Since I saw Mama Mia for the first time, it became my favorite movie. I remember the day I watched it for the first time, my friend forced my into seeing it because she loved it. At the beginning of the movie I didn’t really like it because I sat with a set mindset that it was only another cheesy romantic movie, but as the movie went by, I started to love it. After that day I became obsessed. Now a few years later, I still have the same obsession. Ecxept now my obsession for the movie also became a love fo the band ABBA. Now when I see the movie (which is once a week) I can happily sing along to every song and even some of the script. As I said, I’ve watched the movie so much that even my dad has learned some part of it. Luckily, here, I met some friends that have the same obsession as I do, so now I have someone to sing along with.
Now, Mama Mia has become my comfort movie, watching it every time the smallest thing goes wrong, this movie helps me to bring me up again. And even though to some point, it is only a cheesy movie, I think it makes an awesome job at bringing ABBA songs back to life and putting relatable emotions to it. Because of this, I would recommend this movie to anyone who hasn’t watched it yet, and if they haveand didnt like it, I believe it deserves a second chance .