PW# 7 Let It Happen

Let It Happen is a song by Tame Impala, and written by Kevin Parker in the year 2015.  Since the first time that I listened to this song, I knew it was out of this universe. As you listen to the song, it’s like it takes you on an astounding journey. This seven minute song (nearly eight minutes) has an extremely powerful melody and lyrics. However, most importantly, it has become my life moto. It’s all about letting go, and letting this happen (quite obvious by the title). I am a strong believer in the saying “everything happens for a reason”, and I think this song talks about just that. In an interview with Under the Radar, Parker said “finding yourself always in this world of chaos and all this stuff going on around you and always shutting it out because you don’t want to be part of it. But at some point, you realize it takes more energy to shut it out than it does to let it happen and be a part of ‘it’.” This song completely encapsulates the mindset that I want to have in the future, and it made me realize that it really isn’t that serious, and you have to let things go and move on with in order to live life.


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