PW #8 Vienna

Vienna by Billy Joel is one of my favorite songs, not just because of its beautiful melody, but because of the memories and meaning it holds for me. I first heard Vienna while sitting in the car with my dad. He’s a huge Billy Joel fan, so when the song started playing, I remember him turning it up and telling me to really listen. I did – and I immediately loved it. The melody was beautiful, especially the short piano “solo” right at the beginning of the song, but once I paid attention to the lyrics, it became even more meaningful.

“Slow down, you crazy child, you’re so ambitious for a juvenile…” That line stuck with me. This line and the rest of the song perfectly describes what it’s like to be young – always rushing and always thinking ahead. It’s a reminder to take a breath, enjoy the present and not worry so much about figuring everything out right away. So every time I hear this song, I try to pause for a second and let it sink in.

The song also became even more special when I showed it to my roomate, Maria. It immediately became “our” song. I learned to play it on the piano, and now we sit down together multiple times a week to sing together. No matter how stressful the day has been, these moments are always filled with so much laughter and I cherish them deeply.

I feel like some songs come and go and we discover new favorites, but Vienna has stayed. It’s tied to good memories and also serves as a constant reminder to appreciate life as it comes, which is why I love it so much.

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