PW#01– My Experience With Planes

Planes may bring excitement to others, but to me they bring nothing but annoyance and discomfort. People’s faces always contort in ways that are unfamiliar to me when talking about planes. They may seem to be gleeful faces but to me they are awkward and unnatural grimaces, because there is no possibility that people take enjoyment in flying. I find the very idea of people being happy about planes to be in itself crazy and unnatural. 

I could understand the sentiment if one had never been on a plane before. The excitement would be excusable. However, if one has flown before and they enjoyed it, I would have to classify that individual as troubled and insane. 

The repetitive worries that the whole traveling process induces do not favour my mental health. Trying to make it to the airport on time with all the traffic that constantly dwells around any airport imaginable. The cold and unforgiving staff that are in charge of making the process “seamless and easy”. God forbid you make a mistake! They do not hesitate to attack. Nitpicking seems to be a necessary quality to work at an airport. Going through security where every insignificant thing seems to be a cause for alarm. 300 arbitrary procedures must be conducted and followed or else the process of actually getting to your gate becomes even more hellish. The walk to your gate if you miraculously make it past security. Say you want a bottle of water and gum, a totally reasonable desire before boarding. But do you have fifty dollars prepared? Not including tax of course. The unorganized boarding system where everything is delayed. You should be thankful not to have a connecting flight. 


The whole process is cruel and unforgiving. Every time I fly, I swear to never get on another plane. Yet, I always find myself on them again in no time at all. Just as I am on a plane right now. 

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