have been stuck with this problem for a long time, as my other boot was all polished up and shiny in the areas where the other boot’s polish just fell off. Last week, however, everything changed, when I looked t one of my senior’s boots and got an idea. The solution to my problem was so obvious I even laughed at myself for not coming up with it sooner; It turns out that if the polish doesn’t stick there, I shouldn’t force it to! simple as that! This meant I could remove the polish from those areas and focus on the areas which are more prone to be seen (the front of the boot, heels). I am currently in the process of building up more polish layers to catch up to my other boot, and after that I may start to build up the layers more and more to make an even shinier surface on the both of them. This is not the end of the Boot Polish Series, so, if you are interested in how to polish your boots you may always use my previous PW posts as a guide and if you have any questions please comment down below, I will answer them in the next blog post.

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